Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘challenges’

Embrace Adversity – 8 Ways

How do you define adversity?
It is symbolized by tough times.
It is exhibited by disagreements.
It represents challenges.

How do we deal with adversity?
Why should we embrace it?
Misfortune means misery, right?
Calamity and distress are its partners.

But the Bible says, “The Lord is
A stronghold in times of trouble.”
The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed.
“Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing”
(Psalm 34:10b)

So let us embrace adversity
By understanding it is a vehicle
That strengthens us just as fire
Tempers steel and hardens it.

We are called to share each other’s burdens.
That is one of the purposes of church:
Congregations are called to care for,
Encourage, empathize, and strengthen one another.

“The church is a network of shoulders
Supporting the collective weight
Of everyone’s troubles, lifting burdens,
Helping others find rest for their weary hearts.”

(Charles Stanley, In Touch Ministries)

God often uses hard times to get our attention.
When things are going great,
we are not so quick to turn to Him.
But trials drive us to our knees for answers and comfort.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Psalm 28:7

“The Lord is my strength and my shield,
my heart trusts in Him,
and He helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise Him.

Photo by Luna Lovegood on Pexels.com

The adversity that I faced recently was the death of my “favorite student,” Ty Stiles. The picture above could easily have been him. His early death was “misfortune” to the highest degree! I have told you about him in several recent blogs. Yesterday was his Memorial Service at Monte Vista Chapel, his home church in Turlock, CA. I was blessed to be able to attend it virtually because the church recorded it on a YouTube broadcast.

How do we face the “misfortune” of such a loss? Only by our faith! Only by knowing God keeps His promises and Ty has gone to Heaven. We will go there some day, too. We will all be reunited. In the meantime, adversity turns to adventure. We are invited to live our lives with thankfulness for the privilege of knowing one another. We are asked to change our perspective from “I can’t handle this,” to “”I can’t handle this on my own, but I can with Jesus’ help.”

Let the adventure of today’s challenges bring strength when we feel weak, safety when we feel danger, comfort when we feel distress. Let us be the ones who stand tall and say, “Here I am, Lord, send me!” Be ever ready to leap for joy and with your song, ever praise the Lord who is our strength.

Pray for his comfort and strength, rather than praying that he’d simply remove difficulties. Embrace Adversity. Be the shoulder others lean on. God will bless you!

Thanks for visiting
See ya tomorrow.

A Day to Remember!

December 21st

On this day in the year 1937, Walt Disney’s animated movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was introduced to a delighted American public. My sister was one day old. I was born a year and a half later.

Yesterday I posted a poem about God whistling through the trees – and added some other whistlers to the post. Here’s one of my favorite tunes to whistle:

I grew up with loving this movie and the song…

The drawings that created the animation for the movie were mostly done by Bill Peet. I met Bill Peet in the late 1960’s at a California Teachers’ Association Reading Conference. What a delightful man! Bill worked for Walt Disney as an artist most of his career. In his early 50’s, he retired from Walt Disney Studios and began publishing children’s picture books. This was one published in 1967, the year my daughter, DeAna, was born.

Bill Peet

Have you ever heard of him? Are you familiar with any of his books? I think many of the more than 30 books he wrote and published for children are available today on Amazon Books… especially in the Used Books section. I don’t think any are still being printed. But, I should research that. His home page lets you see this creative author/illustrator: http://www.billpeet.net/

Many of my Bill Peet books were autographed. I bought them at the CTA conferences and had the author personalize them to me and put his signature on them. I have given most of those to my daughter-in-law, Monika, who home-schooled our four California grandchildren.

Looking at that list, I remember hearing Bill read to us “The Wingdingdilly.” I remember his infectious laugh. That”s such a cute story! Here are a couple of his books that I still have. All his books have a wonderful moral to them. Many of them are written in poetic rhyme. His wonderful sense of humor comes through, just as it did when he produced the drawings for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Don’t you love his whimsical artwork?
Jennifer the automobile was already old in 1933…
Her best friend was a scrawny, stray cat named Josephine.
This is the story of a timid, scrawny little squirrel afraid to come down out of his tree…
How can tiny little gnats save those big animals of the forest during hunting season?

Another of Bill Peet’s books that I still have is Fly Homer, Fly – copyrighted in 1969, its pages’ edges are mouse chewed – don’t know how that happened – but not so bad it ate into any of the words! Homer is a simple farm pigeon who lives in an abandoned barn. Homer befriended a bedraggled sparrow who was blown by a storm into the barn. The adventures begin when Sparky, the Sparrow, convinced Homer to fly off to Mammoth City with him in search of Pigeon Park where every day was supposed to be a feast day.

And then on this day in 2020…

You just gotta try to find Fly Homer Fly… The pigeon & sparrow adventures reminded me of my youngest grandson, Chris, who arrived today in Colombia from Switzerland.

Yesterday Chris flew via Geneva – Madrid – Miami. And then he realized he had forgotten his American passport. He could not fly on from Miami to his next scheduled stop. So he had to go back to Geneva and have his brothers drive there from Sierre (a two-hour trip) to deliver his USA passport to him… and 52 hours later he finally got to his destination. Whew!! Can you imagine?? Might even beat Homer’s adventures!

I introduced you to our grandson, Chris, back in November of 2018 when he came to live with us for awhile and joined the Job Corps in Anaconda, Montana. Then COVID-19 hit and the government threatened to close the Job Corps centers that were run by the Forest Service. Anaconda was one of them. That was right about when Chrissy’s parents were here visiting. So, he decided to go back to Switzerland. He’s now studying to be a nurse. He met Natalia on-line… and I told you about their romance back in early 2019. Refresh your memory:

Bob & Jan with Chris in December 2018

A Day to Remember

Our grandson will remember this day forever… and someday he will laugh about it with his grandkids, just the way his grandparents are enjoying the story today. It was a surprise to us that Chris made this trip! I hope you are enjoying the story, too… and like us, I hope you are saying a prayer for those crazy kids who choose to fly across the world in this COVID environment. Ah, love knows no barriers! God bless them!

And God bless us all.
Bee safe this Christmas week, my friends.
Do yourself a favor and go check out Bill Peet!
See ya tomorrow.
Keep your sense of humor alive.
It’s vital!

Love that”kid” …
Bee safe, Chrissy!

Hugs, GrammyJanBeek

Relax and Enjoy Life

The first time I saw that meme I realized I needed to do all three things. How about you?

Photo by Riccardo Bresciani on Pexels.com

Do you need to get away to an ocean-side view to relax? Do you need to get out into the woods to truly enjoy life?

Photo by WARREN BLAKE on Pexels.com

Can you find a quiet space right where you are? Can you share it with a pet or a partner and release your shoulders and your stress and enjoy life in the moment?

Photo by La Miko on Pexels.com
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

If where you are is not conducive to relaxation, just gather your pet (or a partner) and head for a quiet spot of your choosing!

Photo by Spencer Gurley on Pexels.com
Bob & I take TazE to beautiful, relaxing spots.
There, we can more easily
release all tension and just relax!
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

So, my friends,
whatever it takes,
I invite you to
take time right now
to relax and enjoy life.

Photo by lexi lauwers on Pexels.com

Get off the merry-go-round of life.
Step down from the carousel of cares
And unclench your jaw.
Drop the tongue from the roof of your mouth
And take a few very deep breaths.

Photo by Ingrid Santana on Pexels.com

And then,
after a nice refreshing break,
get back to work!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Or not!!

Thanks for

See ya tomorrow.
Have a relaxing Friday night!
What’re you doing this weekend to
“Relax and Enjoy Life”??

Begin with some soothing music…
Close your eyes and enjoy!

Difficult People

Thank you, Bob Goff,
for this meme:

Bob Goff posted this on FaceBook

We are told we should
Just love difficult people –
No judging allowed.

That’s really hard, friends!
It’s easier to love you.
You’re not one of them.

Or are you?

But only sometimes,
I imagine that I am…
Right?? What do you think?

The Devil’s in there!

Thanks for your faithful visits
to JanBeek
See ya tomorrow 🙂

Don’t Laugh at Me

Don’t laugh at others
Who are faced with challenges.
Seek to understand.

We are divided
In this world that’s filled with hate.
Why can’t we just love?

It’s intolerance
And a lack of compassion
That sows evil seeds.

People point fingers
At those they see as different.
Let’s see their beauty!

People point their guns
At differing opinions.
Let’s just live and learn!

Learn to see others
As God’s children; we’re the same.
Let’s make love “catching!”

I had not heard this song before Peter, Paul & Mary made it famous (I think it was back in the late 60s – early 70s). I love their version of it, but some of the words were hard to understand. Now that I have heard the song writer, Mark Willis, sing it, and I have seen the lyrics, I logged on to the Peter, Paul and Mary version and wondered why I ever had trouble understanding.

With their chosen video clips on this You.Tube, I dare you to listen and look and let it soak in and NOT cry!!

Oh, my dear blog friends,
How can we bury the hate?
Make love contagious!

Look at these dear ones –
See into their hearts and souls
Through Jesus glasses.

Look at your neighbors;
Really see the ones in need.
Then reach out in love!

Photo by Judita Tamou0161iu016bnaitu0117 on Pexels.com

My heart is hurting
For the disenfranchised ones.
What’s YOUR handicap?

I’m short…
I’m dense…
I barely matter at all…
Don’t laugh at me!

See ya tomorrow.
I’m headed to my follow-up appointment with my surgeon.
You have a safe, healthy, and meaningful day…
And see who’s out there who needs a helping hand.

Let’s just love one another!


Birthday in Big Sky

Travel with me from Ennis, Montana to Big Sky and back. Let’s celebrate my great-granddaughter’s first birthday!

It was a beautiful blue-sky, puffy cloud day. We left in plenty of time to get to the party by 1:00 PM. But, 23 miles out of Ennis, we ran out of gas!

Big Sky - way home.jpg

The nearest gas station was 23 miles back where we came from!

But luckily, we had friends who lived just three miles from where we were, and my cell phone was still in a working range. So I called Nancy and she sent Marty with 1/2 gallon of gas. It was enough to get us back to Ennis. He followed us to make sure we’d make it. Oh my, what good friends!!

Hope w Sienna @ 1st b'day.jpg

There’s the birthday girl, my great-granddaughter, Sienna, with our granddaughter, Hope. We were supposed to be there at 2:  It was almost 4: by the time we arrived, but no one had eaten all the cupcakes yet!


Sienna's cupcakes.JPG

Sienna was too busy eating Cheeto puffs!

Sienna w 2 Cheetos.JPG

Sienna - big smile.jpg

The party was in this gorgeous setting right on the Gallatin River.

Pam's southern river view.JPG

Pam's Galltin River view.JPG

Pam's neighbor - horse.JPG

We had BBQed hamburgers before heading back home. We went the “other way,” through Four Corners rather than through Gallatin Gateway to avoid the road construction that delayed our arrival at the party.

The ride home was along the Gallatin River and through the Canyon that separates Madison and Gallatin Counties. Beautiful scenery!

red rock hillside.jpg


rocky mtn with scallops.jpg

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Gallatin River & pool.jpg

The sky clouded even more as we returned home to Ennis, but the rain held off. It was a beautiful day – and a treat to celebrate Sienna’s #1 birthday with her.

cloudy sky - home from Sienna's 1st.JPG

Do you have grandchildren or great-grandchildren?
Do you get to celebrate their birthdays with them?

Thanks for joining me.
See ya tomorrow.
Have a Happy Saturday night.
Hugs, JanBeek

Improve Your Morning

Improve your routine
‘Cuz when your morning’s better
Your whole day is, too.

Which of these 15 suggestions are NOT already part of your morning routine? The one that’s lacking for me is exercise! So, if I’m gonna “Walk the Talk” as I promised myself, I guess I better start walking, huh?

It’s another beautiful morning here. I’m outta here.

I think I’ll look at things from outside for awhile.
You wanna walk with me?
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Come on along…

Living in Love

My dear husband, Bob

I’m living in love;
I’m truly blessed every day.
Each day is a gift.

Yes, there are others
Living life as Hell on earth;
My heart prays for them.

Fires, floods, and war,
Make life anything but blessed;
Life may seem hopeless.

How can my listening
Help bring love into those lives
In a living hell?

Sometimes I feel
Almost guilty with my life
Being trouble-free.

I’m not complaining
About the blessings in life;
I pray them for you.

How can Australians
Facing massive destruction
Have a blessed day?

Can Iranians
Living under threat of war
Have a blessed day?

Can Puerto Ricans
Facing earthquake’s aftermath
Have a blessed day?

Can YOU in your place
Facing everyday troubles
Have a blessed day?

Sometimes life throws curves
(Like my burst appendix day) –
Yes, we all have them.

Life is not a bed
Filled with sweet smelling roses.
We must endure thorns.

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on Pexels.com

Most thorns are prickly
(That’s just the nature of them).
Some are treacherous.

I pray your thorns are
Short-lived inconveniences,
Not life-threatening.

Round out the corners;
Set your feet firmly on ground
Supported by love.

May you live in love.
May you feel blessed every day.
That’s my prayer for you.

How may I support you in a specific prayer?
Tell me!

Have a blessed day.
See ya tomorrow.


Two-Way Street

Forgiveness is a two-way street. Not only do we need to forgive others, but we need to forgive ourselves. Sometimes that is much harder than forgiving others.

So, as this decade of 2010 to 2019 ends, commit your heart to forgiveness. Let go of any hurts from others. Tell them so. And let go of those regrets that creep into your heart and cause you to scold yourself.

None of us is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all say things and do things and think things that we regret afterward. Forgive yourself … and move on!

Be Strengthened

Let those mistakes (sometimes intentionally placed in our lives … so not mistakes at all) be building blocks toward a better you! With 20/20 CLARITY, let this new decade be a time of strength and sincerity, compassion and courage, challenge and change, faith and fearlessness.

Know in the midst of life’s struggles that you are never alone. In my devotional this morning, I am reminded of God’s love for me and His changelessness with Ps. 59:10

Fluctuating Emotions

It is our fluctuating emotions that cause us to ask for forgiveness and then take back the guilt that God has taken from us. We try to forgive, but we remember. We remember our own wrongs. We suffer the wrongs others have inflicted on us, carrying them in our hearts long after we think we have given them to God. The devo from Guideposts for today tells me, “Stop that!”

Accept His forgiveness. Acknowledge His death that took away our sins. Know His changeless love and His unconditional acceptance of us. And pray with me the prayer Rebecca Barlow Jordan wrote as our “Faith Step” for today in the last entry of Daily Guideposts 2019:

“This coming year,
as I confess any wrong things in my heart to Jesus,
(either my own wrongs or those inflicted on me by others),
remind me to thank Him for His changeless love and acceptance.
(And help me imitate His unconditional love
as I interact with others… and with myself.


May 2020 begin our decade of CLARITY.

Thanks for visiting JanBeek
See ya tomorrow.

The Lion in Me

Hello, Sir Lion!
I feared you had gone away.
Welcome to today!

Miss Kitty out here
Threatened to take me over
While you stayed hidden.

I’m glad you appeared
To help me face challenges;
Today’s full of them.

My To-Do List

  • Finish cleaning that darn office
  • Go up in my sanctuary; worship and consult with God
  • Figure out what to put in our suitcases and pack ’em
  • Fix and eat a healthy breakfast
  • Go downtown and buy hostess gifts
  • Confirm our flights and choose our seats
  • Leave a list of helpfuls for the folks who’ll be in our house
  • Visit shut-ins
  • Go to Bell Choir Practice
  • Fix and eat dinner
  • Clean up the kitchen and dust the house
  • Get a good night’s sleep for tomorrow’s long travel day

Take strength and courage
From Mr. Lion in me.
Tackle those To-Do’s!

Have a productive day, my friends.
I’m headed into that darn office.
Can’t have it looking so messy
when our family arrives for Thanksgiving.
Do you have a room like that at your place?

See Ya Later!