Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘adversity’

Embrace Adversity – 8 Ways

How do you define adversity?
It is symbolized by tough times.
It is exhibited by disagreements.
It represents challenges.

How do we deal with adversity?
Why should we embrace it?
Misfortune means misery, right?
Calamity and distress are its partners.

But the Bible says, “The Lord is
A stronghold in times of trouble.”
The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed.
“Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing”
(Psalm 34:10b)

So let us embrace adversity
By understanding it is a vehicle
That strengthens us just as fire
Tempers steel and hardens it.

We are called to share each other’s burdens.
That is one of the purposes of church:
Congregations are called to care for,
Encourage, empathize, and strengthen one another.

“The church is a network of shoulders
Supporting the collective weight
Of everyone’s troubles, lifting burdens,
Helping others find rest for their weary hearts.”

(Charles Stanley, In Touch Ministries)

God often uses hard times to get our attention.
When things are going great,
we are not so quick to turn to Him.
But trials drive us to our knees for answers and comfort.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Psalm 28:7

“The Lord is my strength and my shield,
my heart trusts in Him,
and He helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise Him.

Photo by Luna Lovegood on Pexels.com

The adversity that I faced recently was the death of my “favorite student,” Ty Stiles. The picture above could easily have been him. His early death was “misfortune” to the highest degree! I have told you about him in several recent blogs. Yesterday was his Memorial Service at Monte Vista Chapel, his home church in Turlock, CA. I was blessed to be able to attend it virtually because the church recorded it on a YouTube broadcast.

How do we face the “misfortune” of such a loss? Only by our faith! Only by knowing God keeps His promises and Ty has gone to Heaven. We will go there some day, too. We will all be reunited. In the meantime, adversity turns to adventure. We are invited to live our lives with thankfulness for the privilege of knowing one another. We are asked to change our perspective from “I can’t handle this,” to “”I can’t handle this on my own, but I can with Jesus’ help.”

Let the adventure of today’s challenges bring strength when we feel weak, safety when we feel danger, comfort when we feel distress. Let us be the ones who stand tall and say, “Here I am, Lord, send me!” Be ever ready to leap for joy and with your song, ever praise the Lord who is our strength.

Pray for his comfort and strength, rather than praying that he’d simply remove difficulties. Embrace Adversity. Be the shoulder others lean on. God will bless you!

Thanks for visiting
See ya tomorrow.

Make a Difference

We ALL want to make a positive difference in this world – right?

One way to make a difference
is simply to be kind and helpful!

But there is no “simply” about that.

It takes a concerted effort sometimes
to respond with kindness.
Our natural, almost automatic, first response
when someone is being mean or unkind to us
is to snap back…
at least that’s the way it used to be with me.

It has taken me 80 years of living to learn to guard my tongue!
And sometimes, even now it gets the best of me.
But I usually am quick to realize it when that happens,
and I am never reluctant to ask for forgiveness.

The problem is sometimes
I am too self-centered to even realize
I have hurt someone with my words!!
That never happen to you, does it?

I guess I’m not perfect yet.

Are you?

Photo by Ikowh Babayev on Pexels.com

Another way to make a difference is simply to plant love.
But there is no “simply” about that either.

Sometimes the seeds
of adversity and division
get the best of me.

I watch something on TV
or I read something in a magazine or newspaper
that is hateful or just plain false and deceptive.
And I let that simmer in my soul.
I want to lash out at the TV person
or rip up the newspaper.

But surely that never happens to you!

Just Love One Another

Photo by ATC Comm Photo on Pexels.com

Love Everyone!

It’s easy to say, but ever so hard to do!
But if we want to make a positive difference in this world,
it has to be all about
first and foremost!

Be Forgiving of Yourself

Even when we try hard,
we may not always be
the loving person
God intended us to be.

But we can make a difference
if we learn to forgive ourselves
for those
mistakes of character.
Others see and are encouraged
by our ability to overcome!

Be Forgiving of Others

Another way to make a difference in this world
is simply to be forgiving of others.

But there is no “simply about that either.

Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com

Sometimes I want to use a “mad” icon.
“Sad” just doesn’t do it.
It’s not enough.

I want to show the world
that what was said or done just makes me angry.

But anger never solved any of this world’s problems.
It only exacerbates them, ya know?

Forgive the ones who anger you,
Pray for your understanding of their position.
Try to figure out where they’re coming from.
Forgive their ignorance (hah!)!

Disagree without being disagreeable!

Be a PeaceMaker

And yet another way
to make a positive difference in this world
is to be a PEACEMAKER!

  • Pray daily for the wisdom,
  • love,
  • patience,
  • kindness,
  • goodness,
  • faithfulness,
  • gentleness,
  • self-control,
  • humility,
  • generosity,
  • forgiveness,
  • obedience to God,
  • and the humility

that it takes to be a peacemaker,
and to make a positive difference in this world.

It’s not a task for the Lone Ranger,
the Lone Stranger,
or the Lone YOU!
It takes the LOVE of the
working in you.

Know that God is your heart…
Pay attention to His Leading!

He will always lead you to
Making a Positive Difference!


Thanks for visiting JanBeek.

I’m headed off to TOPS.
(Those are my friends who help me keep the weight off.
They make a difference in my life!)

See ya tomorrow.

Let Us Pray

In the wake of the horrendous events in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday, the Rev. Jean Johnson in Ennis, Montana sent this prayer to her friends. Thoughtful and well-written, it is worth sharing.

Let us pray…………
Loving God,
you are nearest when we need you most.
In this hour of sorrow we turn to you,
trusting in your loving mercy.
Your love cares for us in life
and watches over us in death.
We bless you for our Savior’s joy in little children
and for the assurance that of such is the kingdom of heaven.
In our sorrow,
make us strong to commit ourselves, and those we love,
to your unfailing care.
In our perplexity,
help us to trust where we cannot understand.
There are days when the burdens we carry are heavy on our shoulders and weigh us down,
when the road seems dreary and endless,
the skies gray and threatening,
when our lives have no music in them,
and our hearts are heavy with pain
and we have lost courage.
Flood the path with light,
turn our eyes to Your promises,
tune our hearts to brave music;
gives us a  sense of companionship and community;
quicken our spirits
that we may be able to encourage all who journey with us on the road of life.
Write Your blessed name, O Lord, upon my heart,
there to remain so indelibly engraven,
that no prosperity,
no adversity,
shall ever move me from Your love.
Be to me a strong tower of defense,
a comforter in tribulation,
a deliverer in distress,
a very present help in trouble
and a guide  through the many temptations and dangers of this life.
In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray………….   Amen.