Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘challenges’

Our Nuisance, Owen

Owen Leo Beekman
Born 7-24-23
on my 85th birthday!
(We’re both Leos!!)

Just look at that face!
Doesn’t he look innocent?

Guess again!
That “Ducky” used to have a head!

First to go
at the expert chewing
of our destructive pup
was the beak…
then the whole head!

And next,
the wings had to come off,
and all the stuffing
out of the body!

So, I cut the limp body
off of the rope,
and as you can see,
he loves his rope!

We’ve had Boston Terriers
all of our married life,
62 years worth,
with about six different pups
in those six decades.
But none was as destructive
as this guy!!

See that collar on him?
It is to prevent him from
pulling the stitches out
from the surgery he had
last Monday.

Suppose getting him neutered
will calm him down?
We hope so!!

He really is a sweetheart…
when he’s asleep!
But he is such a live wire
when he’s awake…
Always into something!
Will not sit still in Bob’s arms
to have his toenails trimmed
the way our last Boston, TazE, did!

But, Owen’s just 10 months old today…
and so he is still learning,
still a puppy.
Give him time, huh?
Owen is destined to be an angel…

We just pray that he
makes that transition
while he is still here on earth.

My mom loved poetry
and she saved those she
liked the most when she saw them
in the newspaper back in the 1930’s.
I have the cardboard on which
she taped her favorites.

It’s inside my kitchen cabinet door.
So faded you can just barely read it.
The date says 1936!
One of my favorites of that collection is:

My dog is a nuisance, an absolute pest,
With him in the house there is truly no rest.
He leaves dirty tracks on the mirror-bright floor,
And scratches the paint from the tidy front door.

He slobbers his water and spills half his food;
The rugs are all gnawed and the slippers are chewed.
He sheds tufts of hair and he scatters his fleas;
He buries his bones under bushes and trees.

He keeps me awake every night with his yaps;
The neighbors all cuss him for spoiling their naps.
I’ll stand it no longer. I’m getting fed up.
I won’t be a slave for that bothersome pup.

Er, pardon, excuse me – but what did you say?
You ask if I’m giving my puppy away?
You’ve the nerve to suggest that you’ll take him with pleasure.
Well, certainly not – he’s an absolute treasure!

Margaret Macprang MacKay, poet

Here’s mom… with my dad … back in 1936
At the time she collected those poems,
Before my sister and I were born.
Aren’t I the lucky one? To have such parents?

Thank you, Mom, for your love of poetry
And your love of dogs, and your tolerance.
Er, pardon, excuse me, but what did you say?
You ask if I’m giving my Owen away?

Well, certainly not!
I’ll keep him with pleasure.
He’s an absolute treasure!!




Hell Bent on Destruction

Who me??

Yes, you Owen! You chewed and shook and squeaked and rampaged that toy to death!

But Mom, it’s such fun!

Ya, well it isn’t made of cast iron, you know.

Can I chew this foot off of it?

Obviously you can, Owen. And you did. And then the ear. And then the other feet. And finally got a piece of the stuffing. And then the squeaker. What a mess!

It’s okay. I have other toys!

Uh-huh! But how long will they last!? You are hell bent on destruction!

But you love me, Mom, right?

Yes, Owen, I love you! But you definitely need some training … and some cast iron toys!

Boston Terriers are such fun!

Owen keeps us on our toes! He’s quite a character. My blogging has had to take a back seat to his care and attention. This week we’ll begin some intense training for him. Do you have any advice!?

You want me to ring that bell? What a silly idea!

Yup, ring the bell. Do your business outside. Don’t chew on the furniture. Stop grabbing your dad’s shorts off the bench in the bedroom and carrying them to the living room.

Oh my! So many rules!!

Wish us luck!

Hugs, JanBeek

September Promises

September blows in with its many promises
Of new beginnings and of endings, too.
Away with sandals, sunscreen, summer scorchers,
Mowing lawns, trimming hedges, trips to the zoo.

Enter colors rich in autumn hues,
Football mania, school admissions, taxes due.
Welcome loved ones who waited to visit
Until the bustle of summer was behind you.

September promises the joy of learning
New ways of navigating challenges that spring
Up unexpected as we explore new venues,
Putting the old behind, welcoming each new thing.

Each season has its own kind of newness
And this one is certainly no exception.
September ushers in a ton of TV shows
That viewers hope to see with clear reception.

But staying in and looking at some screen
Is not what this season’s all about.
The outdoors begs you to explore
September’s promises – take a new route.

  • There’s winter, spring, summer, and fall. Just like the natural seasons change, so do the seasons in our lives. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For everything there is a season.” It also tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:11, “ [God] has made everything beautiful in its time.”

Paint a word picture for me here
Of what you hope September will bring.
I’m looking forward to our visitors –
Family always makes my heart sing.

What’s in store for you this September?

Thanks for visiting JanBeek.
Happy September first to you!

If you have time, listen to this beautiful song sung by my favorite singer from my high school and college days… Liquid Velvet!! The year Nat King Cole recorded this was the year I graduated from college and began my teaching career! Yup, an oldie, but goodie!!

Yellowstone Flooding

Today our little town of Ennis and the neighboring tourist town of Virginia City, Montana are overrun with tourists who can’t get in to Yellowstone because of all the damage to roads and bridges because of the flooding.

This is a train bridge washed out by the flooding. Roads and bridges, houses and places of business have collapsed under the siege of rushing waters.

The Yellowstone River and the Gallatin all are washing away Yellowstone National Park’s infrastructure. It is so sad.

CNBC reported on its website, “Some of the worst damage happened in the northern part of the park and Yellowstone’s gateway communities in southern Montana. National Park Service photos of northern Yellowstone showed a mudslide, washed out bridges and roads undercut by churning floodwaters of the Gardner and Lamar rivers.

In Red Lodge, a town of 2,100 that’s a popular jumping-off point for a scenic route into the Yellowstone high country, a creek running through town jumped its banks and swamped the main thoroughfare, leaving trout swimming in the street a day later under sunny skies.”

Look left and right in this next photo and see where the road should be/ used to be. It’ll take months, if not years, to repair this kind of damage.

In the midst of all this, though, we know we have a Protector who is watching over us. We have not heard of any lives being lost.

Yesterday’s devotional in my “In Touch” daily reading reminded me to BE AT PEACE. “We can have peace in the midst of uncertainty,” Charles Stanley wrote. “If He is our Rock, then we won’t be shaken by the events in this world or even those in our own life.”

Psalm 62:5-8

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
    my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God[a];
    he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
    pour out your hearts to him,
    for God is our refuge.”

Today Bob & I are headed for Bozeman. It’s our nearest city, about 60 miles away. The sky is blue, the temperatures are perfect – in the mid 70’s – there is a slight breeze. Life is good. The hills are green. Our lilacs are in full bloom. God is good!

My heart goes out to those in Harm’s Way – war zones, flood zones, etc. – but I know “My Redeemer Liveth” and I can be at peace. I pray you are feeling God’s peace today, too.

May God bless you… and reassure you that indeed, He will bring us all to Victory! Enjoy this lovely reassurance from Nicole Mullen:

Have a blessed day.
See ya later.

Love, JanBeek
(and Bob, too)

Cast Your Cares

I haven’t posted for a week. Have a Happy Cinco de Mayo! Just here for a quick catch up…

Today’s message in my on-line Guideposts devotional contains an unintentional pun. I’ve been told that the doc may cast this hand with the broken finger when I go in for my follow-up appointment next Wednesday. Meantime, it is wrapped like a mummy and the pain pills are an important part of keeping me from full agony. But they also have some unpleasant side effects that I won’t elaborate on…

Here is a screenshot from my iPhone:

Yes, cast my cares. Cast my hand. Rest in God’s Grace. These are important prescriptions.

Thank you for your prayers. God is good 👍🏽 If you read my blog a week ago, you know I misjudged the height of a curb, tripped, landed on the sidewalk with all my weight on my left hand, broke and dislocated the little finger. You know it could have been much worse. Coulda been the right hand. Coulda been the head or the hip. This left pinky finger will heal. I need to be patient, and faithful about elevating and icing it.

Before I go, though, I need to tell you: Love ya… Appreciate your expressed concern. So grateful for neighbors/friends who come with food and friendship. We are blessed indeed. Your kind words are a comfort. I’ve missed my WP blogging… but, it’s too hard with one hand. As the Guideposts message suggested, I need to let go my troubles, cast them aside, and rest in God’s grace.

Yup, this too shall pass.

Hugs, JanBeek

Count Your Blessings

This is day #3 inside. There is a snow drift behind my car, too high and hard for Bob to shovel it (although he tried… and I yelled at him to STOP the whole time)! I am blessed that we have a car. We have a garage in which to keep it. I have a husband with good intentions (even if they are ill advised for this guy with congestive heart failure). So, yes, I am counting my blessings!

So, Bob finally stopped before he keeled over! I am glad he did so before he fell in the snow and I was unable to lift him up! The pickup is beside that snow drift. It is frozen. It was -20 degrees this morning!! We had in plugged in overnight into something that was supposed to allow it to start today. But that didn’t do it! Even our pickup is not perfect, right? But, I have called the local auto shop and they are sending a mechanic out who will start the pickup (at least I am praying he is able to do so).

It is time for us to get to the post office and see if the forms from the IRS are there. They are forms we need in order to fill out the application for help getting the medicine Bob needs for his heart problem. The form asks for something related to investment income for 2021. It’s time for the company to send us those tax-related forms!

Not true…
If you are fortunate enough
to have enough money
to invest some of it,
you may not always know
what those investments
are worth. It changes
with the winds of time!

Photo by Tookapic on Pexels.com

But, having time is a gift.
Having enough money to pay someone
to come start your vehicle is a gift.
Having sense enough to stop
and come in out of the cold –
yup, that’s a gift, too.
Having a warm house to come in to –
that’s quite a blessing.
It’s so cold outside that the pipes
in my bathroom froze and I have
no cold water flowing in there.
But, I have warm/hot water!
Now, that’s a real gift!!

What blessings are you counting today?
Tell me one or two of them
so I can thank God
for blessing you, too.

Thanks for visiting JanBeek
and for leaving a comment.

You are a blessing to me!
Stay warm… and have a
Wonderful Wednesday!

Jan ;o)

Embrace Great-Grandkids

Oh, the joy of being great-grandparents is a joy many never live long enough to experience. We do not take this for granted. An afternoon with our granddaughter, Hope, and her two children, Xander and Sienna, reinforced for us why God gives children to the young!!

In Genesis 17,
when God

himself appears to Abraham
and tells him that Sarah will bear a son,
Abraham falls on his face laughing
and exclaims,
“Can a child be born to a man
who is a hundred years old?
Can Sarah, who is ninety years old,
bear a child?”
(Genesis 17:17).

(Genesis 18:13-14)
After Sarah laughs,
God turns to Abraham, asking,
“Why did Sarah laugh, and say,
‘Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old? ‘
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?”
Sarah has been caught
in the act of her private
laughter and mocking commentary,
a response which catches God off-guard.

We understand why when God granted Sarah the child she longed for all her life (she was in her 90s – so it was quite a miracle), she laughed (not believing God could really do that) and then she gave Isaac to the church. The priests there raised him!

Oh sure…. she gave her child to God in gratitude for God’s generosity. Suuure!!

I’ll bet she didn’t have the stamina to care for that lively little guy!

Hah! We loved visiting with our great grandkids, but we’re sure grateful it’s Hope who took them home – not us! Embrace those great-grandchildren… and then kiss ’em good-bye. You bet!!

I’m headed to bed. I’m exhausted!
See ya tomorrow (God willing)
Love, JanBeek

I couldn’t lift her!!
Her mama had to help me
get her in my lap!

Embrace LoveLiving

What is “LoveLiving”?
Duh, it is living in love!
Uh, but every day?

Are we allowed angst?
Are some days just terrible?
Are you wondering?

How do folks do it?
How do folks just hang in there?
We all face tough days!

Mom & Dad

Today would have been
My mom and dad’s 80th.
Don’t they look happy?

But don’t let smiles
Fool you into false thinking.
Days weren’t always great!

Sometimes Mom shouted
In frustration at my dad.
He’d just grin at her.

His was the sweetest
Grin and the biggest of hugs.
No one could stay mad.

But it’s not healthy
To keep everything inside.
He should have shouted!!

Silence brings ulcers!
LoveLiving ain’t always soft.
Sometimes it is hard!

Jesus taught us that!
He wasn’t always smiling,
Yet always loving.

Holidays are hard.
Families don’t always agree.
Disagree in love.

LoveLiving is loud.
Cry out loud if you need to.
Tell folks how you feel.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

But, no fair fighting!
Compassionately share all
And avoid ulcers!

Let your family in.
Share emotions openly.
Do it with respect.

Respect is the key
To living in love each day.
It is essential.

It will be 60
Years of marriage in two months.
Sixty LoveLiving.

Was it always fun?
No, there were troubling times.
But, we prayed them through.

Faith is essential.
Like a rope with three tough strands:
You, me, and the Lord!

Bonnie Beekman Hunt and Stan Hunt

At our granddaughter’s
Wedding two plus years ago,
All four Beekmans danced.

We were the last ones
Left on the dance floor to show
The fruits of long love.

Four Beekman siblings,
All married fifty-five plus.
Wasn’t always fun!

Bob & me at
Bonnie & Stan’s wedding

Shortly after this
I foolishly broke us off.
But Bob was steadfast.

He’s true LoveLiving.
Said, “Not YOUR way or MY way,
But it is OUR way!”

It’s so fortunate
That I bought into that stance!
So blessed with this man!

Here we are
at DeAna’s wedding

Then, twenty-five years
Later, our daughter, DeDe
Married her sweetheart.

Our LoveLiving has
Rubbed off on her and Andre’…
Not always easy!

But, sticking it out
Through the good days and the bad
Pays off in the end.

Monika and Ty with
DeAna and Andre’

Our son and his wife,
Ty and Monika Beekman,
Practice LoveLiving.

They celebrated
Thirty-two years together
This last September.

Ain’t always easy.
Some days a wing and a prayer
Were all that tied them.

Monika & Ty

But, LoveLiving is
Knowing it’s great to forgive,
And growing in love.

LoveLiving is hard.
Jesus never promised ease.
But He is with us.

Our Lord promised us
He’d help in times of trouble.
All we do is ask!

Jesus carries us
When our burdens feel heavy.
LoveLiving is hard!

Jesus carries us
When we can’t walk on our own.
Let Him lift you up.

Jesus quiets us
When we are feeling let down.
Give him your worries!

With holiday time
Comes the pressure we create
With long to-do lists.

Often we just need
To set all those lists aside
And do LoveLiving!

Seek the Lord’s presence.
Imitate acts of kindness.
Let His LoveLight shine!

Happy LoveLiving, my friends.
What will you do this week to spread the
LoveLight that shares the

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Pexels.com

May the Lord Bless and Keep You.
I send you lots of hugs and cheer.

Embrace Your Passion

Embrace your passion –
Figure out just what it is,
Then LIVE your passion.

Yesterday I lived –
I lived passionately –
But I did not blog.

Even though blogging
Is an important passion,
I did not write it.

Sometimes you need to
Set aside pen and paper –
Set aside writing –

And LIVE your passion!
I listened to the Spirit
And followed its voice.

Photo by Prashant Gautam on Pexels.com

My most important passion is what this blog’s sub-title spells out: spreading love, joy, peace, faith and unity.

In the process of living out my faith, I spend time every morning in my “SanctuAiree” among the angels, Bibles, devotionals, birds level with me in the trees, and the Holy Spirit alive and well. surrounding and in me. I listen for that still small voice – and try to obey its directives.

As the contact person and secretary for our Pastor Nominating Committee, I have worked consistently for over a year – collaboratively with my wonderful, dedicated team – to find the pastor we think God has in mind for us. We see a light at the end of the tunnel … and are praying for wisdom and discernment. Yesterday I worked on that project. I am passionate about helping to find the “right” person to lead our congregation into the future. It is a huge responsibility – and we take it very seriously.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Do you have a project about which you are passionate? Are you living that passion? Do you see a light at the end of your tunnel? I’d love to hear about it.

Have you defined your purpose in blogging? Are you feeling like your purpose is being fulfilled? Are you passionate about it? Cristian Mihai in “The Art of Blogging” tells us often that unless we are writing about things we are passionate about, our messages will fall flat.

Sometimes I feel that my messages are not resonating with my readers. When I get that feeling, I have to back up and ask myself, “Who are you writing for?” If one or two of you respond, if I have reached into the heart of just one other blogging friend out there, that has to be enough. It’s not a numbers game! YOU are the only reader who matters. I am sharing my passion with YOU.

My passion is to LIVE in such a way that at the end of the day, I can say to myself, “I did what the Holy Spirit called me to do today, and I did it with gusto. I did my best – and now I can rest.”

My daddy and my Holy Father in Heaven said,
“Well done, Jan!”
Their voices matter!

Embrace Your Passion!

See ya tomorrow
(God willing)…

Embrace Marriage

Happy 59th Anniversary today to my sweetheart, Bob, my life’s partner!!

February 11, 1962
Bob & his brother, Bill…
The week when we first met…
What a ham!!
While we were dating, and engaged,
I was bridesmaid in Bob’s sister, Bonnie’s wedding.
Our engagement was “trying times”

Bob & I both have a deep faith. It was God who put us together. It was our faith and prayer that kept us together. During our engagement, he was in Germany, in the army. I was in college, wanting to enjoy college life. I broke up with him. But, God knew we belonged together. He made sure we got back together again! (Thank You, God!) And He helped us stick it out all these years through good times and bad. I’m so grateful!!

In the car – after the wedding – headed for the reception
We were married nearly three years
before I became pregnant
There’s DeDe and Ty with Bob –
-blowing out his birthday candles

Our children, Ty & DeAna, have been such a blessing in our lives. Thank You, God, for the gift of these children!! During our early married years (after the first 8 months in Germany), we lived in Turlock (for a year) and then San Francisco and San Mateo. Bob worked for Shell Oil and then went back to college (San Francisco State). He earned his teaching credential and then coached wrestling and taught Driver’s Ed at Hillsdale High School in San Mateo, CA.

Bob curled his hair when he became a beekeeper in the 70’s.
We had lots of fun on weekends in the winter
going skiing together.

We moved from the Bay Area back to the San Joaquin Valley in CA. Bob took over his Dad’s beekeeping business when his father retired. Did you know that beekeepers with hair that is close their head (hair that gets greasy or sweaty) are targets for bee stings? With a perm, the bees couldn’t get to the scalp.

You ask why he didn’t just wear a hat like most beekeepers do? Bob hates wearing a hat! He didn’t wear protective gloves either. Those are topics for another day!

I was teaching in Hughson, Ceres, and Modesto, CA in those days.
Then I moved into administration for a dozen years.
Principal and Curriculum Coordinator
Time passed.
Gray hair started to change our appearance!
We both claim we were the one who loved the most!!
After retirement, we were able to travel.
I dyed my hair for awhile before I learned to embrace the gray.
(That’s a good topic for another day)

Our Daughter, De

In 1987, our daughter, DeAna, married Andre’, a Swiss (the first cousin of our AFS exchange student).

She wore my wedding dress 25 years after I did!

I have written about De & Andre’s fairy tale story in the past. She moved to Switzerland when our first grandchild was “in the hopper.” That was nearly 30 years ago! Every other year we would go to visit them (so, no, we didn’t really wait ’til retirement to travel … we just got to do more of it after Bob left beekeeping and we moved here to Montana).

Thank you, Diana Housel, for this gorgeous photo of our dear Montana!!

This is the village of Vissoie, Switzerland where DeDe and Andre’ live now.
Andre’ and De have three boys.
Our Swiss grandsons are Mike, Nick & Chris.
We hope to travel there this October to spend time with them.
Virus, be gone!!!

You will recall, they have a restaurant there!
We NEED to go and see it in person!!

Our Son, Ty

Our son, Ty, blessed our family in 1989
by marrying his sweetheart, Monika.
The two of them adopted four children.
Sam, Hope, Jordan & Faith are young adults now.
I’ve written about them here on my blog.
Our lives are so enriched by this extended family.
Ty & Moni live in CA, near Lake Tahoe.
This picture of them was taken of them
at our youngest granddaughter, Faith’s wedding.
We hope to travel to CA to be with them this year in June.
Virus be gone!!

Pleeeease God, help us be able to travel to CA in June!
I need to see my darling great-granddaughter, Cosette!

Life is Full

Life is full of love and joy and promises for a bright tomorrow. We have so much for which to be grateful. We know we are blessed to have one another and to have lived into our 80s and remained married to that same partner for nearly 60 years.

Embrace Marriage, my friends! And EMBRACE YOUR LIFE’S PARTNER if you are fortunate as I am to have one!

Today, February 11, 2021, our 59th anniversary, starts our 60th year of marriage, doesn’t it? When a baby turns one, they are starting their 2nd year on earth. Yes, that’s the way it works! Sixty years with one life partner!! I am extremely blessed!

With God every day is full
of simple delights
and unexpected joys.

Couples that pray together, stay together.
And it helps to do other things together, too!

On Super Bowl Sunday, we had a Pizza Party.
We made our pizza together.
Turned out pretty well!
We plan to keep on doing things together
as long as the Good Lord allows…

The road is long… and
We’ve come a long way together.

With God’s grace and blessings,
we will continue to travel this road of life together
for many more years to come.
We don’t know what the future holds,
but we know Who holds the future…
and we let Him lead us.

Happy Anniversary,
Sweetheart Bob.
I love you!

Wherever you lead me, I will follow…
I’ll go with you, with you, all the way!

Thanks for visiting JanBeek today.
Have a blessed February 11th.
See ya tomorrow.