Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Hell Bent on Destruction

Who me??

Yes, you Owen! You chewed and shook and squeaked and rampaged that toy to death!

But Mom, it’s such fun!

Ya, well it isn’t made of cast iron, you know.

Can I chew this foot off of it?

Obviously you can, Owen. And you did. And then the ear. And then the other feet. And finally got a piece of the stuffing. And then the squeaker. What a mess!

It’s okay. I have other toys!

Uh-huh! But how long will they last!? You are hell bent on destruction!

But you love me, Mom, right?

Yes, Owen, I love you! But you definitely need some training … and some cast iron toys!

Boston Terriers are such fun!

Owen keeps us on our toes! He’s quite a character. My blogging has had to take a back seat to his care and attention. This week we’ll begin some intense training for him. Do you have any advice!?

You want me to ring that bell? What a silly idea!

Yup, ring the bell. Do your business outside. Don’t chew on the furniture. Stop grabbing your dad’s shorts off the bench in the bedroom and carrying them to the living room.

Oh my! So many rules!!

Wish us luck!

Hugs, JanBeek

Comments on: "Hell Bent on Destruction" (14)

  1. Fran McNeill said:

    Hilarious! I can believe it having met Owen! We’ll talk more about some techniques that I learned in puppy training class. Good luck!

  2. Oh my, I too wish they made tougher dog toys! Over the years I did sew/patch up a few favorite dog toys our Airedales play with!

  3. Anonymous said:

    Owen knocked the stuffing out of that thing. Coach, send that dog out for a few laps. That used to straighten us out and make us behave.

  4. That is what it’s for isn’t it? Yes, Jan, your love is patent in that photo

  5. Ha ha… Good Luck! Sounds like your pup has some hidden agression issues! Such a cute dog!! :>)

  6. The smaller the dog the more they want to show off their power. Great photos.

  7. Did I hear that Owen has new middle name . . . patience?

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