Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘great-grandchildren’

Talk to Me!

Today’s JetPack prompt asks what I like to talk about.

What topics do you like to discuss?

Can you guess?

Sienna, Xander, Charlotte and GG

Yup, GG – Great-Grammy, that’s me!
And below is my granddaughter, Hope,
with three of my five great-grandchildren.

Tonight Bob & I met Charlotte
(11 days new)
for the first time!

Here’s Hope with her 3
Psalm 127:3-5 

children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the children of one’s youth.
Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!

Behold, I fill my quiver with them!

Holding this contented little “Peanut” was such a thrill!
We cooed with one another.
What do you think she had to say?
That’s a topic to discuss!

As some of you know,
Charlotte had a scary beginning
as she was transported by ambulance
back to the hospital
when she was just two days new.

Thank God she’s ok now.
Thank you again for your prayers.

Ask me about my 7 grandchildren.
Ask me about my 5 great-grandchildren.
What do you want to know?
Do you have an hour or two?

My sweatshirt says,
“Kids Make the Day Brighter!”

Here’s another great-granddaughter,
one-year-old Mable Iris.
She makes days brighter, too.

Her chair is our gift for her first birthday.
I think she likes it, don’t you?

Check out the place where
you can get personalized gifts
for children of all ages,
9 minutes to 90 years!
My former student, friend, Leslie,
will cater to your personalized wishes.


The owner of that business
is Leslie, a clever young lady
who was my kindergarten student
in 1972!

Yes, do go and give her your business!
You’ll love exploring her inventory.
(That’s another topic I love to discuss:
my former students and what they do today!)

… But nothing beats grands and great-grands!!

Here is Cosette,
another adorable great-granddaughter
who lives in California.

Isn’t she beautiful?

How about you?
What’s a topic you love to discuss?

apartment architecture chairs comfort
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Let’s sit and chat awhile!!

Thanks for visiting

Tell me what you like to talk about.

See ya tomorrow.

Let’s have some Happy Talk!!

Embrace Great-Grandkids

Oh, the joy of being great-grandparents is a joy many never live long enough to experience. We do not take this for granted. An afternoon with our granddaughter, Hope, and her two children, Xander and Sienna, reinforced for us why God gives children to the young!!

In Genesis 17,
when God

himself appears to Abraham
and tells him that Sarah will bear a son,
Abraham falls on his face laughing
and exclaims,
“Can a child be born to a man
who is a hundred years old?
Can Sarah, who is ninety years old,
bear a child?”
(Genesis 17:17).

(Genesis 18:13-14)
After Sarah laughs,
God turns to Abraham, asking,
“Why did Sarah laugh, and say,
‘Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old? ‘
Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?”
Sarah has been caught
in the act of her private
laughter and mocking commentary,
a response which catches God off-guard.

We understand why when God granted Sarah the child she longed for all her life (she was in her 90s – so it was quite a miracle), she laughed (not believing God could really do that) and then she gave Isaac to the church. The priests there raised him!

Oh sure…. she gave her child to God in gratitude for God’s generosity. Suuure!!

I’ll bet she didn’t have the stamina to care for that lively little guy!

Hah! We loved visiting with our great grandkids, but we’re sure grateful it’s Hope who took them home – not us! Embrace those great-grandchildren… and then kiss ’em good-bye. You bet!!

I’m headed to bed. I’m exhausted!
See ya tomorrow (God willing)
Love, JanBeek

I couldn’t lift her!!
Her mama had to help me
get her in my lap!

Embrace Birthdays (stay 39!)

Dear Friends,

I really appreciate all the Happy Birthday wishes extended my way this past weekend. Thank you so much!

Even though I am happy to tell you I am starting my 83rd year on earth, I am also happy to tell you that I am a fan of Jack Benny. Now, if you are too young to remember who Jack Benny was (or you are in another country where Jack Benny was not a nationally known figure), let me tell you: Jack Benny was a comedian who embraced 39 – and decided to stay that age forever more!

Actually, I embrace aging (I wrote a blog using that title once) – I I have no desire to be stuck at 39 or any other age.

How about you?


Each year brings new insights. Each year brings new joys. Each year brings new challenges. I don’t want to miss any of them.

How about you?

“Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old. Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers. Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyesight was clear, and he was as strong as ever. Those who are older should speak, for wisdom comes with age.”

Each day I pray for wisdom. Each day I ask God to increase my understanding and I thank the Holy Spirit for the fruits of the spirit that are mine: LOVE, JOY AND PEACE. And I ask God to help me with the other fruits of the spirit: patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control… those that I work to increase as I mature in my faith.

How about you?

As I gather up those birthdays and mature in my faith, I remember to keep a child-like spirit. Enjoy that song. Sing it often. Teach it to your grandchildren. Sing it with your great-grandchildren. Put it in your heart.

You can’t be a lemon or a grape if you wanna be a fruit of the spirit!! Who wants to grow up to be a lemon anyway?

Work on that patience, Jan … your great-grandchildren need to see you model it! And your grand-dog needs you to exercise that gentleness and kindness, too. Ain’t always easy.

How about you?

My great-grandson, Xander, needs my love and joy,
and I need patience, kindness and gentleness in abundance!

On my birthday, Ty (our son) and Bob went out fishing (not catching… just fishing) … and that required a lot of patience! I went along for the joy of the ride. It was cool on the water in the morning, but the afternoon warmed up.

That evening Ty and our daughter-in-law, Monika, Bob & I went in to Bozeman for dinner and dessert. We had a delightful time at a table out front of “Hooked Sushi” enjoying the music being played down the sidewalk a half a block, and the people and dogs walking by. Such fun!

Only in a college town would you find this kind of vibrancy. I love it!

We went after dinner to a very popular ice cream store … and had great fun with some college students who were in line ahead of us. Look at this cute kid! (Ya, I had fun teasing him …)

Bob, our new friend, Jan (me), Monika & Ty –
Pretty sky, huh?
That’s our son, Ty, with me
We enjoyed the fun of chatting with our son & Moni while we waited.
Back home we found a wonderful
bottle of wine waiting for us –
a gift from our dear neighbors.
Thank you, Charlie & Janet!
Birthday roses from my granddaughter –
Thank you, Hope and Drew!
Flowers from our friends, Kathy & Ron-
with a really cute card!
Such fun! So nice of them!
Happy Birthday wishes from our #2 daughter, Laina…
I loved hearing her sing to me – from Maryland to Montana <3
And our #1 daughter, DeAna, sang Happy Birthday and
sent us a picture of her beautiful flowers at
their restaurant in Switzerland.
Lovely, huh?

Sunday afternoon Bob, Ty & Monika went kayaking/paddleboarding while TazE & I found a shady spot and relaxed.

TazE found some cool grass and took a nap until…
Eloise and her Grandma Susie came.
With such good company, I put my book aside
and TazE left the shade to get acquainted.
It was a smokey day in the Madison Valley…
Lots of forest fires in the area –
and the wind blows the smoke into our
little piece of Paradise on Earth.

You can barely see the mountains outlined back there… not a typically beautiful day on Ennis Lake. Pray for the forest fires to be contained and the firefighters to be safe!

My friend, Caroline Feldman, took this photo
at Ennis Lake last year with the swans clustered.
Here’s my photo taken from that same area
at Ennis Lake last winter…
See, you’re supposed to see the mountains!
Meantime, the paddleboarders returned –
And we returned home
to enjoy our last evening together.
Ty & Monika left this morning…
Thank you, Dear Ones,
for coming to help make
my 82nd birthday so memorable and special.
Now TazE and I are stretched out,
relaxing, and looking forward to an evening
watching the Olympic swimmers.

What are you doing this Monday evening besides surfing the net?

It was a very Happy Birthday…
Forever 39 at heart…
Thanks to all the friends who sent greetings.
I love you!

See ya tomorrow (God willing)


Embrace Great-Grandchildren

I am so blessed!
To live long enough to
Embrace Great-Grandchildren
is such a gift!

This is Cosette.
She is the darling offspring
of my grandson, Jordan,
and Joss – his significant other.

Joss is such a caring and happy mother!

And I cannot believe how tall Jordan has grown.
What a good daddy he is!
Here we are at church together yesterday morning.

Can you believe how tall (6’4″) my grandson is?
Never in a million years when he joined our family
at the age of 3 did we imagine he’d grow to this height!

In this photo, Jordan is the “Tin Man” sitting next to my sis, Sally.
Jordy and his siblings each are adopted…
gifts from God to Ty (back left in this photo).

Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old
they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

The church service was lively and invigorating and inspirational.

My heart is singing God’s praises.
How was your Sunday?

We’re having a relaxed morning before heading
to spend time with Bob’s brother & sister-in-law
and their family in central CA.

How are you spending your week?
I hope you are well …

I am including love
and lots of well wishes here for you.
Pray for my daughter-in-law, Monika, will you?
She has a miserable case of the flu.

See ya tomorrow
(God willing).

Persistent Prayer

Answered Prayer


I posted about the heartbreak
of not seeing my great-grandson
as often as I would like to.
In spite of the fact that
he and his mom & dad live
less than five minutes from us,
we are fortunate if we see him
once every three or four weeks.

I have prayed often about
this situation that makes me sad.
Well, God does hear our prayers,
and his busy parents do care.
Yesterday they came by and
we were able to spend
three quality hours together.
What a joy!

Do you have a prayer that
you feel God is not hearing?
Don’t give up! Keep asking.

Remember the story in Luke 18
of the persistent widow
who kept nagging the judge
because he seemed to care nothing
for the poor and the needy?
“My rights are being violated,
Protect me!” she nagged.

Because of her persistent badgering,
the judge finally did something
to see that she would get justice.
In verses 6-8, Jesus told the people,
“Do you hear what that judge,
corrupt as he is, is saying?
So what makes you think
God won’t step in and work for justice
for those who continue
to cry out for help?”

I cried to God for more time
to spend with my great-grandson.
God knew I am dependent
on my granddaughter to bring  him here.
God heard my persistent prayer.
God didn’t mind my badgering.
God was teaching me patience.
And appreciation.

Thank you, God, for answering
my persistent prayer.

Keep asking, my friends.
God is listening.

One New Tooth


One New Tooth
Shining bright and clean
One Pug Nose
Smelling life, so keen

One Smiley Mouth
Returning lots of glee
Two Sparkly Eyes
Looking back at me

Two Pink Cheeks
Ready to be kissed
Two Darling Ears
No sounds are missed

Two Strong Shoulders
Holding tall the head
Two Flexible Elbows
Bending to be fed

Two Chubby Hands
Reaching for the moon
Ten Active Fingers
Holding bottle or spoon

One Husky Body
Smelling clean and sweet
Two Wiggly Hips
Ready to dance in the street

Two Sturdy Legs
Ready to go walking
Two Bony Knees
Bending, but not balking

Two Balanced Feet
Holding up this chunk
Ten Monstrous Toes
Like mommy’s – who’d a thunk?

One Grand Future
Impacting Mother Earth
One Perfect Great-Grandson
A million dollars worth

Thank You, Hope and Drew
Thank You for this boy
Thank You, God
He brings us so much joy!

Jan Beekman (GG)
March 7, 2018

Out of Order



I look at those little feet
So shaped like my granddaughter’s
And I know this little child
Is hers – and ours – not some other family’s.

His lips are just like his mother’s –
And his nose and eyes are from his father.
He’s a precious child of God.
Why did I worry about his arrival?

Well, he came out of order!
In my day, first the couple married.
Then they lived together, and
Then they started their family.


Today the order seems to have changed.
First – live together, and then
Confirm your love with a child, and then
You might get married – but not necessarily.

The order of things as taught by grandparents
and confirmed by parents in most cases
Is not the order of things in today’s world.
Things are out of order!

However, this great-grandma is happy to be
GG to this precious child – so dear.
He didn’t choose his parents’ order of things.
All he needs to know is love.


Unconditional love and support are yours.
You are a precious, gift from God.
Xander Leland Cantwell –
Welcome to this world.

Your order is perfect-
Not out of order at all.
How could I have questioned God’s timing?
It’s always perfect!

GG Jan
– praising  the enhanced Beekman/Cantwell Family