Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

One New Tooth


One New Tooth
Shining bright and clean
One Pug Nose
Smelling life, so keen

One Smiley Mouth
Returning lots of glee
Two Sparkly Eyes
Looking back at me

Two Pink Cheeks
Ready to be kissed
Two Darling Ears
No sounds are missed

Two Strong Shoulders
Holding tall the head
Two Flexible Elbows
Bending to be fed

Two Chubby Hands
Reaching for the moon
Ten Active Fingers
Holding bottle or spoon

One Husky Body
Smelling clean and sweet
Two Wiggly Hips
Ready to dance in the street

Two Sturdy Legs
Ready to go walking
Two Bony Knees
Bending, but not balking

Two Balanced Feet
Holding up this chunk
Ten Monstrous Toes
Like mommy’s – who’d a thunk?

One Grand Future
Impacting Mother Earth
One Perfect Great-Grandson
A million dollars worth

Thank You, Hope and Drew
Thank You for this boy
Thank You, God
He brings us so much joy!

Jan Beekman (GG)
March 7, 2018

Comments on: "One New Tooth" (6)

  1. That’s my grandbabies!! Love it!

  2. Such a sweet poem for an adorable great grandchild!

  3. dbutters@juno.com said:

    A cute cute writing? Thank you for the great picture. Send more!How are your ears? Love, your sister

    • I’m using a new WordPress app on my cell phone. Makes seeing responses and answering them much easier. Are you still visiting my blog, Sally? My ears are loving my hearing aids. How are yours?

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