Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Our Nuisance, Owen

Owen Leo Beekman
Born 7-24-23
on my 85th birthday!
(We’re both Leos!!)

Just look at that face!
Doesn’t he look innocent?

Guess again!
That “Ducky” used to have a head!

First to go
at the expert chewing
of our destructive pup
was the beak…
then the whole head!

And next,
the wings had to come off,
and all the stuffing
out of the body!

So, I cut the limp body
off of the rope,
and as you can see,
he loves his rope!

We’ve had Boston Terriers
all of our married life,
62 years worth,
with about six different pups
in those six decades.
But none was as destructive
as this guy!!

See that collar on him?
It is to prevent him from
pulling the stitches out
from the surgery he had
last Monday.

Suppose getting him neutered
will calm him down?
We hope so!!

He really is a sweetheart…
when he’s asleep!
But he is such a live wire
when he’s awake…
Always into something!
Will not sit still in Bob’s arms
to have his toenails trimmed
the way our last Boston, TazE, did!

But, Owen’s just 10 months old today…
and so he is still learning,
still a puppy.
Give him time, huh?
Owen is destined to be an angel…

We just pray that he
makes that transition
while he is still here on earth.

My mom loved poetry
and she saved those she
liked the most when she saw them
in the newspaper back in the 1930’s.
I have the cardboard on which
she taped her favorites.

It’s inside my kitchen cabinet door.
So faded you can just barely read it.
The date says 1936!
One of my favorites of that collection is:

My dog is a nuisance, an absolute pest,
With him in the house there is truly no rest.
He leaves dirty tracks on the mirror-bright floor,
And scratches the paint from the tidy front door.

He slobbers his water and spills half his food;
The rugs are all gnawed and the slippers are chewed.
He sheds tufts of hair and he scatters his fleas;
He buries his bones under bushes and trees.

He keeps me awake every night with his yaps;
The neighbors all cuss him for spoiling their naps.
I’ll stand it no longer. I’m getting fed up.
I won’t be a slave for that bothersome pup.

Er, pardon, excuse me – but what did you say?
You ask if I’m giving my puppy away?
You’ve the nerve to suggest that you’ll take him with pleasure.
Well, certainly not – he’s an absolute treasure!

Margaret Macprang MacKay, poet

Here’s mom… with my dad … back in 1936
At the time she collected those poems,
Before my sister and I were born.
Aren’t I the lucky one? To have such parents?

Thank you, Mom, for your love of poetry
And your love of dogs, and your tolerance.
Er, pardon, excuse me, but what did you say?
You ask if I’m giving my Owen away?

Well, certainly not!
I’ll keep him with pleasure.
He’s an absolute treasure!!




Comments on: "Our Nuisance, Owen" (14)

  1. Anonymous said:

    As he’s a chewer, I’d provide him with target things to chew. My dalmatian was a chewer, he was clipped. It didn’t phase him one bit. Good luck. Owen is a cute dog. He like all life is to be cherished.

    • Thanks for the advice and encouragement. We give Owen lots to chew on : chew sticks, Kongs, ropes, Greenies, etc. He loses things under sofas and chairs, our hutch and refrigerator, and prefers slippers and pillows if they are within reach!! It’s a challenge. But, we’re hangin’ in there!! Nope, I’m not giving my puppy away 🤣

  2. Fran McNeill said:

    Hi Jan, does Dino dinosaur still have his head? That Owen…what can you do but love him!

  3. Elaina Colby said:

    I am looking forward to meeting Owen in a couple of months and bringing him more fun things to play with and to chew! He’s a treasure!

  4. I hope he has calmed down by Christmas when the presents are laid out

  5. What a delightful post! I had a Boston terrier once that I really loved. I was devastated when she passed.

    • Yes, we’ve been on that end of life with at least 5 Bostons. Always heart-wrenching. 😩 Thank you for reading and commenting. 👍🏽❤️

  6. I think Jan, that your own love of dogs and poetry has been firmly passed on by your Mom.. And I hope that little opp will calm Owen down…. Yes butter wouldn’t melt. Lol… 🙂 I am sure he will grow out of his chewing stage hopefully soon..
    Sending you love and hugs my friend… <3 xxx <3


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