Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘Yellowstone’


Do you know this word?

happy sportspeople of different ages preparing to run in forest
Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.com

Alacrity = cheerful readiness

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

When I chose my word for 2023, “Ready”
back on January 1, 2023,
I did not know what I needed to be ready for.
But I told myself, “Whatever comes my way,
I will be cheerfully ready!”

This past week, we had the privilege
of hosting my niece,
her husband and 16-year-old son,
and her bff from Utah, Melissa.
And mid-way through their visit,
our son and his wife came for
3 days and 4 nights.
A house full!
Was I ready?

Yes! When your guests are happy, helpful, and relaxed, it’s easy to be cheerfully ready for them!

A day in Yellowstone was a highlight. We all were ready for the bubbling geysers and pools, bison and other animals. Old Faithful always was a hit!

Are you ready to visit Yellowstone? Are you ready to ooh and aaah?

That photo captured only about 1/4 of the herd. It was the largest group of bison mamas and their calves that I’ve ever seen!

We were ready to see the elk and deer 🦌 So, yes, they did not disappoint us! We even saw a black bear. Rare!

My grand-nephew, Liam and I were ready to have our memories of “Artist’s Point” captured by a kind tourist. It’s my favorite Yellowstone spot!

And the guys were more than pleasantly waiting with alacrity for their day of fishing on the Madison. Each of them caught at least one fish … some caught three. No, we didn’t have a fish fry! The Madison River has a “catch & release” policy.

What are you ready for today? I hope you’re anticipating it with alacrity!

Have a Marvelous Monday!

Live, laugh, love ❤️ JanBeek

Yellowstone Flooding

Today our little town of Ennis and the neighboring tourist town of Virginia City, Montana are overrun with tourists who can’t get in to Yellowstone because of all the damage to roads and bridges because of the flooding.

This is a train bridge washed out by the flooding. Roads and bridges, houses and places of business have collapsed under the siege of rushing waters.

The Yellowstone River and the Gallatin all are washing away Yellowstone National Park’s infrastructure. It is so sad.

CNBC reported on its website, “Some of the worst damage happened in the northern part of the park and Yellowstone’s gateway communities in southern Montana. National Park Service photos of northern Yellowstone showed a mudslide, washed out bridges and roads undercut by churning floodwaters of the Gardner and Lamar rivers.

In Red Lodge, a town of 2,100 that’s a popular jumping-off point for a scenic route into the Yellowstone high country, a creek running through town jumped its banks and swamped the main thoroughfare, leaving trout swimming in the street a day later under sunny skies.”

Look left and right in this next photo and see where the road should be/ used to be. It’ll take months, if not years, to repair this kind of damage.

In the midst of all this, though, we know we have a Protector who is watching over us. We have not heard of any lives being lost.

Yesterday’s devotional in my “In Touch” daily reading reminded me to BE AT PEACE. “We can have peace in the midst of uncertainty,” Charles Stanley wrote. “If He is our Rock, then we won’t be shaken by the events in this world or even those in our own life.”

Psalm 62:5-8

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
    my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God[a];
    he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
    pour out your hearts to him,
    for God is our refuge.”

Today Bob & I are headed for Bozeman. It’s our nearest city, about 60 miles away. The sky is blue, the temperatures are perfect – in the mid 70’s – there is a slight breeze. Life is good. The hills are green. Our lilacs are in full bloom. God is good!

My heart goes out to those in Harm’s Way – war zones, flood zones, etc. – but I know “My Redeemer Liveth” and I can be at peace. I pray you are feeling God’s peace today, too.

May God bless you… and reassure you that indeed, He will bring us all to Victory! Enjoy this lovely reassurance from Nicole Mullen:

Have a blessed day.
See ya later.

Love, JanBeek
(and Bob, too)

She’s Here!

Yes, my new little great-granddaughter is here!
Faith & Kyle named her Mable Iris.
Don’t you love old-fashioned names?

I tried to get them to name her Janet
(that’s JanBeek’s God-given name),
but I lost out to one they chose
simply because they both “like it.”

Oh well, I tried!

Choosing names for our children
is such an important part of parenting.

The last “child” I named is this little moose who sits on my bed every day. He is named “Faithful” because he was a gift to me about 15 years ago from my granddaughter, Faith. She bought it at the Yellowstone National Park gift shop. We had just seen the geyser “Old Faithful” erupt. Then we went into the gift shop and gave her and her three siblings each some money to buy a souvenir for their visit. She bought this moose and then gave it to me as a “Thank you for taking us to Yellowstone” gift.

What a thoughtful little pre-teen she was! Each day when I make my bed, I put “Faithful the Yellowstone Moose” back on my bed with a prayer. I say:

“Dear God,
Please tuck them together in love
and watch over Faith & Kyle today.

When we named our son Ty (I have told you this story before), it was because I had a student named Ty in my kindergarten class in 1963. He was such an adorable little boy – and I loved him as well as his name. In 1965 when our son was born, Bob agreed to use Ty’s name for our little baby.

Today when Kyle let us know that he & Faith had named their little girl Mable, I asked, “Is there a history of that name in your family? Or is it just a name you both liked?”

Kyle texted back and said they just liked the name – no family history for it.

So, I told Kyle that I have a history with that name. The only other Mable Bob & I have know is Mable Cronan. She was the dear, sweet, compassionate, loving grandmother of Ty Stiles (that kindergarten student of mine). Mable attended our church in California with Ty’s aunt, Marilyn Sena. So now – come full circle: our Ty has a granddaughter named Mable – just like Ty Stiles had a grandmother Mable. I love it when things seem to be so synchronistic, don’t you?

Ty & Roxanne Stiles
with me & Bob

When I looked up the meaning of the name Mable,
Wikipedia said,

“Lovable, dear:
Mabel is an English female given name
derived from the Latin amabilis, “lovable, dear“.

I told Faith and Kyle that Mable Cronan (Ty Stiles’ grandma) was definitely lovable and dear. I am so glad they chose that name. It will be fun to live long enough to see this great-granddaughter’s personality and values develop, and to watch God bring out the “lovable and dear” qualities that were born in her.

I saw a picture of my new great-granddaughter, Mable, today. I won’t post it here – out of respect for the privacy of her and her parents – but here is her mom, Faith, when she was a baby:

Mable has a cute little pug nose like Faith’s
( I lay claim to that feature – and told them so).

Mable has parents who love her –
and an extended family who can hardly wait
to meet her in person
and give her and her parents great big hugs!

Yes, my friends, she’s here!
It’s been a beautiful April 1st.
I pray yours was a memorable day, too.
Thank you for your prayers and positive thoughts
as we waited for this baby to arrive.

Here’s Mable’s mom & dad,
Faith & Kyle.
Aren’t they adorable?

For some reason, I am hoping this lovable new baby, Mable, will learn to play a musical instrument someday – maybe the soprano sax like Kenny G. I dedicate this album to her and hope she grows up to enjoy music someday as much as her Great-Grama (GG) Jan does!

This baby was the highlight of my day, obviously!
Tell me about a highlight of your April 1st.

Thanks for visiting JanBeek tonight.
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

Embrace Yellowstone w Visitors

Today we went to Yellowstone National Park with our grandson, Nick, and his sweetheart, Celine.

The only entrances into the park that were open were the north gate by Gardner and the north-east gate by Cooke City. We were able to enjoy the Mammoth Hot Springs and the road to the Tower. Only on that last road were we able to spot a few bison. Not being able to go through West Yellowstone to Old Faithful was a disappointment, but Nick will just have to return with Celine some summer when the whole park is available. Highlights today were:

  1. TazE enjoying the Bighorn sheep that were right by the road (we did, too)

2. Enjoying a day in Yellowstone at Mammoth Hot Springs with Nick & Celine

3. Being healthy & vigorous enough to enjoy walking the Mammoth Hot Springs trail, too!

4. Stopping in Gardner for refreshments on our way home

5. And enjoying the changing colors of the night sky on our way home

Hopefully next trip we’ll be able to go through West Yellowstone and see Old Faithful in her glory. But meantime, we had a great day with bighorn sheep, bison (at a distance), antelope, mule tail deer, and a bald eagle delighting our visitors.

Nick took lots better pictures than I did… and his Instagram posts will delight his followers, I am sure.

Hopefully you can come some day, too… and enjoy this beautiful park with us.

Meantime, thanks for visiting with us today.
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

To see more of Yellowstone Park, click on that August 9, 2019 post. Our cousin, Sofia, visited the Park with us on that occasion. Old Faithful and the hot springs were in full array.

Where ya Headed?

Philippians 3:13

“… forgetting what is behind
and straining toward
what is ahead,
press on toward the goal
to win the prize
for which God has called me

Looking Back

I need you to see a photo of my youngest granddaughter when she was a little baby. Read on and I’ll tell you why I want you to see this on a post that’s all about where you’re headed. Here’s Faith Austynn Beekman:

Faith was adopted at birth by our son, Ty, and his wife Monika. The story of her adoption is a good one for another day. But for now, let me fast-forward:

Ruthie, Faith, Jan (me)

Faith has grown to be a woman of great faith. This photo of her between her two grandmothers was taken two years before she graduated from High School. I tried to find my photo of her at her graduation, but this was as close as I came to it.

Ah, tenacity… it paid off… I found it! Here Faith is with us on the day of her graduation. Look at how much taller she is! Or did I just shrink?

Why do you think it was so important to see Faith on her graduation day – on this post titled, “Where ya Headed?” Well, a scripture with ta similar message as Philippians 3:13 – was printed on the top of her commencement hat! Hebrews 12:1 …

Looking Ahead

Fast forward again. Here is Faith with her fiance’, Kyle McSparron, on the day of their engagement:

And here they are at the rehearsal dance the day before their wedding:

Faith’s life so far is a fairy tale of love and success and faithful direction. Obedience to God and to her parents’ teachings, adherence to Biblical Principles, and the tenacity to “run with endurance the race God has set before [her]” are criterion that characterize her young life.

Living the Race

Faith and Kyle joined her parents (our son) Ty and Monika with their dog, Nakota at our home for Thanksgiving last year. Kyle has an electrical business that is suffering the downturn caused by this COVID-19 pandemic. He needs our prayers as he works to keep the company afloat.

Faith is working for the state of Nevada as a “Disaster Preparedness Advisor” (that may not be the exact title, but you get the idea. Her job is particularly vital right now… and much can be done on-line. Moving forward, we can see the two of them are living Hebrews 12:1 as fully as possible.

Bob & I are in our pj’s in that photo because it was very early on the morning they were leaving to head back to California.

Don’t look back. You’re not headed that way!”

Looking Forward

“I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.”

I don’t know to whom I should attribute that quote, but it sounds like somebody like Billy Graham would have said it… or Mother Theresa.” And I know it is so true. God is in charge of where I’m headed. If today’s world and our circumstances are any indication, then we know the path to where we’re going is a rocky one. The only way to navigate it is through faith and prayer.

See that moose on my bed? When Faith was about 6 or 7, she and her family came to visit us. We spent a day in Yellowstone National Park. It’s ony an hour’s drive from our home. At the end of the visit, she and her three siblings were given the opportunity to go into the gift shop and buy themselves something to help them remember the trip. Faith bought this moose – and then gave it to me! She has such a loving heart!

If you saw my tribute to Ken Hall on my blog
a few days ago, you saw that photo above the bed,
but I didn’t show you “Faithful” – my moose.

Each morning when I make my bed, I place “Faithful,” this little moose in front of the pillows, and I say a prayer for Faith and Kyle. I thank God for Faithful, my reminder of my granddaughter Faith – and I thank Him for her and her faith, for her beautiful marriage to Kyle, and I ask God to watch over them.

May God watch over you today, too, my friends.
And may He guide you as you
“Run with endurance the race He set before you.”
Look to a bright future…
It’s coming!
Face Forward –
That’s where you’re headed.

See ya tomorrow.

Appreciating Photography

I appreciate
Good photography by friends
Here are my favorites

Ed Coyle’s view of the Tetons reflecting in Lake in Autumn
Caroline Feldman’s aspen in Autumn in Gravelly Range, Montana
Gloria Wilson’s pond in Sierra Mtn. area, California
Ed Coyle’s aspen & evergreens in Autumn
Linda Schott’s river and boat thru the aspen
Chuck Feldman’s boat on river
Brandi Seckinger’s Yellowstone National Park
Ed Coyle’s birds atop fir tree
Lisa Glines’ morning clouds
Madison River with scarlet reflections

Great photography
Inspires me to grab my phone:
Let SnapChat do it!!

Well, it was SOME of my favorites-
Hah! Too many to post ’em all!
See ya later…

Visit Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park
with my cousin Sofia and Me


Sofia at Firehole Falls

IMG_8238 2

Me at Firehole Falls

aqua steam pool

Aqua Steam pool
I love the turpuoise, green, and orange.

It was a day of mild temperatures, blue sky with beautiful puffy clouds.

Old Faithful blew about 15 minutes early.
We were glad to be there to see it.

There is no site in Yellowstone that I enjoy more than Artist’s Point.

Sofia was impressed with its beauty, too.

Jan & Sofia

Waterfall - Artist's Point

It’s called the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Pictures don’t do it justice!
You can see here the yellow stone that caused the park’s name.

yellow stone in Yellowstone

Then we headed for Lamar Valley where the buffalo roam.

1 bison

It was a pain to get in a half an hour of stop-and-go traffic where the bison were crossing the road in Lamar Valley, but when we had to stop for one to pass right smack in front of our car, that was quite an experience – quite worth the wait!

They are impressive animals.

On the way home, we stopped at Palisades for a rest stop…
and enjoyed the gorgeous scenery there.


It was a great day.
Thanks for traveling vicariously with us!
Do you think Sofia had a good time?

IMG_8305 2

Tomorrow is our Ennis Arts Festival.
Come visit the art and artists there with me.
I love entertaining visitors.
Be my virtual guest!

See ya tomorrow!

Montana Photography

Montana Photography


Those are the Tetons behind the moose.

Enjoy these awesome photos by Scott Wheeler.
He will have a booth at the Madison Valley Arts Festival
in Ennis, Montana on August 10.
His Facebook Page is:
And his website is ScottWheelerGallery.com


This is the Madison River, just a couple miles south of Ennis, Montana. I have the privilege of living in ths world-class fly-fishing area!


South-east of us, the Madison River flows out of Hebgen Lake. The Madison’s origin is the Gibbon and the Firehole Rivers in Yellowstone. Yellowstone National Park is just an hour’s drive from us.


You can see why our Madison Valley is considered part of “Big Sky Country” – the views are magnificent. The sky is uninterrupted.

Thank you, Scott Wheeler, for your fantastic photography.
If you want a copy of his work, my friends,
be sure to come to our Ennis Arts Festival this August 10th.
Look me up! I’ll be there.


Learn more about the Art Festival at our website:

Ennis Arts Association

Bob & I don’t see the river from our house, but we look out at Jack Creek Canyon in that magnificent Madison Range. The western sunset reflecting red in the eastern mountains often is part of our night’s “light show.”

These next two photos are mine…
taken a couple weeks ago
when we still had some snow on the ground.

Here is the western view.
Our house is the one tucked in
all those evergreen trees out there…


… and here is the eastern reflection:


Jack Creek Canyon to far left, Fan Mountain straight ahead with God’s spotlight on it!

Yes, we are blessed.


You have a blessed day, my friends.

Happy Friday!

See you tomorrow



Art is Life

Art IS Life

Bless the artists who
Enrich our lives with meaning
Far beyond our eyes.

They see far more than
Our limited vision does.
God bless our artists!

Today our Ennis Arts Asociation met at one of the art display and sales stores right here in our little town of less than 1000 residents – in the gallery called “Artists on Main.”

Artists on Main

My sub-title here on Jan Beek is “Love One Another.” We show our love in so many ways. One of them is through our respect for one another’s artistic expression… another is through our love of hospitality. Read on to see our very sincere invitation.

Carol's elk

Today the Ennis Arts Association featured a session on Pottery. Folks like me, who have no experience in the workings of clay and wheels and all that jargon, went to see how it’s done – start to finish.

My friend, Carol Clarkson, who runs the Artists on Main Gallery showed us how she takes the various parts that she formed the day before and puts them together to make a teapot.

Carol Clarkson 2

Look up there on the right, and you will see the basic pot, its lid, and potential spouts.

Carol Clarkson 3

She put them together for a teapot that has such character!
I can hardly wait to see it fired and painted and glazed and ready as a finish product.


Our second potter, Sherry Jarvis, demonstrated her skills on the potters wheel. She creates bowls, vases, ornaments, and free-form items that are as enchanting as she is.


Sherry Jarvis 4

Working with clay is just one form of art that entices the visitors to visit our little town’s Artists on Main shop. You will find many items to encourage you if you come to Ennis. And when you do so, be sure to look us (the Beekmans) up.

The gallery has such an eclectic collection.
Come and see!

watercolor bird




Horse - Paint
The painitngs are beautiful and varied.

Leather Journals
The leather journals are inviting.


wooden bowls
I love the assortment of wooden bowls and spoons that are each unique and beautiful.

Spoons & Bow;

Stained glass

Stained glass decorate the front window
as well as colorful
stained glass paintings that appear as collages

Stained glass painting

Ennis, Montana has at least five art galleries
showcasing art from creative Montana artists… and beyond.
You need to come and visit our quaint little town!

Bob & I have a spot here that welcomes friends unconditionally.

Hospitality is one of my spiritual gifts. You’d feel welcome in our home because you are one of my WordPress friends. We have a lot in common – and I would love to get to know you on a face-to-face basis.

We are only an hour from Yellowstone National Park.
You could use our home as “home base” as you travel to see this amazing site:

boiling liquid condensation geology geothermal

Photo by Kerry on Pexels.com



You’ll be inspired to create art -written and visual arts –
based on the sites you see in our Montana wonderland.

Art is Life.
Come and experience it with us!
Write us at our e-mail address:
Put in the title of the e-mail these code words:
WordPress.MT.Visit.Art is Life!

Tell us when you’d like to come.

Are you up for it??