Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘Painting’

Shared Talent

Today I was introduced to an artist I had never heard of before.
Tin Yan Chan’s art astounded me.
Here’s a sample:

Nature’s Wonders by Tin Yan Chan

To see more of his art, check out today’s post
at “Humoring the Goddess”

Tin Yan Chans art is amazing.
I was inspired to create this poem after enjoying his works.

Deep within the Rockies
Where no traffic flows
Is a peaceful hidden lake
Where gorgeous lupine grows

The lake is filled with fish
And if you know your way,
You can walk to find real joy
Come join me friends, let’s play

The lake is beautiful in every season
You can visit it for no reason
Other than to enjoy its beauty
Ot wait til its trees are fruity

It’s an artist’s paradise
The scenery is always nice
Sit quietly and wait for the butterflies
Look carefully – they’re a sight for sore eyes!

Claudia at Humoring the Goddess did some research and shared the fact that Tin Yan Chan, a master artist, had his God-given talents recognized in Canada in the late 20th century. She wrote, “… at 16 he was admitted to the Wuhan South Central China Academy of Fine Arts.”

I am so fascinated by this artist’s work that I intend to do a little research of my own. His website shows several additional paintings and about a dozen in a section labeled “sold.” Wouldn’t you enjoy having one of his masterpieces in your home?

Tin Van Chan has developed his artistic talent and made his creations available to the world. What talent do YOU have that you’ve developed and generously shared?

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me’.” Erma Bombeck

Today I used my rusty talent (playing the accordion) at church. Our pianist was unable to attend, so I was asked to step up. My accordion has been dropped and some of the keys sound a bit weird – but I stepped up and did my best. Hopefully it was better than trying to sing all the hymns A Cappella!

An easier talent to share is the one that has a harder time getting rusty: Teaching! On Tuesdays I share my love of scripture with my 10-year-old friend, Hailey, and in the evening with my lady friends at our local nursing home. Through the years I have developed my spiritual gift of teaching, and as you have heard many times, I’m sure, “Once a teacher, always a teacher.” Like Erma Bombeck, I want to “use everything [God] gave me.” Our talents are given to us to be shared.

So, share your talent
Your talent’s God’s gift to you
It’s meant to be shared.

For many of you, it’s writing prose or poetry.
For some of you, it’s photography.
For others, it’s music or public speaking.
I really appreciate those whose talent is
fixing my car or unplugging the drain on my sink!
Some are math wizards or skilled carpenters>
All God’s gifts of talent are meant to be shared,
What’s yours?

Share with me what talent you thank God for giving to you.
How are you sharing it?

Musically Yours –
With Love,

Wonderful Weekend

Enjoying Sunday
Remembering Saturday
And Fish on Friday

Sunday began
with this prayer-filled
good morning photo
from my friend Lisa
in North Carolina

After church,
Sunday continues
with our TazE
needing attention
and us
trying to
just relax!

Saturday memories
include a wonderful evening
shared with Bob
and dozens of friends
at the Madison Valley Ranchland’s
annual “Noxious Weed Dinner and Auction.”

Check out
Bonny Morningstar Guzzo
on Facebook
to see her wonderful pictures
of that highly successful event.

Friday memories
include our walk
along the Madison River
in Lion’s Club Park
where this beautiful
painted fish sculpture
greets us.

The painting on the fish inspires the Haiku poet in me.

“Father, please teach me
I want to learn how to fish
To fish like you, Dad“

Back home, the clouds keep the day cooler
as the sun plays peek-a-boo
The trees provide welcomed shade
And the birds serenade you

The breeze causes the wind chimes
To sing a lullaby
Reminding me of my sis, Sally
She’d love this place as much as I

The deer come quietly to rest
Beneath the shade of verdant trees
They promise not to nibble
But who can trust deer like these?

Time to think about a meal
Don’t know what I’d like to cook
Need to go check out the fridge
Maybe left-overs -Have a look!

Mmmm… I can see shrimp
Waiting for the coconut
Time to make the sauce

Hope all is well with you.
Thanks for sharing
my weekend memories
vicariously with me.

Now it is your turn
What are your best memories
Of this great weekend?

Sending love your way…

It’s a New Day!

Rick Malone wrote
in his “Spiritual Matters” article,

“There is something very special about the dawn.
The sun seems to climb over the horizon
with open arms, inviting us to share
in the wonderful opportunities of a new day.

Every dawn puts the things of yesterday
in the past and allows us to begin afresh.
The Bible uses this imagery of the dawn
to communicate the reality of new beginnings.

The psalmist teaches us that each new day
should be a source of rejoicing,
for it is a “day that the Lord has made;
and we should rejoice and be glad in it”
(Psalms 118:24).

And Jeremiah tells us
that the mercies of the Lord,
“are new every morning”
(Lamentations 3:23).

Michael Buble’ sang of the new day in his song:
“It’s a New Day.”
Listen and discern his idea of a new day.

Then design your own idea of a new day …
and praise the Lord for each new beginning!

Rick Malone went on in his post
to explain his image of a new day:

“This imagery of the dawn
not only symbolizes new beginnings
for us personally,
it symbolizes a new beginning
for the brokenness of God’s creation.
The bliss of the Garden of Eden
crumbled in the hands of Adam.
Creation now groans under a curse.
But we are given the promise
that at the dawning of the age to come
creation itself will be made new.”

You can find Rick Malone’s
full article at this link:

We have incredible sunrises
above the Madison Range
that I can see from my home.
I love this time of day.
Below is what the sunrise looked like
from my sanctuary window this morning:

I sent this picture to my friend, Lisa, in North Carolina. We exchange sunrise pictures and prayers for one another most mornings. I apologized for the way my roof line from my sanctuary kind of spoiled the view this morning. She wrote back and sent me a cropped picture of my sunrise saying, “Simply GORGEOUS!!!”

Like most things in life, what we behold is often a matter of perspective, right? When we screen out the distractions and zero in on the positives, we see the true beauty around us, within us, and within others.

Lisa lives near a lake. Often her sunrises and sunsets are reflected in the water, creating a double image. I can look at the gray clouds beyond and expect a rainy, dismal day, or I can focus on the colorful reflections in the lake and anticipate a colorful, joy-filled day (or night) ahead.

Rick Malone explained it this way:

“Each new day is the perpetual promise of new beginnings. It is a new opportunity to turn the disappointments of our lives in a new direction. We can all identify with the failures of life—bad decisions, broken relationships, unfortunate circumstances. But God gives us a continual opportunity to start life fresh every day and put the past in our past. He is the God of new beginnings, the God of new life, the God of forgiveness. He is the God who covers our yesterdays with His grace. And, He is the God who graciously covers our tomorrows with every new dawn He gives us. Every sunrise beckons us: ‘Turn your life away from yourself and to your Maker who loves you.’ “

Another of Lisa Glines’ sunrises

Psalm 118:24

“This is the day which the Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Montana Sunrise by Ken Hall

Above our bed, Bob & I have a painting by Ken Hall. It depicts the sunrise over the Madison Range. On clear mornings, we see this scene out our bedroom, dining room, living room, and sanctuary windows. But, even on fogged in or snowy days when the mountains are hidden and the sun is behind the clouds, we can look at Ken’s painting and thank God for this new day – new dawn – new beginning.

I pray your new day is a blessed one.
I pray you are healthy and happy.
I thank you for your friendship –
and for coming to share your day
with me here on JanBeek.

What are your plans for this new day?
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

God Bless You!

P.S. Please pray for my daughter-in-law, Monika.
She spent most of the day yesterday in the ER.
Today our son, Ty, will take her to the hospital
to find out why the massive headache and the
pain in the area of her gall bladder. Pray for a
diagnosis and for healing, please.
Thank you!

Embrace What’s Not There

The world always seems brighter
when you’ve just made something
that wasn’t there before.

― Neil Gaiman

More than 500 people came to enjoy the display of art
at the Madison Valley Arts Festival yesterday.

Sue Kinn-Brown created something new with pottery.
I love her poppy motif.
Another artist created unique purses with beautiful fabric.
I love this elegant belt as its closure.
Joe Gillispie used old wood to create a unique table (Thanks, Joe! )
This artist used her photography skills to capture unique images.
Then she enlarged and framed them.
Aren’t these fox kits adorable?
As a seamstress, “Joy” creates personalized gifts.
You can capture meaningful phrases and
create unique wall hangings.
This is personalized fishing gear.
Those rod cases and fishing nets
include etched names –
personalized for your favorite fisherman!
Start your children young – enjoying art festivals
and creating their own art…
Who says giraffes can’t have red eyes?

This children’s art area also gave kids a chance to paint rocks.
Why not?
Always good to have a spot where
young artists can create their own
unique items that weren’t there before.
Let your photography enhance other folks’ homes!
Do you have a wall that needs something that wasn’t there before?
Thanks, Margie Reck, for ordering our 25th anniversary cake.
Baking and cake decorating is another way to
create what’s not there.
And within a half an hour it’s not there again!
Festival customers enjoyed this dessert –
celebrating with us!

Before these artists created their cakes, photo images, colored giraffes and painted rocks, rod cases and wall hangings, stockings and tables, purses and pottery, those items obviously were not there.

Use your God-given talents and unique inspirations to create what’s not there yet.

The world would be a very different place, a much less interesting place, an environment with much less beauty if we didn’t have artists. Thank God for our artists!

Embrace What’s Not There.
Create it!

Thanks for visiting JanBeek.

See ya tomorrow (God willing).

Embrace Artists

Today was our Madison Valley 25th annual Arts Festival. (well… almost annual… we had to cancel it last year because of COVID). Nearly 50 artists from Montana and Idaho gathered here in Ennis to treat us with their displayed talents. It was a delightful day. Come and join me to enjoy the festival vicariously.

That’s me in the pink top … Ennis Arts Assoc. President
Chelsee Mahsman (sec.), Batb Bunge (volunteer coordinator)
and Barbara Swan-Roger (treasurer)
People started setting up last night!
These two set up early this morning
They did very well with their sales

The Presbyterian Women (I’m a part of them)
sold baked and canned goodies.
Baking and cooking is an art, you know.
They sold out!!
That’s Cindy, Stephanie & Hailey!
It was a beautiful day in Peter T Park –
a venue made possible by the
Madison Valley Bank.
Benny and her hubby served
a record number of lunches
from their “Li’l Hogpit Trailer”
Starting at 11:30 and continuing until 3:00 pm,
there was a line of customers at the Li’l Hogpit.
We really enjoyed the pulled pork sandwich.
The Tune Tanglers provided music from 10: to 2:
That’s brother & sister, Peggy & Jim –
Great musicians!
Jim Groshong and the Ennis City Ramblers
played from 2: til the rain chased ’em out about 3:30 PM
The musicians are setting up here…
By 10: am all the chairs were filled
with appreciative listeners

Here are some of the artists:

This is EAA member, Sherry Gold.
One of Sherry’s paintings is in my entry at home.

I don’t know ALL the artists’ names… so
forgive me for not telling you who each one is.
This gal was new to our festival this year.
These giant flies might catch a whale. You think?
Here are Sue Kinn-Brown and her hubby, Verne Brown.
Sue was our Festival chairperson and
Verne was the lead set-up person.
Congratulations, Sue & Verne for a fantastic job!
Here’s some of Sue’s pottery
This beautiful cutting board sold quickly!
I love this donkey!

Joe Gillispie creates gorgeous tables.
I have a cross up in my sanctuary that he made for me.
I love the inlaid turquoise.
Joe’s wife Barbara, is an invaluable member of our EAA…
a member of the jury committee and secretary of our Planning Committee.
I love her!
These rustic originals are so whimsical!
Many of the jewelers used local stones as some of their materials.

Bob bought this for me as a birthday gift. I love it!
It was created by Linda Sommer
L Designs 411
One of the most fun things about events like this one
is the opportunity to make new friends.
We had a great visit with this couple from Idaho.
Maybe Blaire will join our EAA and display his art here next year!
Sonja and I became instant friends!!
This talented young artist was new to our festival.
Such a cutie! Great talent!!
Gerry Mooney is an EAA member who is a terrific photographer.
We had such a wonderful assortment of various art medium in attendance!
Just look at this beautiful bowl!!

I worked most of the morning here at the EAA information booth,
selling raffle tickets and answering questions about who or what’s where.
That’s the chair where I sat…
Many of our vendors told us this one their
most successful festivals in years.
Customers were enthusiastically generous!
There was so much to choose from!
In addition to that beautiful turquoise cross necklace,
Bob got me this antelope pillow!!
It looks great in my living room!
Our neighbor and friend, BJ Radell, created it.
Check out her fiber arts at BJ Designs …

Maybe next year at this time, you can can to come to Ennis and help us celebrate our 50 year anniversary as an Ennis Arts Association. I’d love to house a bunch of my Word Press friends and have us enjoy the festivities together! Think about it!

Thanks for taking my Art Festival tour with me. Which kind of art do you like best?

We may even take you out on the Madison.
What do you say?

See ya tomorrow (God willing)


Embrace Creativity

When are you the most creative?
Where do your creative juices flow most freely?
What’s your God-given creative talent?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I am not a painter.
I may have some latent talent there, but I have never developed it.

That’s Bob –
He’ll tell you he developed
his painting skills by
painting beehives for 30 years!
Now he’s painting the pastor’s house!!

Do you have hidden talents that you have not fully explored?

Photo by Roman Koval on Pexels.com

When children are given the tools
and the examples early in life,
often that becomes the springboard
for a life of artistic talent shared.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Pexels.com

No one told me that my scribbles
might lead to a creative talent
that would be appreciated by others!

But, I was encouraged to sing as a child.
That was a talent that did not go unnoticed.
How could you ignore it when
I was a 3-year-old singing
“Appo-Tee, Appo-Tee, AppoTee”
all the way through the hymns at church.
Singing loudly and joyfully!

It was during the time of WWII
and a popular song was
“Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree
(with Anyone Else But Me).”

You’re probably not old enough to remember it!!
Go ahead, click on it here.
You’ll love it!!

So how did my “Appo Tee” singing
graduate into a full-blown creative talent?
Like any talent, it takes

I have been a member of a choir
for as long as I can remember…
… always in school, then in church,
and eventually our community choir.
I am not a soloist,
but I love singing in a duet
or trio or with a large group.
Recently our church choir
was able to start up again…
it is such a joy!

Once I even got to sing
with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
during one of their dress rehearsals
for their Christmas concert!

The rendition below of
“The Lord Bless You and Keep You”
was sung by the University of the Pacific Choir
at Bob’s and my wedding 2/11/62.
Here is the Mormon Tabernacle singing it.
I love it so much!

If your talent is not singing or painting,
maybe you developed a talent in another area –
like cooking or woodworking or metal sculpture.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Of course, one major talent I forgot mention
Is instrumental music …
the piano or a woodwind or string or brass instrument…
Such talent brings so much joy to the player
as well to a world of listeners.

I played the accordion and the clarinet
as a child and continued to do so
until just recently.
My accordion is not functioning,
there’s a hole in the bellows.

Perhaps I will find another
small accordion that I can handle…
and will resume that creative endeavor.
The children at the day care center
and the residents at our local
Nursing Home enjoyed it!

Here’s just a small clip –
(it’s only 10 seconds!!)
of me playing for the residents
at my sister’s place in PA
a couple of years ago.
(I won’t burden you with too much of this!)

My cousin always used to send me comic strips
about the accordion.
One was a guy entering heaven
and the angel said,
“Welcome to Heaven,
here’s your harp.”
The other was a gal entering Hades.
The angel greeted her and said,
“Welcome to Hell,
here’s your accordion.”

Hah! I miss Cliff and those jokes!!

The question remains:
What are your God-given talents?
Have you developed an area of creativity?

I forgot to mention writing!!
Us bloggers imagine ourselves to have that talent
or else we wouldn’t be posting here on WordPress, right?

But, even this writing talent
doesn’t improve without practice, right?
Never stop learning and trying to improve –
regardless of the area of creativity…
gardening & photography (Derrick) –
poetry (Dwight, Richard, Pat, Rahul, etc.)
cooking (Andre’ & Caralyn)
You know who you are…
and what you need to do!

Our library was having a book sale last week.
For a dollar, I was able to buy this wonderful book.
Copyrighted 20 years ago, it’s never outdated,
and I can never stop learning how to be a better writer.
Like any talent, it takes practice, study, and more practice.
And feedback always helps!

Roses are red.
Violets are pink.
I’m an emerging poet.
Man, don’t I stink?

No, don’t badmouth yourself!!
Keep workin’ at it…

Embrace Creativity!
Tell me about yours…

Thanks for sharing!
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

God is Whistling

As I sat
in my sanctuary
this morning,
with the painting of Jesus praying
looking at me,

I stopped
and appreciated the peace,
the quiet,
the calmness.

I tuned my ears
to God
what do you think I heard?
God whistled at me!

No, God didn’t whistle like Roger Whittaker.
He didn’t even whistle like this obsessed whistler below.

No, God whistled through the trees outside in my snow-covered yard.

Didn’t take long for the snow to blow off the trees!

The wind was blowing at about 30 miles per hour.

Some people might find that sound
I found it inspiring.

Here is the poem it inspired:

God Is Whistling

God is whistling
At me this morning
The trees are dancing
Sending out a warning

A storm is coming
The sky is darkening gray
We’re going to have snow
Again on Christmas day

I listened to His whistle
For in it there was joy
I heard His song announcing
The coming of His Boy

I can whistle His arrival
I can join God’s happy tune
‘Cuz I celebrate this season
Christ the Lord is coming soon

Alice Paschal drawing

I imagine those doves are cooing
as they peer down on the Christ Child.

I can whistle a cooing sound of a dove.
Try it.
God is listening.

I can whistle. Can you?
Whistle a love song.
Whistle a Christmas carol.
Whistle along with your favorite song of the season.
Here’s another Roger Whittaker for your listening pleasure:

I hope that made you smile.
Nothing like a cheerful whistle!
Thanks for visiting JanBeek.

I love you!

Have a Marvelous Monday.
See ya tomorrow.

Mountain Majesty

Thank you, Ed Coyle, for this beautiful photo of the grand Tetons in Wyoming.

My friends, Terry and Jim Groshong, are hiking in the area of the Tetons this week. It is such a gorgeous area. I need to share some of their photos with you.

The Tetons are truly amazing!
Terry & Jim enjoyed a visit to this museum today.
There’s my dear friend, Terry.
Bob calls her Sparkles (because she does).
Great photo, huh?
That previous photo
had to have been taken
through one of these holes,
don’t you think?

Don’t these photos make you want to take a trip to Jackson Hole, WY, and on to the areas around? Terry and Jim did some hiking… You may want to plan on that, too.

Bob and I worked at the manse (church parsonage) today. He painted the area above the garage door where the paint was chipping due to years of snow and sun bearing down on it. I stayed with Bob while he did this project yesterday and today. Not a good idea for an 81 year old to be up on ladders and scaffolding. But, it had to be done.

While Bob painted, we had an audience:

With a little noise, she got up and spent about a half an hour munching on the lawn.

Meantime, Bob completed his job. The manse looks refreshed!

That was the gray base coat. I’ll show you the finished product tomorrow. Time to go now and listen to our Presidential Debate between Biden and Trump. I pray for honest exchange and civility.

See ya tomorrow.

Love ya,

Montana Art Walk

Yesterday was the last of the Ennis, Montana Art Walks for 2020. I attended three gallery’s showings and enjoyed seeing several artists at work. I thought you might enjoy walking along with me. So, here we go…

Peggy and Frank Giblin own this gallery.
Artist, Sherrill Gold’s “Wolf.”
Sherry’s paintings of animals are my favorites.
The art on display was for sale.
Here is more of Sherry’s work.
Gerry Mooney and Patsy Eckert chatted at the refreshments table.
Gerry is an extraordinary photographer
and Patsy’s watercolors are wonderful!

Leaving the Cattleman’s Gallery, I proceeded to Gallery 287 owned by Cathy Toot.

Sue Kinn-Brown was there,
working on her pottery.
Sue is an active member
(the vice-president)
of our Ennis Arts Association
I don’t know this gentleman’s name,
but I love the glass art of fish.
Fun to see the weaver at work.
A lovely display of necklaces
A belt buckle for every occasion
One of my favorite cowboy paintings
I think this painting of cows is by Margie Reck, another of our EAA members.
I like it, don’t you?
I love the way Margaret Casolara embosses the spoons.
I have one of these with bees on it!
BK was set up to make jewelry right there.
BJ Goodman demonstrated her felt pillow art.
Beautiful stuff!! I love that rooster.

Before the Art Walk on that busy Friday, I participated in a rally on the lawn by our Ennis fisherman at the town’s triangle. Some of the local Democratic candidates were there waving flags and holding up signs with about 25 of us patriotic Madison Valley residents. It was time to “Put your body where your mouth is!” Just putting your money out there to support the candidates of your choice is not enough – ever – but particularly this election year. We need to be brave enough to advocate for our blue candidates in this red state!

A group picture was taken earlier. I wonder if it will appear in our local newspaper?

We waved our flags, smiled at passersby and motorists, and gave thumbs up. Many returned our smiles and honked their horns and gave us a return thumbs up. About 1/3 gave us a thumbs down. Another portion just drove by avoiding eye contact or any kind of reaction. Fortunately I only received one middle-finger-salute!

I figure that guy who gave me the F-U sign was probably the same one who wrote and posted this sign.

And with that, I conclude my “Art Walk” with you.
I hope you enjoyed it…
and you are having a Stupendous Saturday.
What are you doing to “Walk the Talk” in your world today?

See ya later.
Love, JanBeek
(and Bob, too)

Peace and Joy to you, my friends!
Enjoy this gorgeous rendition of “Let there be Peace on Earth.”
(The second half is a little boy’s gorgeous voice. So enchanting!)
Let me walk with you in perfect harmony!

Stone Art

I know a lot of you love art as much as I do.
I am the president of our Ennis Arts Association.
As such, I rub elbows with a lot of talented people.
Today I met a new artist: Akie from Japan.
I LOVE her art!
Take a look:

Akie Nakata Stone Paintings Tiny Animal Sculptures

Japanese artist Akie Nakata (known simply as Akie) transforms found stones into animals you can hold in the palm of your hand. Isn’t this amazing? You thought it was a real bird at first, huh? I did, too.

Here are some more of the rock art creations:

Which of them do you like best?
Have you ever tried painting on rocks?

Today I am having a COVID-19 test. I have no symptoms,
but the test is required before I can have surgery.
I am scheduled to have a hernia repaired on Tuesday.
Should be a simple in-out procedure.

Please keep me in prayer that the robot knows what it’s doing.
I’ll keep you posted.

Hope you are having a Marvelous Monday.