Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘accordion’

A Merry Heart

“A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance,
but by sorrow of the heart
the spirit is broken.”

Proverbs 15:13

Use your merry heart
To be like an umbrella
Protection in storms

At the end of day
Your sweet, merry countenance
Is a lovely sight

Your positive view
Shines through the dark clouds of gloom
Lifting others’ hearts

You’ve an extra dose
Merriment is contagious
You infect others

David Jeremiah’s entry in today’s devotional
in Ever Faithful was titled “A Merry Heart.”
It gave me the incentive for today’s post:

“After Richard Norris was badly disfigured
by a gunshot wound in 1997,
he remained hidden at his parents’ home for years.
They covered the mirrors
to keep him from glimpsing his face.
But a team of doctors…
gave Richard a new countenance.”

The scripture selected, Proverbs 15:13, fit the story perfectly.
Richard’s spirit was broken.
His sorrow of the heart was understandable.
David Jeremiah went on to link
Richard’s sorrow to us all:

“While Richard’s story is unusually dramatic,
there’s a sense in which we all need a new countenance.
Study the faces of people you meet every day…”

Oh how I love those
Last two pictures of my friends
Study every face

David Jeremiah goes on to suggest,

“Steal a quick glance at your own face
as you pass a mirror or reflective window.
…Our emotions inexorably flash through
the forty-three muscles in our face
and we communicate our feelings
through our eyes, brows,
and the set of our mouths.”

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

“One smile can light up a room;
one frown can darken a day.

“The Bible tells us a merry heart
makes a cheerful countenance.
Rejoice in the Lord today
and let the joy of Jesus shine through.”

I dare you to listen to this and not smile!!
You know I play the accordion, right?
Well this is a concertina… buttons on both sides.
Aren’t these kids adorable?

Open up you Merry Heart!
Mine is open for you!!

Love ya,

Open heart + Open hands = Merry, Cheerful Countenance

Embrace Creativity

When are you the most creative?
Where do your creative juices flow most freely?
What’s your God-given creative talent?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I am not a painter.
I may have some latent talent there, but I have never developed it.

That’s Bob –
He’ll tell you he developed
his painting skills by
painting beehives for 30 years!
Now he’s painting the pastor’s house!!

Do you have hidden talents that you have not fully explored?

Photo by Roman Koval on Pexels.com

When children are given the tools
and the examples early in life,
often that becomes the springboard
for a life of artistic talent shared.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Pexels.com

No one told me that my scribbles
might lead to a creative talent
that would be appreciated by others!

But, I was encouraged to sing as a child.
That was a talent that did not go unnoticed.
How could you ignore it when
I was a 3-year-old singing
“Appo-Tee, Appo-Tee, AppoTee”
all the way through the hymns at church.
Singing loudly and joyfully!

It was during the time of WWII
and a popular song was
“Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree
(with Anyone Else But Me).”

You’re probably not old enough to remember it!!
Go ahead, click on it here.
You’ll love it!!

So how did my “Appo Tee” singing
graduate into a full-blown creative talent?
Like any talent, it takes

I have been a member of a choir
for as long as I can remember…
… always in school, then in church,
and eventually our community choir.
I am not a soloist,
but I love singing in a duet
or trio or with a large group.
Recently our church choir
was able to start up again…
it is such a joy!

Once I even got to sing
with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
during one of their dress rehearsals
for their Christmas concert!

The rendition below of
“The Lord Bless You and Keep You”
was sung by the University of the Pacific Choir
at Bob’s and my wedding 2/11/62.
Here is the Mormon Tabernacle singing it.
I love it so much!

If your talent is not singing or painting,
maybe you developed a talent in another area –
like cooking or woodworking or metal sculpture.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Of course, one major talent I forgot mention
Is instrumental music …
the piano or a woodwind or string or brass instrument…
Such talent brings so much joy to the player
as well to a world of listeners.

I played the accordion and the clarinet
as a child and continued to do so
until just recently.
My accordion is not functioning,
there’s a hole in the bellows.

Perhaps I will find another
small accordion that I can handle…
and will resume that creative endeavor.
The children at the day care center
and the residents at our local
Nursing Home enjoyed it!

Here’s just a small clip –
(it’s only 10 seconds!!)
of me playing for the residents
at my sister’s place in PA
a couple of years ago.
(I won’t burden you with too much of this!)

My cousin always used to send me comic strips
about the accordion.
One was a guy entering heaven
and the angel said,
“Welcome to Heaven,
here’s your harp.”
The other was a gal entering Hades.
The angel greeted her and said,
“Welcome to Hell,
here’s your accordion.”

Hah! I miss Cliff and those jokes!!

The question remains:
What are your God-given talents?
Have you developed an area of creativity?

I forgot to mention writing!!
Us bloggers imagine ourselves to have that talent
or else we wouldn’t be posting here on WordPress, right?

But, even this writing talent
doesn’t improve without practice, right?
Never stop learning and trying to improve –
regardless of the area of creativity…
gardening & photography (Derrick) –
poetry (Dwight, Richard, Pat, Rahul, etc.)
cooking (Andre’ & Caralyn)
You know who you are…
and what you need to do!

Our library was having a book sale last week.
For a dollar, I was able to buy this wonderful book.
Copyrighted 20 years ago, it’s never outdated,
and I can never stop learning how to be a better writer.
Like any talent, it takes practice, study, and more practice.
And feedback always helps!

Roses are red.
Violets are pink.
I’m an emerging poet.
Man, don’t I stink?

No, don’t badmouth yourself!!
Keep workin’ at it…

Embrace Creativity!
Tell me about yours…

Thanks for sharing!
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

Embrace Pianists

Laura Sullivan is a contemporary musician
whose original compositions
and renditions on the piano
accompanied by various instrumentalists
are a joy to listen to.

I almost always have music going on in the background while at home. Besides Laura Sullivan, I also put on You.Tube videos like this one: Water of Life – Peaceful Instrumental Hymns. Maybe, listening to this You.Tube hour and a half of music while you go about your business, you will embrace pianists, too.

Enjoy listening and watching –

Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

Do you have a favorite pianist?
(Roger Williams is one of mine.
I ask Alexa to shuffle songs by him frequently).

Is there some other instrument you enjoy listening to?

Do you play an instrument?

We couldn’t afford a piano when I was a kid growing up, but we bought a little accordion from my “sorta cousin” who lived next door. That accordion only had 8 bass keys, so it was limited to songs in the key of F, C, G or A.

Eventually my parents bought me a bigger one – with 120 bass keys – and that has been my instrument for at least 70 years of my life. The left hand buttons do not translate well to the left hand on a piano, but it is a fun instrument to play.

Embrace the Piano Accordion! When you play it, it’s like carrying a party on your back!

My maiden name is DeAngeles…
Yes, Italian… so you can imagine
that the Italian numbers
have always been my favorites.

Isn’t that a beautiful accordion in that video? And the scenes of Italy are enchanting. But, at the University of the Pacific where I was a student in the early 60s, I was told the accordion is not a “real instrument.” The professors and students made fun of my instrumental choice.

It’s true, the accordion does not have the capability of the piano.

I wish I had access to a piano as a kid growing up!

The piano is an instrument that provides a lifetime of ecstasy!
Even with arthritic fingers, a good pianist can still make it talk.
Notice how Roger Williams’ little finger curls up a lot of the time.
Interesting how he uses it sometimes, but not others.
My fingers do that, too…

My other instrument is the clarinet.
I can’t play it anymore.
My fingers won’t cover all the holes!
You don’t have to worry about that with a piano!

You can share a lot of love, joy and peace
if you can sit down at the piano and make it talk.
Know someone who can do that?
Embrace that pianist!!

What instrument brings love, joy and peace into your life?