Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

September Promises

September blows in with its many promises
Of new beginnings and of endings, too.
Away with sandals, sunscreen, summer scorchers,
Mowing lawns, trimming hedges, trips to the zoo.

Enter colors rich in autumn hues,
Football mania, school admissions, taxes due.
Welcome loved ones who waited to visit
Until the bustle of summer was behind you.

September promises the joy of learning
New ways of navigating challenges that spring
Up unexpected as we explore new venues,
Putting the old behind, welcoming each new thing.

Each season has its own kind of newness
And this one is certainly no exception.
September ushers in a ton of TV shows
That viewers hope to see with clear reception.

But staying in and looking at some screen
Is not what this season’s all about.
The outdoors begs you to explore
September’s promises – take a new route.

  • There’s winter, spring, summer, and fall. Just like the natural seasons change, so do the seasons in our lives. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For everything there is a season.” It also tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:11, “ [God] has made everything beautiful in its time.”

Paint a word picture for me here
Of what you hope September will bring.
I’m looking forward to our visitors –
Family always makes my heart sing.

What’s in store for you this September?

Thanks for visiting JanBeek.
Happy September first to you!

If you have time, listen to this beautiful song sung by my favorite singer from my high school and college days… Liquid Velvet!! The year Nat King Cole recorded this was the year I graduated from college and began my teaching career! Yup, an oldie, but goodie!!

Comments on: "September Promises" (8)

  1. The photo of the mountain view through the autumn leaves is spectacular. Of course, your poems are always fun and insightful.

  2. Thanks for the September song, Jan! 🙂
    I always loved to listen to Nat King Cole. Sadly he died when he was only 45.

  3. Wishing you a grand, one-of-a-kind September!

  4. A wonderfully written poem, Jan. September has lots of promises… some it keeps and others…well maybe not!

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