Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘compromise’

Embrace LoveLiving

What is “LoveLiving”?
Duh, it is living in love!
Uh, but every day?

Are we allowed angst?
Are some days just terrible?
Are you wondering?

How do folks do it?
How do folks just hang in there?
We all face tough days!

Mom & Dad

Today would have been
My mom and dad’s 80th.
Don’t they look happy?

But don’t let smiles
Fool you into false thinking.
Days weren’t always great!

Sometimes Mom shouted
In frustration at my dad.
He’d just grin at her.

His was the sweetest
Grin and the biggest of hugs.
No one could stay mad.

But it’s not healthy
To keep everything inside.
He should have shouted!!

Silence brings ulcers!
LoveLiving ain’t always soft.
Sometimes it is hard!

Jesus taught us that!
He wasn’t always smiling,
Yet always loving.

Holidays are hard.
Families don’t always agree.
Disagree in love.

LoveLiving is loud.
Cry out loud if you need to.
Tell folks how you feel.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

But, no fair fighting!
Compassionately share all
And avoid ulcers!

Let your family in.
Share emotions openly.
Do it with respect.

Respect is the key
To living in love each day.
It is essential.

It will be 60
Years of marriage in two months.
Sixty LoveLiving.

Was it always fun?
No, there were troubling times.
But, we prayed them through.

Faith is essential.
Like a rope with three tough strands:
You, me, and the Lord!

Bonnie Beekman Hunt and Stan Hunt

At our granddaughter’s
Wedding two plus years ago,
All four Beekmans danced.

We were the last ones
Left on the dance floor to show
The fruits of long love.

Four Beekman siblings,
All married fifty-five plus.
Wasn’t always fun!

Bob & me at
Bonnie & Stan’s wedding

Shortly after this
I foolishly broke us off.
But Bob was steadfast.

He’s true LoveLiving.
Said, “Not YOUR way or MY way,
But it is OUR way!”

It’s so fortunate
That I bought into that stance!
So blessed with this man!

Here we are
at DeAna’s wedding

Then, twenty-five years
Later, our daughter, DeDe
Married her sweetheart.

Our LoveLiving has
Rubbed off on her and Andre’…
Not always easy!

But, sticking it out
Through the good days and the bad
Pays off in the end.

Monika and Ty with
DeAna and Andre’

Our son and his wife,
Ty and Monika Beekman,
Practice LoveLiving.

They celebrated
Thirty-two years together
This last September.

Ain’t always easy.
Some days a wing and a prayer
Were all that tied them.

Monika & Ty

But, LoveLiving is
Knowing it’s great to forgive,
And growing in love.

LoveLiving is hard.
Jesus never promised ease.
But He is with us.

Our Lord promised us
He’d help in times of trouble.
All we do is ask!

Jesus carries us
When our burdens feel heavy.
LoveLiving is hard!

Jesus carries us
When we can’t walk on our own.
Let Him lift you up.

Jesus quiets us
When we are feeling let down.
Give him your worries!

With holiday time
Comes the pressure we create
With long to-do lists.

Often we just need
To set all those lists aside
And do LoveLiving!

Seek the Lord’s presence.
Imitate acts of kindness.
Let His LoveLight shine!

Happy LoveLiving, my friends.
What will you do this week to spread the
LoveLight that shares the

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Pexels.com

May the Lord Bless and Keep You.
I send you lots of hugs and cheer.