Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘productivity’

Embrace Today

If you knew today
Was your last day to be here
How would you spend it?

Lao Tzu:

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

“Respond to anger with virtue.
Deal with difficulties while they are still easy.
Handle the great while it is still small.”

Today is the day
It’s the only day we have
How will we spend it?

More from Lao Tzu:

“Your own positive future begins in this moment.
All you have is right now. Every goal is possible from here.”

Is not always busyness
Take time to settle

When difficulties
Nag at you from every side
God is growing you

Take time to be still
Hear His gentle voice; listen
Think before flying

Caterpillar waits
Inside a tight chrysalis
Time is transforming

Embrace your today
Spend it busily waiting
For the right flight time!

Time keeps on slippin’
Slippin’ into the future
So, Carpe’ Diem!!

Embrace Today!

Photo by Frans Van Heerden on Pexels.com

Thanks for visiting JanBeek today
See ya tomorrow.

The Lion in Me

Hello, Sir Lion!
I feared you had gone away.
Welcome to today!

Miss Kitty out here
Threatened to take me over
While you stayed hidden.

I’m glad you appeared
To help me face challenges;
Today’s full of them.

My To-Do List

  • Finish cleaning that darn office
  • Go up in my sanctuary; worship and consult with God
  • Figure out what to put in our suitcases and pack ’em
  • Fix and eat a healthy breakfast
  • Go downtown and buy hostess gifts
  • Confirm our flights and choose our seats
  • Leave a list of helpfuls for the folks who’ll be in our house
  • Visit shut-ins
  • Go to Bell Choir Practice
  • Fix and eat dinner
  • Clean up the kitchen and dust the house
  • Get a good night’s sleep for tomorrow’s long travel day

Take strength and courage
From Mr. Lion in me.
Tackle those To-Do’s!

Have a productive day, my friends.
I’m headed into that darn office.
Can’t have it looking so messy
when our family arrives for Thanksgiving.
Do you have a room like that at your place?

See Ya Later!