Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘handicaps’

How’re You Aging?

Some people seem to have aged like fine wine.  I aged like milk…. I got sour and chunky.

Is 82 old? I’ve spent my life and my blogging career (over a decade now) denying “old” and encouraging vim & vigor!

Now, all of a sudden, as I nurse my bruised and broken left hand, try to type with one hand, and I struggle to cut my pain meds in half so I can welcome normal bowel movements again, I am feeling sour, chunky, and sorry for myself. Ever been there?

Photo by David Garrison on Pexels.com

I have blogged only once or twice in the weeks since my careless trip over the curb and my broken and dislocated left pinky. I try to make light of it.

But I challenge you: Tie your non-dominant hand to your waist. Make it inoperable/immobile. Then leave it like that for two weeks. Try taking a shower, washing your hair, changing the sheets on your bed, slicing meat for a stir-fry, putting on socks, or pulling up your pants. How’s it working?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Believe me, it’s worse than having a finger in a trap! The whole arm and hand are out of commission!
But… true to form, I find comfort in knowing it could be worse!

I drink a toast to the blessings! It coulda been worse! It coulda been the dominant hand or the head or a hip! It coulda been permanent damage. This, too, shall pass!!

So, after all, count your blessings, Jan; you had just gotten a manicure – and you didn’t even break a nail! Now I ask you, how lucky can you be?

Happy Cinco de Mayo came and went! Our granddaughter’s birthday came and went! Mother’s Day came and went! Neighbors and friends came and are still coming to help with meals and household chores. So, I’m smiling and grateful.

I’m aging pretty well! Don’t you think? How about you?

See ya tomorrow, God willing…
Have a Terrific Tuesday.
I send my love,

Guess what? Looking on the bright side and putting on a happy face is NOT the end of your generation!!

Don’t Laugh at Me

Don’t laugh at others
Who are faced with challenges.
Seek to understand.

We are divided
In this world that’s filled with hate.
Why can’t we just love?

It’s intolerance
And a lack of compassion
That sows evil seeds.

People point fingers
At those they see as different.
Let’s see their beauty!

People point their guns
At differing opinions.
Let’s just live and learn!

Learn to see others
As God’s children; we’re the same.
Let’s make love “catching!”

I had not heard this song before Peter, Paul & Mary made it famous (I think it was back in the late 60s – early 70s). I love their version of it, but some of the words were hard to understand. Now that I have heard the song writer, Mark Willis, sing it, and I have seen the lyrics, I logged on to the Peter, Paul and Mary version and wondered why I ever had trouble understanding.

With their chosen video clips on this You.Tube, I dare you to listen and look and let it soak in and NOT cry!!

Oh, my dear blog friends,
How can we bury the hate?
Make love contagious!

Look at these dear ones –
See into their hearts and souls
Through Jesus glasses.

Look at your neighbors;
Really see the ones in need.
Then reach out in love!

Photo by Judita Tamou0161iu016bnaitu0117 on Pexels.com

My heart is hurting
For the disenfranchised ones.
What’s YOUR handicap?

I’m short…
I’m dense…
I barely matter at all…
Don’t laugh at me!

See ya tomorrow.
I’m headed to my follow-up appointment with my surgeon.
You have a safe, healthy, and meaningful day…
And see who’s out there who needs a helping hand.

Let’s just love one another!