Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘generosity’

Man’s Best Asset

What do you consider man’s best asset?

mondo backside
Photo by Tazz Vaughn on Pexels.com

Well, it depends on how you’re looking at the word, huh?
Or maybe who you are and what you do?

If you are a gastroenterologist,
(a GI doctor)
like Dr. Gentry,
who last Sunday performed Bob’s colonoscopy,
then you’re looking for a clear anus!!

Oh my!
TMI ??
Too much information!!

BUTT (oops!) BUT,
hey, we just went through this weekend from hell…
and if you’ve read my previous coupla blogs,
you know what I mean.
And maybe you are waiting for an update?

Bob received wonderful care at
the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital.
The nurse, Ann-Marie, was the reason
he was smiling like this!
She was as efficient as she was beautiful!

What’s a woman’s greatest asset?
She was kind, caring, efficient, and professional.
A real delight!
Aren’t those the perfect qualities for a nurse?
(Or any of us, for that matter!)

Let me digress for a minute, OK?
While Bob was waiting and waiting for his procedure,
(it was scheduled for 8:00 am
and got bumped twice because of emergencies),
I decided to go get something to eat.
Neither Bob nor I had anything solid for about 48 hours!

I was sitting at the counter at Jam!
(my favorite breakfast place in Bozeman)
when the hostess seated a coupe next to me.
I glanced up from the CA church service
that was live-streaming
on my cell phone
and said, “Hi!” to the couple.
Then I went back to listening
to our son, Ty, who was delivering
the sermon at his church
in Placerville, California.
(Isn’t modern technology wonderful?!)

That’s Ty with me – taken last summer…
We’re so proud of his decision to pursue the ministry.

Anyway, I digressed…
What I wanted to share with you was the way
God worked miracles in our lives
every time we turned around last weekend!

persons left hand doing hand gesture
Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on Pexels.com

I was listening to Ty’s sermon
when I heard the customer recently seated to my left
say, “Hello, Mrs. Beekman.”

Surprised, I looked up…
and I studied the handsome young man’s face.
“Neighbor? Crowley?? Are you Cole?”
I had not seen him in a coupe of years.
He and his family live right across the road from us.
He’s been away at college.
What are the chances in a restaurant with 100+ people
that Cole would be seated right next to me??

“When things happen in your Christian walk of faith
and you say to yourself what a coincidence,
you should know that it’s not, 
it is God’s hand in your life.”

James 1:17 
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, 
coming down from the Father of lights
with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Open your hands
and your heart
for God to fill them!

Cole and I chatted for a while,
got caught up on what’s new
with him and with us…
and I went back to listening to
Ty’s sermon on-line.
Cole & his girlfriend said their good-byes
with “Let me know if you need anything.”

When the sermon was over
and it was time to get back to Bob
before he went in for his procedure,
guess what?
I asked for the bill…

“That couple that was next to you
paid for your breakfast!”

Every time I turned around,
God was working His miracles
through the generosity,
kindness, professionalism,
and compassion of others!!

See that latte pictured up there?
Do you think it was a coincidence
that a happy bee is floating on the top?

Remember, Bob is
a retired beekeeper/almond farmer.
No accident that they made my dirty chai latte
with almond milk and God sent the bee here to say,
“Hah! Here I am to remind you
Bob is in good Hands!
I’ve gotcha covered!”

I got back to the hospital in time
to say a prayer with Bob
before he was wheeled in.

It was only a short time when
he was wheeled back to the room.

Shortly, the doc came in with the good news,
“You have a beautiful anus for an 84 year old!”
(See, there’s that asset I was telling you about)
Only a GI doctor with 25,000
colonoscopies under his belt
would be so observant, right?

“Everything is OK!
Whatever was causing the bleeding
(no doubt diverticulitis)
has healed itself.
No surgery needed.
Eat more fiber.
Drink more water.”

Bob was given his marching orders
with instructions to follow-up
in a week with his primary care doc here in Ennis.

But before they checked us out
and sent us happily on our way,
Bob was given solid food
(ah, a turkey sandwich never tasted so goood!)
We were sent home with grateful hearts.
Praise the Lord!!

I believe in miracles.
We just experienced more than one.
Look for God’s miracles.
Expect them.
He is busy delivering them every day!

God bless you!
Thank you for all your prayers.
We love you.
Bee well!!

Oh, by the way,
what do you think is
Man’s Best Asset?

An Inviting Space

There was a space
Where weeds were growing
A promising spot
Where neglect was showing.

So the Nursing Home Auxiliary
Started a No-Show-Fundraiser
And hundreds of givers
Gave to hire the labor

Weeds were removed
And a concrete pad was poured
A pergola was built
The residents and staff were floored!

The pergola looked bare
So barn quilts were added
Flowers in the flower bed
Some benches (no, not padded)

The Lion’s Club bought the benches
For a sprinkler system the MV Woman’s Club paid
A resident’s daughters donated the flowers
Amazing improvements were made

This inviting space brought joy
To the residents and staff alike
More flowers and colors were added
It matched all the fundraising hype

This Friday there will be an Open House
A Thank You for all the kind folks
Who gave to make this possible
Come have a look and share Rootbeer Floats

clear drinking glass
That’s as close as I could come to
a rootbeer float!
sundae in shallow photo

Well, they won’t be THAT fancy!!

Ecclesiates 3:11

“He has made everything beautiful in His time.”

We are making everything beautiful in our time, too!

Come and visit our beautiful, inviting, peaceful space.
We’d love to sit a spell and chat with you!

2:00 to 4:00 PM
Friday, June 30
Madison Valley Manor
211 N Main St.
Ennis, MT 59729


Quality Friends

Today’s Prompt was:

What qualities do you value most in a friend?

(Couldn’t narrow it down to just one quality!)

Quality friends are plentiful

But you gotta keep in touch

Sparkling Example of Sweetness

You gotta love and hug’em


Celebrate birthdays and such


Show your appreciation


For all they do for you,

Faithful Longevity

And never let their friendship

Thoughtfulness & Sharing

Get away from you.

Consistent Inclusion

Let them know their faith walk

Love & Hospitality

Helps you walk your faith, too.

Genuine Concern

And don’t forget to tell them

Compassion & Companionship

How their integrity influences you.

Patience & Love

Besides integrity and cheerfulness


Their daily contact is a gift!


What qualities of friendship


Give you a daily lift?

Thank you for being my blogging friends!
I appreciate your faithful visits and comments.
Have a lovely weekend!

My niece, Jodie,
and her forever best friend, Melissa,
are coming to spend next week with us.
I can hardly wait!

Share Encouragement

Today we received a thank you letter from Intermountain.
We get a personalized letter from them every month.
The letter provides a great source of encouragement.
It motivates us to continue to give gladly because
we know it is received and used meaningfully.

Intermountain Development

Our gift to Intermountain is a small donation.
I have it taken out automatically from my monthly
retirement income. I don’t even miss it… but I know
it is pooled with other small gifts and together, they matter.
Intermountain helps hundreds of children increase their mental health.

The thank you letter we receive each month
lets us know our gift was received, and it tells us,
“Your support, combined with the tireless efforts of
our direct care staff, provides transformative outcomes
in the lives of the children we serve.” Thanks! We believe it!

The academic and counseling programs at Intermountain,
the recreational opportunities and clinical integrity are superb.
We are encouraged to continue to support their efforts and to
spread the word so others are encouraged to donate to them also.
They are an excellent Montana-based 501(c) organization
Check out their school, cottages, counseling,
and community outreach programs
at intermountain.org

How do you choose to share encouragement?

Donations are one way – but there are so many others:
cards, letters, phone calls, texts,
e-mails, home visits, hugs,
volunteering time,
you name it …

We all need encouragement, you know.

Choose ways to be an encourager!

Thanks for visiting JanBeek
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

Bye for now.

Embrace Generosity

Give from your big heart
Embrace generosity
Use Christ’s example

Our Lord gave His all
So we’d have Life Eternal
It’s available

All you need to do
Is open your heart to Him
And embrace His love

If you have followed my blog for awhile, you know that I have a habit of taking notes in poetry as I listen to the weekly sermon. Sometimes it’s easy to do that… other times the poetry escapes me. Today the message came to me in rhythm and rhyme quite easily! It was an inspirational take on this very familiar scripture. I hope it speaks to your heart as it did mine.

Photo by John-Mark Smith on Pexels.com

Today’s sermon
at Madison Valley Presbyterian Church
by Rev. Mary Grace Reynolds
was based on this scripture:

Mark 12:38-44

As he taught, he said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.”
He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”

Sermon Notes

Usually this scripture
Is used on Stewardship Sunday;
But, relax! This is not
What I’ll talk about today!

Who among us will go to the bank,
Empty it, and put it in the offering plate?
I wouldn’t expect that of tou –
Not today… not on any date!

But, let’s look at the lofty ones,
The ones who act like priests,
But are not… and moreover,
They righteously parade and gorge on feasts.

Jesus isn’t just ranting, but teaching.
He tells the disciples about the widow’s life.
He praises her for her generosity
And coveys her years of trouble and strife.

He scold the scribes and pharisees
For giving out of their spare change.
While the widow gave all she had,
He admonishes the limits they arrange.

These two teachings arre Jesus’s last.
From here Jesus will face His fate.
Chist encourages us to learn
There’s no pay grade low enough to be ingrate.

The widow is a victim of the system.
But, in spite of that, she gives all –
Knowing her money will help someone.
That widow certainly stands tall!

As part of the sum of many,
She gives out of sacrificial love.
Likewise, Jesus gave His all, so we
Can learn from Him and join Him above.

“God so love the world
That He gave His only begotten Son
That whosoever believeth in Him
Shall not perish
But have everlasting life”

That marvelous rendition of this hymn by St. Paul’s Cathedral Choir reminds me of the men and boys’ double choir that we heard last month at Westminster Abbey in London. Sitting next to our daughter, who cried buckets of emotion all the way through it, I remembered my years as member of the University of Pacific’s A Capella Choir. We sang this version of the song at most of our concerts. I love it! I hope you are blessed by it, too. Soooo beautiful!!

Have a blessed rest of your Sunday
and a wonderful week!

I send you my love
and lotsa hugs.

See ya tomorrow (God willing)
Embrace Generosity…
and generously give as you are able…


That’s me with our pastor,
Mary Grace Reynolds
She’s a gift from God!!

Embrace Big-Hearted Folks!

Do you have big-hearted folks in your life?
How do you recognize them?

This morning my husband, Bob,
was driving to the nearest gas station
on a new mower for the church
that was donated by a big-hearted
anonymous donor when the mower stopped.
It didn’t have enough gas in it to get
the two and a half blocks to the gas station.

He was stalled in front of the house
of a lady we have known casually
(she used to work at a furniture store in town).
We didn’t know where he lived,
but Bob recognized her when
she came out and asked,
“Can I help you?”

A few minutes later she returned
from her garage with a gallon of gas
for Bob to put in the mower
so he could get to the station and fill up.

Photo by Designecologist on Pexels.com

Yesterday our son, Ty, learned that
a family of eight from his church
had to be evacuated from their home.
The Caldor fire is the one in El Dorado County,
CA where we were concerned that Ty & Monika
might have to evacuate, but their home
seems to be below the fire line sufficiently
for them to be “out of danger.” (We pray!)

Ty and Monika are such big-hearted people
that they offered their home to the family
while our son and daughter-in-law
moved temporarily into their RV.

Now our concern is for our granddaughter, Faith.
She and her husband are in South Lake Tahoe –
and the fire seems to be headed for their neighborhood.


Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels.com

Our choir director/pianist for or church
fell from the top of her steps leading into
her garage a few weeks ago.
She dislocated her shoulder and tore
a bunch of ligaments – needing surgery.
She lives about 40 miles from here –
40 miles from the nearest medical
and physical therapy center.

Our big-hearted friends here in Ennis
opened their home to her and her pup.
They drove her the 50 miles from here
to the surgery center – and back/forth
to the major hospital over a couple weeks.
Big-hearted people like them keep
showing up in our lives.
How about your life?

Today Bob was using the new mower to
cut the grass at the church.
We have ordered a mulching kit for it,
but it is not here yet, so the grass
was piled up on the sides of the mow strips
as he cut the overgrown lawn.

Big-hearted friends who are members
of our church offered to go and help
rake and bag the lawn trimmings
and take them to the dump.

How kind!!

It is that heart full of love
that is big-hearted!

Reminds me of the story of
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
If you will recall, when he reached out
to the people in Whoville to help them,
“His heart grew ___ sizes that day!”

Do you remember how many sizes?

That’s the key to being big-hearted…
Reaching out to help others
without expecting anything in return.

Whether it is with a gallon of gas
or loaning your shelter to friends in need
or taking a friend to their doctor appointment
or providing food for a family who’s hurting
or bagging lawn clippings,
there are countless ways we can
use our big-hearted generosity
to make the world a better place.

Join me
as we extend our heart
to those around us…

and pray for those in need
of food, shelter, friendship, health, safety, etc.

We can’t do everything,
but we can do SOMEthing.

What will you do today?

I CAN Embrace

I can embrace the future.
I can be ready for a fresh start.
I can take time to review
This past year and take heart.

Take heart that new beginnings
Offer us blessings to uncover.
Take heart that compassion’s awakened;
We’ve new opportunities to discover.

I can embrace the promises
That change and growth bestow.
I can be energized by
Welcoming strangers I’ve yet to know.

Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

I can embrace the reality
Of dreams yet to fulfill,
Knowing God is ever faithful
When I’m living in His will.

As Bob Goff says, “Dream Big!”

I can embrace the coming year
With prayers for those in need –
And reach out to serve the hurting
With generosity – release the greed!

I embrace the coming decade
And hope to live rightly through it.
I embrace the coming vaccine –
It’ll be effective – we always knew it.

We knew that this pandemic
Could not stay with us forever.
There are too many blessed people
Out there who are creative and so clever.

But I am not waiting for the shot
To stop the misery and relieve the pain.
I embrace the fact that LOVE
Is what will make us whole again!

So, PEACE, my dear WP friends,
I send you the best medicine of all
For the end of this misery-filled year:
A smile, a virtual hug, a word of grace, an answer to your call.

Just like Bob Goff, Love Does,
He puts his cell phone number on his book covers.
Call on me … and I will answer every time:
(406) 599-9678

Happy New Year!
Big Embraces to you,
With Love, JanBeek

Give Cheerfully

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com

2 Corinthians 9:7

“Each of you should give
what you have decided to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Pexels.com

I give cheerfully
Not out of obligation
But from abundance

I am richly blessed
So I can be a blessing
I give cheerfully

You are richly blessed
Your needs are taken care of
Reach out to others

You give cheerfully
Out of a generous heart
And God blessed you

Thank You!

Photo by Elly Fairytale on Pexels.com

Have a blessed first Sunday in Advent!
It is a season of HOPE and ANTICIPATION.
I pray your season be filled with love and generosity.

Do you have a child or grandchild in your family who would love to see this video explaining the meaning of Advent? If so, pass this along. It’s wonderfully kid friendly… and a good way to begin the season of gifts and giving.

Before I go, let me give a gift to you:
The gift of music by Laura Story…
The blessing of faith in the “what ifs” of life…

God bless You!
See ya tomorrow.

Hugs from

Let Your Light Shine

We each have a light
Shining brightly within us
My friends, let it out!

We each are unique.
We’re each individuals,
But we’re connected.

The best examples
Of humanity’s bright lights
Are in the Bible.

Do our very best
To emulate examples
Of God’s good people.

Here are some women of the Bible whose examples of letting their lights shine are worthy of emulation. Let’s try to be like them as much as possible:

  1. Abigil was wise
  2. Dorcus used her talents
  3. Elizabeth believed
  4. Esther boldly spoke the Truth
  5. Hannah prayed ceaselessly
  6. Lydia shared generously
  7. Mary Magdalene experienced great joy
  8. Rehab gave God her best
  9. Rebekah exhibited Christ-like character
  10. Ruth remained always loyal
  11. Sarah trusted
  12. You and I learn from their examples – let our lights shine brighter because of the way these ladies lit their lamps to light our paths.

Our paths are brighter;
These ladies of the Bible
Lit bright lamps for us.

May we in return
Illuminate the pathway
For those who follow.

Photo by André Cook on Pexels.com

Bee well, my friends.

I send my love and light to you.

7 Qualities of Great Leaders

Coming Election

During this period of time from now to November 2020, we in the USA will be looking carefully for the qualities we seek in a good leader… wanting to elect a great leader … someone worthy of following.

Our Ideas & Biblical Principles

I asked Bob this morning, “If you had to name just seven qualities you think are essential for effective leaders, what would they be?”

His answers didn’t totally match the Biblical principles that prompted this blog title, but some were right on. I was reading 1 Timothy 3:1-3 during my devotional time up in my angel room this morning. This is what it said:

“… If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. Now the overseer must be above reproach… temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.”

An overseer is one who sees over his followers. A supervisor, head, manager, head honcho! And s/he must lead with qualities worthy of emulation.

Photo by alexandre saraiva carniato on Pexels.com

Bob said,

  1. Honesty
  2. Integrity
  3. Intelligence
  4. Experience
  5. Compassion
  6. Interdependence (not someone who thinks s/he can do it all alone)
  7. Respect

The Bible went on to say in 1 Timothy 3:6-7 (The parenthesis are my additions):

“He must not be a recent convert (in other words, s/he needs experience in his/her area of leadership), or he may become conceited… He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace…”

Photo by Sippakorn Yamkasikorn on Pexels.com

If the leader’s reputation is tarnished, it is like handing his/her followers a handful of worms. They just come crawling out…

1 Timothy 3:8-10 says,

“Deacons, likewise, are to be [persons] of respect, sincere… and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.”

Being a deacon is often considered synonymous with being an “elder.” In the Catholic church, it is a position below that of priest. In the protestant church, an elder is part of the ruling or decision-making body. A deacon is a part of a group of leaders elected to reach out in service to the congregation and the community at large. All religions have “deacons” whose job it is to be the hands and feet of God – serving those in need. Deacons are respected leaders whose job it is to serve those who count on them.

Photo by Suraphat Nuea-on on Pexels.com

Your Ideas & Mine

So have you come up with your own list of seven qualities a good leader needs? Will you let those qualities guide your decision when you vote in your next election?

Before you read on, make your own list. What are the seven qualities you deem most important in an effective leader?

These are the ones I gleaned from my study of the third chapter of 1 Timothy:

  1. competent (gained from applicable experience)
  2. wise (wisdom borne of Godly counsel, intelligence and study)
  3. mature (mentally and spiritually solid)
  4. gentle (compassionate & not quarrelsome)
  5. self-controlled (exhibiting peace and unity)
  6. respectable (leading a life worthy of emulation)
  7. generous (always giving his/her best to/for followers)
Photo by Anastasia Zhenina on Pexels.com

May we each live a life
That is worthy of emulation –
A life that is an open book.

One step at a time…

Tell me, what are the qualities
that are on your list for great leaders?
See ya tomorrow.

Have a Super Saturday!