Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘FaceBook’

Need a Chuckle?

Sometimes life just gets too serious.
When I feel like I need a break from that serious stuff,
I tune in to FaceBook… but only the places there that bring me joy.
Here is one of them… try it out! It’s a place for CRANKY OLD LADIES
If clicking on that title didn’t take you there, try this link:


Enough for today… Go out and enjoy this gorgeous springtime day!

Come Visit Us in Montana!

If I had space in my WordPress photo gallery, I would show you a series of photos of this place in Ennis, Montana where we are blessed to live. BUT, to add more photos, I have to erase older photos. The program tells me I am at 100% capacity! How does Derrick Knight manage to post so many beautiful photos of his garden on https://derrickjknight.com every day without running out of space? I need to discover his secret!

Meantime, what I did was put the photos on a Facebook post – and give you the link here so you can go there to see where we are inviting you to come visit. I hope you will/can check it out!


I’ll put one here as a teaser – hoping you’ll click that FB link and go see more, OK?

Bob & Jan love company… and now that my hand is better and I can be a hostess again, I hope you will consider a trip! We are just one hour from Yellowstone – and the entrance (nearest us) to the park is open now – and the road that takes you to Old Faithful is open, too… following those terrible floods a few weeks ago. Beekman B&B is full July 2-6, but after that, July is clear on our calendar!!

Our kitchen windows with the gorgeous lilac bush

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. It’s our daughter’s 35th anniversary this weekend… DeDe, the one who lives in Switzerland. We look forward to visiting them in the end of August.

Meantime, my devotional today in “Mornings with Jesus” encouraged me to “Find a quiet place. Write down any problems that surround you. Thank Jesus for being bigger than those problems.” It is not hard to find a quiet place here… and it is easy to live gratefully for daily healing of my broken finger and hurting hand, and to thank God for the beauty of nature and the peacefulness of this place. Come see for yourself!

Thanks for visiting JanBeek

Tell me what you’re doing this lovely weekend…
See ya Monday (I’m taking a day off tomorrow)
Jan Beekman

Did You Miss Me?

Yesterday I missed writing for the first time in about 400 days. Did you miss me?

No, I wasn’t out on my ATV with TazE!

WordPress said I was only on my 20th consecutive day – or something like that – but actually what happened was I started the post on one day, finished it the next day and when I posted, they chose the day I started the post rather than the posted date. That caused me to miss a day. Have you ever had that happen to you?

I learned to check the post date in the future and don’t assume it will be exactly when you click on the “Publish” button.

Oh well… big deal!
It caused me to stop being so obsessed with how many consecutive days I have!
Just smile, post when you have something to say,
And don’t sweat the small stuff.

Who cares how many consecutive days you’ve posted? I used to really care a lot. Now I have decided, “So I miss a day… big deal! Ya gotta live your life and eliminate the stress of unreal expectations!”

BUT, you know, I always have something to say! That’s not the issue. The issue is: some days other things besides writing occupy my time.

Two days ago we had the privilege of meeting for the first time IN PERSON a gal who has been my FaceBook friend for at least a decade. She and her husband were on a road trip from Ohio to California. They wanted to visit Yellowstone. It’s only an hour from us. I invited them to come stay a few days with us. They DID!! So, I was much too busy with Margo and Ron to stop and write on my blog. You understand?

Margo and me

It was fun to get acquainted with this gal who was my FB friend waaay back when we were both hooked on Farmville. Did you ever do that?

Margo used to help take care of my Farmville animals if I was away!

Now, we have graduated to helping one another in a different way. We reconnected when I reposted a comment by my friend, Father Keith, who is as concerned as I am about what’s happening with the US Postal Service. I opened Pandora’s Box – and the conversation turned caustic. Margo (who is a retired postal service worker and has a son and many friends who work for the USPS) weighed in on the conversation. God bless her!

Ron & Margo … FaceBook friend comes to life – real and wonderful!

It was wonderful to make a personal acquaintance with an on-line friend. I hope some day some of you who are my WordPress friends will come to Montana and let me meet YOU face-to-fce, too!!

What else occupied my time this past few days?

Walkin’ in the rain

Our weather here in south-western Montana is sooooo unpredictable! On Saturday we had temperatures in the high 90’s – and then Sunday it was lovely in the 80’s. That night, Margo and Ron arrived… and the next day we had rain, sleet, hail, and snow! Welcome to Montana! Let’s go for a walk in the rain!!

The flowers survived –
and by Tuesday the sun was out
and the temperatures were back
to being comfortable again!

They say if you don’t like the weather in Montana, wait five minutes! It changes so radically so fast that it is always a topic of conversation.

I hope you had a wonderful Tuesday…
and you missed me!
Take a ride this week.
Take a beautiful break!

See ya tomorrow… maybe.
What is keeping you occupied these days?
Love ya,

Where Did It Begin?

The wonderful video above was posted on Facebook – – – and should be viewed around the world (It says it can’t be previewed while I have it scheduled to be posted… but I hope when it actually posts, you can see this). Let’s help it go viral… and work to make it come true!

Another take on when this whole Coronavirus mess began was posted with this quote from CS Lewis “Screwtape Letters” today:

It doesn’t really help to blame Satan or China or Trump or any other place or person for this virus. We know it was not man-made… and blaming won’t make the world a better place. Only love and compassion can do that!

How will it all End?

Photo by Cliford Mervil on Pexels.com

It will take each of us individually
working for a brighter tomorrow …
and each of us acting in concert with others
to create the world we all want to see.
Let’s stand hand in hand!

Hand in hand…

Keep dreaming and working for
a brighter, more compassionate world.
What’s one thing you can do to help?
Make this a Happy Cinco de Mayo
with something positive you do today
to bring a smile to a friend.
What will it be?

You can bring a smile to my face
by sharing your ideas

how you celebrate the 5th of May today …
and what you’ll do for a brighter tomorrow
in the comments section below.

See you later.
Hugs from JanBeek

Add a Little Levity

A little Humor
During times of Tragedy
Ain’t sacrilegious!

Found this on FaceBook
It was in response to this post.

The Coronials
Will have a life of their own
Just like this virus

But, just in case my Haiku and pictures offend those who are in the midst of quarantine or have loved ones who are infected or family members who are the victims of this terrible pandemic, here is something on a more serious note:

My friend, Gloria, posted this on FB.

Some people are offended by the suggestion that we should dare to use the word, “Relax.” This is a time of heightened senses. A time to be on alert.

But ultimately, we know we are not in control. We know better than to believe someone who tells us he is… unless He is God.

So, God bless you, my friends.
Trusting or Terrified?
Afraid to make light of it?
I understand.

But, a little levity is good for the soul,
even in the midst of tragedy –
especially when all the toilet paper is gone!

We may have to come up with clever alternatives.

Got any other ideas?

The Corona Whistleblower

The message below was posted on FaceBook by my friend, Marge Derby. It was written originally on this FB page:

Carry The Light

All across China, people are talking about Dr Li Wen Liang. He was the doctor who discovered the novel corona virus and in the early morning of February 7, 2020 at 2:58 am, he was promoted into glory and went home to be with our Father in heaven.

Back in December last year, he was arrested for being a whistleblower ‘spreading rumors’ about a mysterious pneumonia like virus. This morning we found out he was in fact a fellow brother in Christ. Our hearts are deeply moved by his sacrificial choice to spread awareness about the virus despite the risks he faced, especially to his reputation and to his own health.

He continued to care for patients up until he was infected himself. What a legacy to leave behind of what it means to be like Jesus to those hurting in a time of crisis. He chose to be an example of Immanuel, ‘God with us’ to the people of Wuhan.

Can you imagine the joy he must have felt as he entered into eternity and heard the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant”?

So today, please pray for his family, especially his wife who is also infected and 8 months pregnant with their second child. May God heal them supernaturally and give them grace, peace, strength and comfort during this time.

Dr Li Wen Liang penned a deeply touching Chinese poem. It is translated below into English. The original Chinese is there, telling of how he would miss his family, his beloved Wuhan, and then he quoted 2 Tim 4:7-8 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

He went on to write, “Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”

“The Hero Who Told The Truth”
Here is a captivating, heart-touching Chinese poem I’ve tried to translate into English. It was written in memory of Mr Li Wenliang, a Christian doctor and whistleblower who died from the corona virus himself after being punished for issuing the first warning about the deadly corona virus outbreak.
“I don’t want to be a hero.
I still have my parents,
And my children,
And my pregnant wife who’s about to give birth,
And many of my patients in the ward.
Though my integrity cannot be exchanged for the goodness of others,
Despite my loss and confusion,
I should proceed anyway.
Who let me choose this country and this family?
How many grievances do I have?
When this battle is over,
I will look up to the sky,
With tears like rain.”
“I don’t want to be a hero.
But as a doctor,
I cannot just see this unknown virus
Hurting my peers
And so many innocent people.
Though they are dying,
They are always looking at me in their eyes,
With their hope of life.”
“Who would have ever realised that I was going to die?
My soul is in heaven,
Looking at the white bed,
On which lies my own body,
With the same familiar face.
Where are my parents?
And my dear wife,
The lady I once had a hard time chasing?”
“There is a light in the sky!
At the end of that light is the heaven that people often talk about.
But I’d rather not go there.
I’d rather go back to my hometown in Wuhan.
I have my new house there,
For which I still have to pay off the loan every month.
How can I give up?
How can I give up?
For my parents without their son,
How sad must it be?
For my sweetheart without her husband,
How can she face the vicissitudes in her future?”
“I am already gone.
I see them taking my body,
Putting it into a bag,
With which lie many compatriots
Gone like me,
Being pushed into the fire in the hearth
At dawn.”
“Goodbye, my dear ones.
Farewell, Wuhan, my hometown.
Hopefully, after the disaster,
You’ll remember someone once
Tried to let you know the truth as soon as possible.
Hopefully, after the disaster,
You’ll learn what it means to be righteous.
No more good people
Should suffer from endless fear,
And helpless sadness.”
“I have fought the good fight.
I have finished the race.
I have kept the faith.
Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness.”
2 Timothy 4:7, Holy Bible

Photo by Wendy van Zyl on Pexels.com

My Prayer

Rest in peace, Dr. Li Wen Liang. God bless you – and God be with your dear family. We all will pray for your wife, your son, and your unborn child. May God miraculously heal her and save your children. Amen

They are not forgotten.

Thanks for visiting JanBeek.

I hope this story touched your heart as it did mine.
Please join me in prayer for Mrs. Liang
and the victims of this deadly virus.
Pray for a cure!

See you tomorrow.

A Daughter’s Tribute

In the center of this photo is Marcelle Zufferey. To her left is her dear daughter, Sylvianne, who wrote the tribute below. On Marcelle’s right is her beautiful granddaughter, Lorianne.

Family Connections

Sylviane (we call her Syli) is our “Swiss Daughter.” She lived with us for a year in California when she was 17 or 18. The next year our daughter, DeDe, went to Switzerland for a year and lived in Syli’s family. Marcelle was such a loving, compassionate guide. Our daughter fell in love with Syli’s cousin, Andre’ (who became our son-in-law)… and to say De needed guidance is putting it mildly! God bless Marcelle and her husband, Antoine, for their loving understanding.

This last couple of years Marcelle has been in a care facility. That dreaded disease, Alzheimer’s, captured her memory and her health. Syli was there to spend quality time with her almost every day.

The Tribute

DeDe’s “Swisster” wrote this tribute to her mom in French (her native language). It was translated by Facebook and posted today. Some of the words may be translated strangely, but the beautiful sentiment is clear:

“Mom… you went to join dad this afternoon on his birthday.

I was able to accompany you to your last breath.

Thank you for giving us so much love.

For passing us through your eyes and your beautiful smile the meaning of family, respect and love.

You are part of the love of each of us.

From up there with dad you can be proud …

We had the extraordinary chance to have you as parents.

For having you as a mom, grand mom and great grand mom.

You are in my heart my little mom, I love you

And even if i will miss your beautiful eyes and your smile deeply, I know that now you don’t suffer anymore and that with dad you are forever present in our hearts.”

An Acrostic

I wrote this acrostic today as my tribute to this special lady… remembering her as she will always live in my heart:

M arvelous
A wesome
R adiant
C ompassionate
E mbraceable
L ovable
L oyal
E ndearing

Marcelle and me – circa 1985

Rest in peace, Marcelle. I love you.

Will you write an acrostic using your name and describing yourself? I’d love to see it. Mine would be:
J oyful
A nimated
N atural (or maybe “Nutcase”??)

See ya tomorrow. Have a good night.

Animal Photography

Animal Photography

horse head in snow

A friend sent me an e-mail with the most amazing photographs of animals. It did not have a photographer’s name credited to the pictures. I wish I knew who was behind the lense for each of these. If you recognize any, let me know, okay?

They are too beautiful to keep to myself and to a few FB followers. Photography such as this is the trademark of true artists!

I need you, my dear WP friends,
to see these.
Sit back and enjoy!!
And tell me,
which are your favorites?


rabbit- big ears

tiger cub

sloth baby

cougar on limb cliff

orange fox on orange rocks

running horse

brightly colored birds

purple-white bird

3 Tigers

Here’s lookin’ atcha!!

Hope you enjoyed this wonderful display.
Which was your favorite?

I’m off to work at the Sr. Center…

See ya later!

Google Your Symptoms

I sniffle and sneeze –
I cover cough and hide my wheeze;
No one needs these bugs.

My husband had it.
He generously shared it.
Thanks a lot, dear Bob!

Told my FaceBook friends-
They offered lots of advice:
Gargle. Honey. Rest.

I have tried them all.
The drippy nose continues.
Please pass the Kleenex!

Friends offer to help.
Invitations are declined.
Don’t want to spread this.

Snuggle up in bed
With the friend who doesn’t care
If you sneeze on him.

My TazE loves me
Whether I am sick or not.
Her kisses are free.

Sometimes I wonder
Where my dog gets all of them.
Wonder who’s kissing her now…

Photo by Ana Francisconi on Pexels.com

Stay healthy, my friends.
Let your best friend comfort you.

Hang in there!!
Send prayers and flowers!
See ya later.

Hackers Waste Our Time

Photo by Andri on Pexels.com

Hackers waste our time;
Don’t they have more productive
Ways to spend their time?

Today a scammer
Hacked my Facebook page and sent
Garbage to my friends.

S/He wasted my time
And the time of my friends, too.
Why not send out love?

If you have the brains
To figure out how to scam,
Why not do some good?

Use your brains for cheer.
Publish ways to improve life.
Reap Heavenly Gold!

Photo by Rahul on Pexels.com

Spend quality time
Enjoying celebrations!
Create joy instead.

Happy Birthday, Janet!

Exchange misery
For chances to increase joy.
Hackers are dead wood!

Grow in love and integrity!

Exchange your dead wood
For sweet natural beauty.
Honor your great brain!

Take a tip from Snoopy

Don’t waste precious life
Sending misery on-line.
Spread kindness instead.

Make Someone’s Day Better

Have you had trouble with scammers
or hackers on your computer?
How do you handle it?

It can be very disconcerting!

See ya tomorrow