Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘Google’

God Hears

Yesterday when I Googled my symptoms, if you read my blog you know that Google said I just need more flowers.

I was busy asking for prayers for healing from this “bug” that attacked my throat and brought on coughing and sneezing spells.

But, God knew Google was right. He sent a friend with flowers!

Fragrant orange sage in sunflowers

There’s nothing so fine
as a friend who comes bearing flowers
right when you need them most!

Friends answer your prayers to God!


A message to my friend:
I am thinking of you
in a special way.
Whenever we’re together
and even when we’re not
Warm and caring thoughts of you
make me smile a lot.

Friends penetrate the “Veil of Illusion”


Friends are in my heart
I ‘m on a “Friends” kick this week
Because I need them!

Where would we be without these?
We all need them – – – all the time!


God bless our friends!


Thank you for visiting.
Your comments and “likes”
make me feel so much better!

You’re an answer to prayer.

See you again soon, dear WP Friends.

Google Your Symptoms

I sniffle and sneeze –
I cover cough and hide my wheeze;
No one needs these bugs.

My husband had it.
He generously shared it.
Thanks a lot, dear Bob!

Told my FaceBook friends-
They offered lots of advice:
Gargle. Honey. Rest.

I have tried them all.
The drippy nose continues.
Please pass the Kleenex!

Friends offer to help.
Invitations are declined.
Don’t want to spread this.

Snuggle up in bed
With the friend who doesn’t care
If you sneeze on him.

My TazE loves me
Whether I am sick or not.
Her kisses are free.

Sometimes I wonder
Where my dog gets all of them.
Wonder who’s kissing her now…

Photo by Ana Francisconi on Pexels.com

Stay healthy, my friends.
Let your best friend comfort you.

Hang in there!!
Send prayers and flowers!
See ya later.

Word Origins & Creative Usage

Where do words come from?

When you google that question,
you realize how new the verb, “google” is!


Of course, you know how that word, Google, originated.
It was those 4 or 5 guys in a garage, right?

But what about the word “zany”?
Where did it originate?



Shakespeare had an incredible influence on the English language and invented “zany” – as well as hundreds of other words we still use today.

Here are some of the more than 1,700 words first used in Shakespeare’s writing: 

  • amazement
  • bedroom
  • champion
  • dawn
  • eyeball
  • fashionable
  • gossip
  • moonbeam
  • olympian
  • puking
  • swagger
  • unreal
  • zany

Wow! Shakespeare!

William Shakespeare

He was sooooo creative!!
(That’s an understatement)
We’ll never know exactly what Shakespeare looked like,
but many portraits share similar features. This one is a Getty image

Here’s an image of Zany Me:


How zany can you get?

You have to “SnapChat” it before you get
those ears and eyelashes – and such smooth skin!
Do you know SnapChat?
It’s one of many programs out there that
help us creatively present ourselves.

Internet Writing Programs

Sometimes we present ourselves visually with doctored images (like the one above).

Do we “doctor” our verbal images of ourselves, too? Microsoft Word is one of many programs in this technological world that allows us to spice up what we say and how we say it. I love using their templates. In addition to Microsoft Word and other well-known programs, I recently discovered Google Docs. Do you know about that app?

I have Google Docs on my iPhone.
Do you use that program to
create and edit documents on the go?
You can “get stuff done”
(how’s that for creative word usage?)
with or without an internet connection.

iphone on white textile

Photo by Hoang Do on Pexels.com

You can write on your own – or invite more people to contibute.
My granddaughter, Faith, used Google Docs to write her
paternal (DeAngeles) Family History.
Her dad is our son, Ty.
Faith sent the Goodle Doc to me to see and edit.
It’s a great program.

Descriptive Words

Particular words jumped out at me as I read Faith’s geneological study that included health histories of her grandparents, parents, siblings, and aunts/uncles:

  • heart attack
  • valve replacement
  • Valley Fever
  • arthritis
  • cancer
  • diabetis
  • high cholesterol

These medical issues and troublesome words don’t describe the people, or

  • the beauty,
  • the personalities,
  • the faith,
  • stamina,
  • and creativity of the family.

Where do we make sure such characteristics make it to the printed page and live on in history?

Signature Vocabulary

As a writer who has created a blog, YOU can be sure the beauty, the uniqueness, and the zaniness of your personality and your loved ones lives on. You can create a legacy for your family; one that tells more than birth, marriage, children, illnesses and death.

What words might people attribute to YOU? Have you a signature vocabulary? What do you want folks to remember about your family?


My Precious Husband

My precious husband, Bob, may not have invented the word, “Foo-Foo,” but his use of it for someone’s name is becoming a signature of his.

“You know, help me out, Foo-Foo was just over there by the Wuch-a-me-call-it. You remember!”

Uh, can you help me out a little more! Who and/or where?

He makes me laugh!!
The older we get, the more “Foo-Foos” there are in our lives!


Yes, words are our trademark. Just as identifiable as our fingerprints.



I don’t think I’ve actually invented any words, though. Have you?


Using Words Creatively

Do you use words in unique ways?
My blogging friend, Dorothy (deyspublishing.wordpress.com),
posted today  about pouting clouds. 

I said they were pouting and spouting.

Giving animate qualities to inanimate objects is a great use of words. I love the way many poets do that. They attribute people qualities and actions to things in nature… animals, clouds, unfriendly chairs.

My iPhone has a dictionary app that allows me to look at synonyms and antonyms as well as definitions. You probably have that app, too. It’s a great tool for finding ways to creatively use words.

Sharing Creative Writing With Others

In addition to sharing my writing on WordPress, I belong to a writers’ group. We meet every 1st & 3rd Friday. Our first 15 minutes is a Free Write on a topic we draw out of a hat.

sea fashion beach sand

Draw out of a Hat

I think when next we meet, we should have a list of original Shakespearean words and see if we can select six (or so) of them to weave into a story – with instructions to try and add one more – an “original” – one of our own.

Doesn’t that sound like fun?

Try it! Share your zany new word with me!


Have a whimsical*, zany weekend!

heart shaped red neon signage

See ya tomorrow

*Whimsical is a Bob Goff “signature word” in my mind. Have you read his book, Love Does? I highly recommend it. Talk about a “wordsmith!”

Thrill to the Quest

Thank you for continuing with me
on the quest to
Add greater meaning to
Find larger purpose in

Today’s letter in this A-Z series is “Q”

In their book, Spiritual Literacy, Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat wrote,
Savor questions and thrill to the quest.
See your life as a journey
that quickens your faith
and deepens your soul.”

Be a Seeker

The cover page to the Brussat’s book says, “A book that belongs in every seeker’s home…”

That’s me! A seeker! How about you?

seek for adventure

Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com

A seeker always is looking for:

  • adventure
  • a better way
  • a new way
  • a “funner” path
  • a creative hobby
  • a clearer direction or purpose for life
  • a way to improve a skill
  • ideas for improving his/her diet
  • motivation for a healthier life
  • other bloggers who can help him/her remain inspired or learn new skills or just laugh a little

Do any of those resonate with you?

What would you add to the list?

Don’t be Afraid to Improvise

I recently had an abundance of carrots that needed to be used. I googled “Carrot Soup” and discovered this wonderful new (to me) site called “Eating Well.” The carrot soup recipe is simple and easy.

food healthy cooking fresh

Photo by mali maeder on Pexels.com


Check it out at http://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/249990/carrot-soup/

I followed the recipe, but when I was finished, I decided it needed some enhancement. I went back to the site on a quest for enhancement ideas. Right next to that recipe was one that added curry to the soup. We love curry. Also, I wanted it to be a bit creamy. I had some half and half on hand. I added that.

You know, when you are on a quest for improved flavors, improved health or attitudes, improved life-styles … you name it … you have to be adventuresome! Mix it up.  Improvise. Think outside the box!

photo of white and brown cardboard box toy figure

Photo by Matan Segev on Pexels.com

Think Outside the Box

Recently I have been on a quest for ideas to enhance the birthday party for my great-grandson. It’ll be at our house this Saturday. He’ll be two on Sunday. We have about 25 friends and in-law-family of my granddaughter coming to join us. What can we do besides eat and socialize?

I asked Siri. She led me to fatherly.com, a website with an article titled, “20 Original Ideas for a Second Birthday Party.” From a rainbow party to a fairytale fete, these birthday themes are touted to be perfect fits for two-year-olds.

The article on fatherly.com said,
“They have simple tastes.
They want cake,
shiny things to wave about,
and to run free…
Second birthdays should be glorious play dates.”

I pray for good weather, and I pray that my granddaughter will have other two-year-olds here for my great-grandson to play with. But, whether she does or not, the ideas I discovered on this site satisfied my quest for answers to “What can we do besides eat and socialize?”

Balloons sounded like a great idea to me. If our unpredictable Montana weather is bad that day, balloons can hit furniture and not put dents in it!

toddler girl sitting on ground surrounded by balloons

Photo by Amponsah Nii Davidson on Pexels.com

Now, we need to choose a theme –  and get busy. Thinking outside the box can sometimes result in extra work. Don’t be afraid of it!

Let Your Quest Quicken Your Faith and Deepen Your Soul

If one of your quests is like mine: to look for clearer direction or purpose for life, what questions do you ask? Where do you go for answers?

My go-to source for such answers is clear to you if you have read any of my other posts. Rarely do I leave you without a reference to God, to the Living Lord who walked on earth and showed us the Way, or a reference to Scripture. I will not disappoint you this time either.

It’s not just Google or Siri to whom I turn when I have questions. They are a great help when it comes to history, places, recipes, party ideas… but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul, nothing beats the Good Book!

person holding opened book

Photo by Eduardo Braga on Pexels.com

Use the Bible’s Concordance

My NIV (New International Version) Study Bible has a great concordance. I can look to the back of the Book for words that reference my questions. It will list all the places in the Bible where the idea I am seeking is mentioned.

For instance, when I was concerned about a friend who was excessively worrying, I went to the word “Worry” in the Concordance. I found the perfect scripture to add to the card I was sending to my friend.

Phil.4:6-7 “Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Jesus Christ.”

Thrill to the Quest

Let the references from Siri, the links you find on Google, and the assurance of Scripture never fail to thrill you! Technology is amazing. But so is our Certain Help in times of trouble. Don’t forget to call on the Lord. Pray!! When all else fails, He will never fail you!

Keep your quests alive!
God Bless You, my Seeking Friends…

See you tomorrow!