Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘sharing’

The “I” in SIFT

I was reminded today that I promised
to explain the meaning of each letter in SIFT,
my word for 2024.
I posted an explanation of the “S” meaning to simplify,
but then my life got complicated!

I neglected WordPress for a week or so
and then wrote about my desire
to eliminate negativity in my world.
I used Bob Goff as a perfect example
of someone who exudes
Thank you, dear friends,
for the positive comments
you left on that post!

Now, on to that “I” in SIFT.
To simplify my life, I need to
what is
and what is not.

So, as I attempt to simplify my life,
I question the need for all this stuff!!
Finding honest answers
to all that questioning takes
That’s my word for today!!

… and I need to add to that,
“If it’s yours and you don’t need it,

When you experience a challenge
(like trying to simplify your life)
and you’re not sure what to do,
stop what you are doing
and ask God for guidance,
seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit,
and then WAIT to hear the answer.

It’s easy to get distracted
(like I did on this SIFT acronym),
but the task of simplifying
requires that “I” message:
Itemize and inventory,
determine what’s important,
in an effort to prioritize
and ultimately simplify.

It’s a work in progress.
Are you trying to simplify your life?
How are you doing?

God bless you – and me –
and, please Lord,
give us wisdom!



Music Lifts

Photo by Papa Yaw on Pexels.com

Nothing lifts my spirits more than beautiful music. Do you want to be lifted up this day? Click on this link. Goose bumps guaranteed!!


I hope that link opened for you – and I hope you were inspired to sing along!

What does the Bible say about singing?

Singing is part of our human experience. Songs have been used to express some of the deepest human joys and sorrows from the beginning of time. Of course, the Bible has a lot to say about music and singing. You may wonder what God thinks about that toe tapping song you sing every Sunday morning. What does the Bible actually say about singing? Here are a couple of m favorite scriptures:

Psalm 71:23 

“My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed.”

Psalm 105:2 

“Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works!”

Do go back up to that youtube link, if you didn’t click on it before… and this time, do sing along!
Nothing will lift your spirits quite like that! Sing to the Lord… He’ll lift you up and you’ll smile in spite of yourself. Really!! Try it!

Sending Love
and happy songs your way,

Highlights of 2023

1) Time with family & friends is so precious! That time heads the highlights. I hope you had quality time with your loved ones last year, too

Bob’s the middle brother – time with brothers Bruce & Bill can’t be beat!

We love visiting family – like my cousin, Adrian & his dear wife, Laura.

When friends/colleagues from the past take time to share with us, we feel so blessed. This is sweet Suzette Stavrianoudakis who taught with me back in the 80’s-90’s.

The opportunity to go to worship with our son,Ty, his wife Monika, her parents, and our granddaughter & her hubby & Mable, one of our 3 our great-granddaughters, was a very special highlight. Ty& Moni visited us in Montana, and we are enjoying the beginning of 2024 with them.

I loved visiting with my college roomie, Sue Booth, who also was a bridesmaid in our 1962 wedding!

Nothing beats the highlight of seeing your 85 year old birthday boy holding his one-day old great- grandson.

But very close to that best highlight is the privilege of praying for 5-yr. old Eli as he experienced brain surgery and had an amazing recovery. Our last picture of him showed a happy 6-year old smiling as he sat on his surgeon’s lap. Praise God! Answered prayers (too numerous to mention) always are highlights!

It’s hard to beat visits from people like Peter Martin (and Victor Salazar) former 1970’s wrestling students of Bob’s. They came from states away to spend time with their old coach. What a treat!!

When our daughter, De, & her hubby showed up from Switzerland surprising us with our 1980-81 AFS son, Christian Zufferey, and his wife, Célia, the surprise was the greatest one imaginable!

A week before that our oldest Swiss grandson, Mike & his wife, Tania, came with friends for a week. Like I said, time with family & friends we’re our greatest highlights.

Mike’s younger brother, Nick, visited with his sweetheart, Céline, also. Goodness, how blessed can you get, huh?

We love having time with friends and family. When will you come to Ennis, MT to visit us?

July is a great time to be in Ennis. Put it on your list, ok? Make it a highlight of your 2024!

What were your 2023 highlights?

Hugs from


You Matter

I hope you know

How much you matter to me

Your presence in my life

Whether real or virtually

Makes my life better.

Thank you!

Have a really Merry, Healthy, Happy, Blessed Christmas!

Sending lotsa love,


I Can Be a Light – You Can, too

In a world filled with war and hate
I can shine a light of love from me
In a world filled with animosity and division
I can shine a light of unity

In a world filled with hopelessness and despair
I can lift the light of hopefulness
In a world filled with fear and worry
I can shine a light of faithfulness

I can be a light in the darkness
Because the love of Christ shines through
The grim shadows of despair
And that light also is in you

As a wonderful God-created child
You are part of a magnificent whole
So let that Spirit buried in you
Shine forth from your blessed soul

Your light shines from your creator
Just as mine sparkles brightly, too
So fill this world with the light of love
Let’s let Love’s Light shine from me and you!

Psalms 18:28

28 You, LORD, keep my lamp burning;
my God turns my darkness into light.

I find joy in sharing that light.
I hope you do, too!

Bee well…
and Bee a Light!

Have a wonderful Sunday!
My love and a lotta hugs
are tucked in here for you.


Bee Like a Lobster?

close up shot of lobster claw
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com

Do you want to bee
Like a lobster every day?
They never stop growing
In a physical kind of way.

Each day they are alive,
They eat, reproduce, and grow.
One grew to forty-four pounds
It was a whopping 3′ long – Whoa!!

I want to bee a lobster
Who constantly grows, too.
But my growth would develop spiritually
Each day I travel through.

Too often we become lazy –
Satisfied with our status quo.
But lobsters are never complacent.
No wonder they continue to grow!

I need to revive my commitment
To nourish my mind and my heart
With the same tenacity as the lobster.
Today’s a great day to start!

close up of lobster
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Keep Growing!!

“But grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

2 Peter 3:18

Today’s post was inspired by an entry in All God’s Creatures, a Guideposts publication. Shirley Raye Redmond wrote a commentary titled, “Keep Growing” for the November 27 entry.

She ended her thoughts with this quote by Oswald Chambers:

“Spiritual maturity is not reached by the passing of years,
but by obedience to the will of God.”

dog s paw on a human s hand
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Isn’t it interesting that when I search for photos related to obedience, the pictures all are of dogs? Not us human beings. No, the word conjures up obedient dogs! Would that we could be as responsive to discipline as a dog is! Or as committed to growth as a lobster!

Look up for your purpose!

Bee like a lobster
Or a dog –
Committed and Obedient…

Keep Growing!


Just “Bee”

It’s okay to “Bee”
Just “bee” without any fret
Just “bee” contented

Release any pain
Let go all uncertainty
Turn over the keys

Relaxing is hard
Whence comes the ability
To just simply “bee”?

Psalm 42: 5-11

5 Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

6 My soul is downcast within me;
therefore I will remember you
from the land of the Jordan,
the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar.

7 Deep calls to deep
in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers
have swept over me.

8 By day the LORD directs his love,
at night his song is with me—
a prayer to the God of my life.

9 I say to God my Rock,
“Why have you forgotten me?
Why must I go about mourning,
oppressed by the enemy?”

10 My bones suffer mortal agony
as my foes taunt me,
saying to me all day long,
“Where is your God?”

11 Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

To “Just bee” in peace
Gratefully receive God’s good
Live life without lack

Gratefully receive
The grace God is giving you
To see your blessings

“Just a little more”
Is not the way to JUST BEE
Praise God for your gifts

The real truth is
We have more than enough
To live gratefully

young woman sitting in apartment on second level with plants
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels.com

Take a look around
You might just be overwhelmed
When you really see

See all your blessings
We are so much better off
Than most other folks

Let Us Pray
(from In Touch devotional by Charles Stanley)

God, it is easy to focus on that is wrong in my life
rather than what is right.

I find myself overwhelmed
by all the injustice, pain, and division in the world.

Forgive me for the times I’ve chosen to feed negativity,
to spread hopelessness among my friends and family.

But I’m not alone in my grief,
You are heartbroken by these things, too.

So Lord, I pray for Your guidance in sorrow.

I want to lament all that is wrong –
without being consumed by it.

Teach me to balance grief
with the assurance of Your love.

May my heartbreak, empathy, and faith
play a role in Your healing of the world.


So, let us just “bee”
Bee friends; Reach out to others
Live life without lack

We’ve more than enough
Of God’s love and compassion
Jesus gave it all!

Like a honeybee
Let’s distribute what we have
To make life better…

for everyone!
Let it “Bee”

To just make your world
“bee” a better place today,
What can you just give?


Recommended Books

Today’s prompt was:
What book are you reading right now?

Haha!! No, I’m not isolated…
And no, I didn’t color three books…
Only two!!

person coloring art with crayons
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

No, seriously,
The question should have been “What bookS…”
I can never limit myself to just one at a time!
I love reading!

So, what bookS am I currently reading?
Let me list a few:

  1. The Bible (always … daily)
  2. Devotionals that help me understand better and apply the Bible lessons to my life:
    a. In Touch by Charles Stanley
    b. Ever Faithful by David Jeremiah
    c. Mornings with Jesus and Walking in Grace and Strength & Grace by Guideposts
    d. Today in the Word by Moody Bible Institute
    e. These Days by Presbyterian Publishing Corp.
  3. The Last Caretaker: A Novel by Jessica Strawser

I have Jessica Strawser’s book on my Kindle reader. I prefer having a paperback or better yet, the hardcover book, but Kindle books are so affordable – – – and I can enlarge the print to make deciphering easier. So I am getting used to reading from my laptop. The Last CareTaker is a gripping story about a lady who agrees to be the caretaker at a remote nature preserve, but finds herself in the throes of a secretive shelter for battered, abused, and at-risk women. I’m enjoying it.

How about you? What bookS are you reading right now?

Bye for now…
I’m off to read some more.

(Oh, and by the way,
Happy Birthday to my mom.
Elizabeth (Betty)Totten DeAngeles
She would have been 108 today!)

Here we are when I was about 2 or 3.
Quite the hairdo, huh?


Calling All Sinners!!

Calling All Sinners!!
Yup, my friends – that’s me.
Yesterday I really screwed up;
Of course, not intentionally.

We sinners never mean to
Cross over the kindness line
Into lack of compassion.
We don’t commit sin by design!

Photo by Mati Mango on Pexels.com

So when we sinners mess up,
As God knows we always do,
How do we learn to forgive ourselves?
Does this happen, my friend, to you?

Yesterday’s “Today in the Word”
by the Moody Bible Institute,
dealt with this subject
right when I needed it most.
The scripture for the day was:

“For I have not come
to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Matthew 9:13

let go let god note
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

What do I need to let go of?
What did I do that was so bad?
I made Bob feel like a burden
Instead of making him feel glad.

I was mad that he left me
At the church without a word.
He was that mad that I left him.
Now, isn’t that absurd?

It’s all about communication.
Yes, I know, he should have said
“Hey Honey, let’s go home now,”
But he just left instead.

Photo by Bas van Brandwijk on Pexels.com

Yup, we butted heads over
The slightest misunderstanding.
I found another way home.
Oops… that was a crash landing!

He’d only gone to the post office
And then he came back to get me.
I didn’t know where he had gone
And his absence really upset me.

Earlier he had wanted some help
On a simple music interpretation task.
I was in the middle of something else
And irritably made him sorry he’d asked.

Today we’re back to talking
In civilian tones to each other.
Yesterday’s behind us; we’ll forget
How we rankled one another.

But making peace ain’t easy
When you’ve crossed the kindness line.
We hate to admit we’re wrong.
But repentance helps us align.

Align our will to our loving call
To be responsive to each need
Expressed by those around us.
That’s our call, our mission. Agreed?

“Let love be genuine,
Abhor what is evil;
Hold fast to what is good.”

Romans 12:9

Photo by La Miko on Pexels.com

In my devotional yesterday, “All God’s Creatures” by Guideposts,
the writer, Jerusha Agen, reminded me of the importance
that unconditional love be exhibited. She wrote about
“Simon’s Love” telling about a cat who acted like a dog.

Jerusha’s favorite pet had died.
It was the first time in her life
She was without a dog to cuddle.
But her cat took away the strife.

Her cat started acting like a dog,
Meeting her at the door when she got home,
And sitting in her lap to comfort her.
Letting her brush him with a comb!

Her cat, Simon, knew to mourn with her.
Simon seemed to know what she needed.
In grief, Jerushah had been neglecting him,
But Simon forgave that sin; with joy conceded.

Photo by Tomas Ryant on Pexels.com

“Rejoice and mourn with others,
According to what they need,”
Jerusha wrote to her readers.
Ask Bob for forgiveness – with speed!

I’ll ask God to help me be more
Loving and responsive to Bob.
Help me with my impatience, Lord.
Help me show genuine love to my heart-throb!


Here’s my heart-throb when I met him
He was in the army at the time.
Happy Veteran’s Day on Saturday.
Ours is a long-term love sublime.

That doesn’t mean we don’t argue
Or make each other mad at times.
But, God tells us sinners to forgive…
Just as He does – ALWAYS, not just sometimes!

You can probably relate to my “Faux Pas” –
You’ve probably blundered some, too.
But, God is calling us sinners:
Let love fill the dog-shaped void in you!

Let forgiveness be your guiding star,
Since we all forget to be compassionate – ’tis true.
I’ll look for ways to show love like Simon.
And God’s calling you, my dear sinner, too!!

God bless You!


Can you just kiss and make up, too??!!

sign texture abstract vintage
Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Something Good

Something wonderful
Something good
All God’s blessings
Not always understood

Keeping eyes open
For ways we are blessed
Sometimes they come to us
In difficult tests

brown and white bear plush toy
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The blog I accidentally deleted
Explained how this teddy bear
With all its bandaged boo-boos
Hid triumphant scars under there

Something good happens
When healing of wounds is complete
I hope something good happens
Today to you and those you meet

Storm clouds may come and gather
You might anticipate a growing storm
But God will send you rainbows
And the sun to keep you warm

Photo by Jessica Lewis on Pexels.com

God will send you beauty
In the skies and on the land
Look for His surprises everywhere
Many of them really are quite grand

It’s hunting season here in Montana
So the deer and antelope are convinced
If they come here to our yard
They’re protected as if they’re fenced

Something good happened here today
The doe and the buck stuck around
I enjoyed their company – you would, too
Shhh… don’t scare them. Don’t make a sound!

They see me; they hear my steps
Off they go – but they’ll return
Good things happen here
You’re safe, my friends. Come and learn!

photo of a deer midair
Photo by Filip Nasaly on Pexels.com

What can we learn from our animals?
Go where you’re protected and free
I’ll watch out for your best interests
And I bet you’ll watch out for me

God has blessed you, I know
What’s something good
that happened to you today?
Did you thank God for it? (I knew you would!)


I’ve always loved the song,
“Something Beautiful.”
If you have time,
click on it here
and enjoy this beautiful music.

It’s “Something Good” for you today!!