Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Archive for the ‘Promises’ Category

The Best Gift

Daily writing prompt
Share one of the best gifts you’ve ever received.

The best gift of all
Jesus gave to us one day
With His sacrifice

It’s eternal life
Promised by His life and death
Free for those who thirst

“Therefore I tell you,
whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours.”

Mark 11:24 

2 Corinthians 9:15

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”

Gifts come wrapped with bows
Must be untied and unwrapped
You’re the receiver

Even God’s own Son
Won’t come and break in your door
You must open it

Revelation 3:20

American Standard Version
Behold, I stand at the door and knock:
if any man hear my voice and open the door,
I will come in to him,
and will sup with him,
and he with me.

Accept your best gift
Untie the bow; Open door
Accept faith with joy

Return the favor
By the joy you radiate
Your gift back to Him!

God Bless You!


Love Returned

In his prompt today, David at

ben Alexander

ben AlexanderThe Skeptic’s Kaddish 

invited us to try our hand
at a poetry form
that is new to me:


A Korean verse form related to haiku and tanka and comprised of three lines of 14-16 syllables each, for a total of 44-46 syllables. Each line contains a pause near the middle, similar to a caesura, though the break need not be metrical. The first half of the line contains six to nine syllables; the second half should contain no fewer than five. Originally intended as songs, sijo can treat romantic, metaphysical, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supplies a “turn,” and the third provides closure. Modern sijo are sometimes printed in six lines.

David did a fantastic job with the form. Click on his name & blog title above to read his contribution.
I told him I was not sure I was even going to try… it sounds too complicated! But… with the following meme as a prompt, here goes:

Your mind will always believe, if you are ever truthful;
But when you are deceitful, you feed it sorrow, deep grief.
Feed your mind sincere love and truth, and it will be returned to you.

Bob & I send our love and deep peace
to you and your loved ones today.

Thanks for visiting JanBeek.
Will you try your hand at Sijo?

Peace Thru Prayer, Music, & Service

I LOVE the Jehovah Shalom Acapella sextet. They are phenomenal. Their musicianship, range, uplifting song selections, tone, and delightful facial expressions give me a smile and a sense of peace that lasts all day! I pray for all of them… and their ability to continue to bless us with their music. Do you know them?

I have a smile, a kind word, and a poem of encouragement to share with you. I shared it with the Madison Valley Woman’s Club today. I hope it inspired many to also “Find Peace.”

May this poem, this music, and my prayers for you bring you a sense of inner peace that allows to you to let His light shine brightly through you!

I Can Find Peace

I can find peace
It’s here in my heart
Living in trust
Is a good place to start

I can find peace
In stillness and prayer
Don’t need to go far
Peacefulness is there

Find peace in the world
Find oneness with all
Find joy and contentment
No need for a wall

Peace in relationships
Peace from above
Just radiate inner peace
And reach out in love

Jan Beekman – poet
woman meditating on rock
Photo by Felipe Borges on Pexels.com

Among the poems that my mom collected and saved each week in 1938-1940 from Newman, California’s “West Side Index” was this lovely poem to reinforce the way we each can find peace and pass it on:

Little Things

Somebody did a kindly deed,
It helped you all the day.
Do it again, for somebody else,
Who, needy, passes your way.

Somebody said a kindly word;
Say it again, for you
May brighten somebody else’s load
By the word that brightened you.

Somebody smiled a cheerful smile;
It made the day seem bright.
It was only a little thing you say,
But those little things have might.

Those little things – are they little things?
Just think how the whole long day
An unkind word or slighting tone
Has hidden the sun away.

Margaret Kinsella – poet

smiling women in old fashioned clothing looking at gift in park
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

At our Madison Valley Woman’s Club meeting today, the ladies shared plants of basil and rosemary, gifts of one sort and other, with one another. New officers were installed. A budget for the coming year was adopted. The organization owns and operates the Nearly New here in Ennis. It is a non-profit, volunteer organization that earns “big bucks” by selling “Twice in the Closet” clothing, books, kitchen ware, jewelry, etc. Hats off to all those who donate their goods and services to the Nearly New! The second-hand shop is run totally by volunteer labor. The majority of their profits are given back to the community in the form of scholarships to graduating high school seniors, monthly monetary support to the local library, and countless other worthy community organizations (such as the nursing home, the community pre-school, senior and youth services, etc.). They budgeted $163,000 to be given away in the coming fiscal year.

There is an enormous sense of peace & community pride that comes with the collaborative efforts of the club’s more than 150 members working together all year to make these kinds of profits possible. Our town of Ennis, MT has a population of just a little over 1,000 residents. So, you can just imagine what a gift this club is not just to Ennis, but to the entire Madison County and to the state. Hats off to all those dedicated volunteers!

Luke 6:38

“Give, and it will be given to you.
Good measure,
pressed down,
shaken together,
running over,
will be put into your lap.
For with the measure you use
it will be measured back to you.”

Give the best you got!
May the peace of Christ be with you and your loved ones
as you give generously of your time, talents, and resources.

Remember, your cup is not
half full or half empty,
It is overflowing…
and it is refillable!

God bless you this day and every day!

See ya tomorrow!
Have a great weekend.

Take Strength

My Word for 2022 is STRENGTH.
I chose it before I knew…
Before we knew the challenges ahead.
How has 2022 been so far for you?

I didn’t know how much we would need
All the strength we could get.
Bob didn’t know he had RSV,
And I hadn’t caught it from him yet.

The respiratory virus started our 2022
Off with a cough and a bang!
We were supposed to be vacationing,
But sequestered instead; DANG!!

Since then, we’ve had quite a year!
Strength has been required a lot!
Bob was diagnosed with Amyloidosis
And I tried to stay upright: NOT!

Yesterday during devotionals
Every focus of the messages was “Strength.”
I got the message loud and clear:
God drums strength home at great length.

So, where does your strength come from?
Who or what do you count on?
As for me and Bob and our needs,
We know the Lord is the Source we mount on!

Yesterday in “Mornings with Jesus,” one of my Guideposts devotionals, Cynthia Ruchti was given that Ephesians scripture as a prompt for her commentary. She and her husband had a big project they needed to complete. She said they probably should have hired a professional to do it, but they decided to tackle it themselves. She wrote:

“The key was to focus on believing I had more strength than assumed. I acted as if the strength I needed was already mine. I imagined what would happen if I applied that to all challenges in life: resisting temptation, staying strong through trials…, holding my tongue…, obeying what Jesus asks of me even when it feels beyond my ability. What if I acted as if the power Jesus promised was already mine?”

Quietly, with courage and conviction,
I am assuming the strength God gives me.
I do not take the gift of His care for granted.
I step up, try, and if I fail, He forgives me.

What challenges are you facing today?
What wall must you climb that seems too high?
What task looms ahead and seems too hard?
Lean on the Lord’s strength – Don’t be shy!

When you’re faced with troubles,
Take strength from the One who cares.
When tasks seem beyond your reach,
Remember God hears and answers prayers.

God bless you today
and give you strength
to do whatever you need.

Tell me something you need strength for…
I will add you to my prayer list!


Look up for your purpose!

Peace Like a River

I’ve got peace like a river
I’ve got joy like a fountain
I’ve got love like the ocean
I will share from my mountain

Click on the link above
to hear the wonderful Tabernacle Choir
sing “Peace Like a River.”

I’ve got peace like a river
I’ve got love like a river in my soul
I’ve got joy like a fountain
Shared joy makes me whole

Let us share Living Water
Let us share with one another
Let us share from the depths
Of our soul with sister and brother

Do you have time for
another beautiful, peaceful piece of music?
Click on the arrow above.
Be Still My Soul – – enjoy!!

Be still my soul and let
My God bring His peace
May the waves & winds be calm
In this world – and all strife decrease

Photo by Paweu0142 Fijau0142kowski on Pexels.com
Where Can I Turn for Peace?
Listen and Believe!

God promises us His peace
A peace that passes understanding
It comes to us by His grace
Not by our demanding

So, do not be afraid, my friends
To show your weakness anytime
In this world of chaos and turmoil
We need a place sublime

That place is in our Lord’s presence
His Holy Spirit is here to guide
So take His peace and share it
Your sparkle cannot be denied

Let your sparkle of peace
Shine like a river
Peace be with you!

Thanks for visiting JanBeek on this lovely Sunday.
Be at peace, my friends.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
God bless you!

Patience & Tenacity

This title has been nagging at me
for the past few days.
Patience and Tenacity-
We all need them!

Impatience causes
Untold distresses for us.
Slow down. Breathe deeply.

Choose tenacity –
Hold tight to the task at hand –
Perseverance reaps rewards.

Healing progresses
On its own slow timetable –
Just like most progress.

Photo by icon0.com on Pexels.com

My hand’s not ready
To grasp yours firmly today.
It’s stiff and it’s sore.

But with some patience
And lots of tenacity,
That day is coming.

Photo by Swapnil Sharma on Pexels.com

Meantime, I can reach
With my strong dominant hand
And accept your help.

Tonight Bob & I had a wonderful dinner provided by our friends/neighbors. We had a lovely day made brighter by some sunshine and an ice cream treat to celebrate the good news: the pins are out – and my broken finger is healing in its socket perfectly! God is good!! Thank you for your prayers. I feel them!!

We went outside and took off our Montana winter jackets,
and enjoyed our ice cream in the soooo welcomed sunshine!

Yay!! We think summer
is thinking seriously
about staying around for awhile.

Patience, Jan!
Tenacity is the word of the day
for our prayers for warmer weather, too!

HOPE is the measure
of faith in His promises.
Hang in there, my friends!

Hebrews 10:23

“Let us hold fast the confession
of our hope
without wavering
for He who promised
is faithful.”

Have a wonderful rest of your week.
Each day it will be easier for me to post.
Meantime – easy does it!
Stay in touch, please.

See ya later, alligator!

Love to you,

Only One Ticket to Ride

My friend, Bernice, died yesterday. She was ready. In fact, she was anxious to go and join her husband of 70 years who went to their (our) eternal home last week. My heart is heavy – and yet I rejoice in the promise of heaven awaiting me, too, someday. Dwight posted this picture and poem today. It’s perfect for what I would have written if I had his skill and insight. Enjoy Roth Poetry today!

Aging brings so much angst… Knowing it would happen is no help as the petals of life begin to fade. I count… she loves me she loves me not as our …

Only One Ticket to Ride

He’s Alive!

I serve a RISEN Savior
who is alive in me
through the Holy Spirit.

How about you?

Let His Light Shine!

These images of Christ are my favorites.

I am wearing a red sweatshirt today
that has a bright yellow sun in the upper left,
with blue, yellow, and white flowers
in the middle bottom.
The words on the upper right say,
“Kids make
the day
The letter are in green
to match the flowers’ leaves,
and in yellow
to match the bright sunshine.

Photo by Negative Space on Pexels.com

On Easter Sunday we were expecting our granddaughter with her husband and two children. We hadn’t seen our granddaughter and her littlest one since before Christmas. They were scheduled to come at 2:00 pm for Easter dinner. No way we imagined they could come to walk with us at Easter sunrise. They live an hour away. But, coming for lunch would be wonderful.

At 1:00 pm I received a call from her husband. They had two or three reasons why I should not expect them after all. The table was set; the Easter gifts there; the Easter eggs with chocolates inside them were hidden in the downstairs music/game room. I was beyond disappointed. But, he said they would come on Wednesday instead. They’d be here at 11:00 am, he said.

Today is Wednesday. At 10:30 I got a call. I thought it was probably them saying they are on their way. No, that wasn’t the message. Instead, it was my grandson-in-law telling me my granddaughter is at the hospital. She can’t come. I won’t post here the reason. Suffice to say, she needs our prayers. I don’t know if he left her there (so she is in the hospital) or if he took her home … but he said he is coming with the kids without her.

Take a look again at those pencil drawings of Jesus. Which one is closest to the age of my great-grandchildren?

The second one… the one he is tickling could be my great-grandson. Make that big sister over His shoulder into a little sister. My great-grandkids are 3 and 5. Imagine Bob & me with them this afternoon. Pray that we can make them feel as happy as Jesus makes all those children feel.

Christ is alive in us. We have the love, joy, and peace of the Holy Spirit. He gave it to us. Lord, help us pass it on, OK?

Kids DO make the day brighter. Help us make their day brighter, too, OK?

They were this little two years ago when we took the to lunch here in Ennis around Christmas time. I posted the following photo of me with my great-granddaughter last Christmas when we met them up in Big Sky and had lunch together there – just the kids and their mom. Their dad couldn’t join us.

It was summer time when we saw them before that. Their mom & grandma (our daughter-in-law) are in this photo.

This time it’s just the dad and kids
and the mom can’t join us.
We look forward to the day
when we can ALL be together again!

I’ll post this evening
to show you
how they have grown now (God willing)…
we are waiting for them now.

Pray with me, will you?
Lord (our Living Savior),
guide their daddy
and the children
safely to their great-grandparents
in Ennis, MT today.
Thank you!

See ya later!
Thanks for visiting

What’s Good About Good Friday?

That was the question we explored at tonight’s Good Friday service:
What’s Good About Good Friday?

Yesterday in my post titled, “Last Words,”
I promised I’d tell you about our Good Friday service.
I told you our pastor, Mary Grace Reynolds,
had selected passages from scripture
that recorded Jesus’ last words.

I shared a few of Jesus’ last words spoken that
last Friday … words that were memorable to me:

  1. Mark 14: 24-25 = Last supper – blood of the covenant poured out for you
  2. Mark 14:27-31 = Prediction of Peter’s denial
  3. Mark 14:35-36 = Take this cup from me…
  4. Mark 14:42-43 = Are you still sleeping? … the betrayer is coming
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

But those quotes were from Jesus’ last conversations with His disciples
before He was arrested… before He was hung on the cross.

Tonight’s “Last Words” were from the cross:

  1. Luke 23: 33-34 = “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
  2. Luke 23: 39-43 = “Truly I tell you, you will be with me…”
  3. John 19: 25-27 = “Woman, here is your son…”
  4. Matthew 27: 45-49 = “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
  5. John 28: 28-29 = “I am thirsty”
  6. Luke 23: 44-46 = “Father, into Your hands…”
  7. John 19: 30 = “It is finished.”

The selection that was mine to read was #4. I practiced it a lot and still goofed up when I tried to read it orally because the scripture tells it in the language Jesus spoke: “Eloi! Eloi! Lama sabachthani!” I can say it just fine sitting here at my computer – but in front of the congregation? Put on the spot? I faked it! I hope most didn’t notice. I’m sure Jesus forgives me!

Each of us who read was invited to create and share a reflection and a prayer related to our selection.
Here is what I said: “Like Jesus, there are times in our lives when we are in great suffering or turmoil, and we feel God has forsaken us. The Good News is He never has and He never will.”

That’s what’s Good about Good Friday!

Jesus took away our sin. He died for us. Because of His life, death, and resurrection, we can dare to approach God knowing He will never forsake us. Never!

My prayer was this:

“O God, You are our hope and our salvation.
Your Son is our gift, our gateway, our guide.
We thank You for His sacrifice for our sake
that we might be assured of Life Eternal
with You in Heaven.

Thank You for never forsaking us
when we enter Your presence in faith.
We give You our hearts and gratitude.

Tomorrow is “Silent Saturday.”
I will not blog.

I’ll be busy Easter Sunday
with sunrise service and church
and guests here for dinner.
(Hopefully my granddaughter, Hope,
and her hubby and two children,
Xander & Sienna,
will be among the guests)

I bet you will be busy
doing meaningful things
this weekend also.
Happy Easter!

See ya Monday (God willing)

Hear Our Prayers

What is on your prayer list?
Who are on your prayer list?
Do you pray daily – multiple times each day?
The Bible tells us,

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”

(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Prayer joyfully –
with confidence!

14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God:
that if we ask anything according to his will, He hears us.

John 5:14

The big question is –
How do we know if what we are praying is in God’s will?

Tune in to the Holy Spirit.
Jesus gave us the Spirit as a helper
when He left earth and ascended into heaven.
Take advantage of that gift! It is ours by God’s grace!

God’s Holy Spirit gives us
the Fruits of the Spirit –
and daily we must pray for
their presence to live in our lives.

I find the first three are mine…
I accept them with deep gratitude.
Not everyone has the LOVE, JOY, and PEACE
that are mine automatically. I know that!
I do not take them for granted.
And if you lack them, I pray
God will provide you today
with LOVE, JOY, and PEACE.

But, the other six? Oh Lord, I ask for help –
Help with them everyday so that I may show more
(which brings blessings)

Join us now as we come to God in prayer.
We pray humbly for all people to have:
Medical care

In Jesus’ Name,


See ya tomorrow (God willing)