Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘NanoPoblano2022’

Reblog #4 – Nostalgia

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

NanoPoblano2022 has invited us to reblog an old post each day during this month of November. I’m having fun going back through some of my first posts… Here is one from our vacation in southern California in 2014. The roadrunner picture in the original post was not available so I borrowed one from Pexels. Thanks!

January 27 2014

There was a Time Magazine article by Lily Rothman in which the author quoted artist, Brendan O’Connell, “Nostalgia makes memory warm.” O’Connell stopped to say parenthetically, “That’s actually a significant thought,” and I paused. Hmm – memories, nostalgia, warmth. Yes, it’s true. Not all memories are warm, but all nostalgic memories are warm. Do you agree? When you think of warm memories, what comes to mind? Here’s mine:


Dense with
Ordering Hot

Hah! That’s my whimsical acrostic for today – looking back on yesterdays.

But, how about Making Memories Today?


There’s no better place to make memories than where you are right now today! For me, whether it is in the warm desert on vacation in the southern California sun with roadrunners scampering by and sun casting spakles on cactus, or back home in the cold snows of Montana, each day is a memory in the making. The climate doesn’t determine the warmth of the memories. The people I am with, the events we choose, the lessons I learn, the visions I absorb: those are the nostalgia of tomorrow. I am making warm memories today – wherever I am!

Nov. 5, 2022 – our snow is almost all melted now. With today’s winds, the rest of it will blow off the roof of our house (peeking through the trees there).

That acrostic up there was mine back in 2014… but I have no idea how that could have been true. We lived in the flat central valley of California. No hillsides to climb! If I were looking back at my childhood and creating an acrostic today, it would say:


C hasing
H ounds
I nto
L ittle
D ugouts
H aving
O odles
O f
D ead animals

Oh my! That one is reality! My dad owned a Tallow Works and one of his jobs was picking up dead animals from ranchers and farmers and bringing those animals back to the “plant” where we lived. We always had at least one dog as a pet… and they were always “hounds.” No money for pedigrees!! In our bare fields behind our house, my neighbors (cousins) and I would dig holes and create pretend worlds. That 2014 acrostic must have come out of that pretending. Sometimes our best memories are the imaginary ones, don’t you think?

If you were to write a childhood acrostic today, would yours be real? Or would you pretend?

I hope your real world is full of happy memories – warm nostalgia.
Have a great day today, my friends.


I had a warm, huggy, loving daddy. My memories of him are certainly warm nostalgia!!

Thanks for visiting
See ya tomorrow

Reblog #3 – Montana Sunrise

NanoPoblano2022 invited us to reblog an old post each day during this month of November. I’m having fun going back through some of my first posts… Here is one from 2013 … as pertinent today as it was 9 years ago…

A New Day Shines Before Me

A New Day

A new day shines before me –
Bright as the morning sun.
It’s stretched out on the horizon –
A happy, “Good Morning, everyone!”

A new day shines before me –
But first I must be still.
Listen for God’s voice within –
And prepare to do God’s Will.

A new day shines before me –
Full of promise, full of needs.
I pray and ask, “What can I do
To be Your Love in thoughts and deeds?”

A new day shines before me –
I hear the Holy Spirit within
Saying, “Go – and see the world as Christ did.
Be Love, Joy, Peace. Ready? Begin!”

Have a Fabulous Friday, my friends.
Thank you for visiting JanBeek.
See ya tomorrow for Reblog #4.

Reblog #1 – Most Beautiful Things

Beautiful Things
Are sometimes visible things;
Most = Invisible!

This Persian’s pretty;
Her purr’s the absolute best –
And the love she gives.

These roses are grand,
But their fragrance is the best;
And their “giver” too!

This bird is gorgeous,
But its song is the greatest –
And its Creator!

This scene’s amazing;
But the peaceful feelings here
Are magnificent.

Adorable child –
She’s so beautiful to see,
Her trusting heart’s best!

The cake’s impressive,
But memories are more grand.
Beautiful moments!

(By the way that’s us: Bob & Jan… 57 3/4 years ago)

The moments, feelings,
The sweet smiles and the laughter –
That’s where beauty lives.

Life’s luxuriant
When people and places reign.
Beautiful visions!

Thank you for being
A beautiful part of my life
In my WordPress World.
You add JOY by your presence.

See you later!

A Month of Reblogging

Today is the last day to join NanoPoblano2022 … an invitation to look back at your favorite posts and reblog one each day.

I began blogging here on JanBeek more than a decade ago. I think it will be fun to go back and choose 29 of my favorites and tag them each day with NanoPoblano2022… and join the others who are accepting this challenge, too. My reblog for today will be titled “Reblog #1”

Look for it!

Meantime, Happy November 2nd to you. I am praying for my friend, Marcia, who fell (tripped on her way to bed) and broke her hip last night and had to have surgery – and is in the hospital in Bozeman, MT. Please add her to your prayer list for comfort and rapid healing! Thanks.

I shared with Marcia that I relate to her predicament… I tripped last April and broke my pinky. If you’ve followed my blog, you know about that. I was walking too fast and not looking where I was going. That little finger has not healed properly (in spite f weeks of physical therapy)… and I can’t make a fist with that left hand. It’s amazing what you can’t do if you can’t make a fist! It’s not just handy in a fight… you need it for wringing out clothes, or for scrubbing something, or for carrying something heavy. Ah, the lessons we learn the hard way!!

Slow down and watch where you’re going!

Have a Happy and safe November.
See you at Reblog #1…
Come on back!
