Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘illness’

Embrace Grief

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Jesus began to weep.
So The Jews said, “See how He loved him.”

John 11:35-36

This week we attended the funeral of a friend who died while we were off in Europe enjoying life. My friend, Jeannie, was grieving while I was obliviously enjoying life. We attended his memorial service when we returned. Many tears were shed. He was dearly loved and will be sorely missed. Over the past decade or so, Bob & I enjoyed many hours of four-wheeling on our mountain trails with him.

As many of you know, if you have followed my blog a couple weeks or more, we visited Jackie & Derrick Knight while on our three week excursion. If you follow Derrick’s blog, too, you know he had just lost his dear mom… and he took a break from planning for her funeral in order to host us. We understood the sacrifice of time and emotion that this delay involved… and we appreciated it so much! It was good to hear later that he was able to facilitate a very meaningful funeral for his mum.

A good funeral
Shared grief in community
Be sad together

Lie down in green pastures

Read 23rd Psalm
Sing Amazing Grace with friends
Embrace your grieving

Engaging in the grieving process with a friend
caused me to do a lot of introspective thinking.
What if this was my husband?
How would I be handling this?
How could I cope?
Do I realize how blessed I am
to have had these 60 years together?
Do I cherish each minute
we have together
or do I take these blessings for granted?

1960 – at Bob’s sister’s wedding
1962 at our wedding
Us at our 59th anniversary last Feb.

Embracing grief also means embracing news that grieves us- learning to accept that news – and learning to give it to God. Last week we learned that Bob’s compromised heart & kidney functions are probably caused by “Amyloidosis.”

Oh my! Have you ever heard of that? It’s a condition that causes extra deposits of protein in your weakest organ(s). As I understand it, in some cases the weakest organ is the brain, so the extra protein gathers there and can cause dementia. In Bob’s case, the weak organs were heart & kidney.

The extra protein stiffens the heart muscles and causes them not to pump as efficiently. There are several kinds of amyloidosis. One is genetic. To the relief of our children and grandchildren, that one’s been ruled out!

Next week Bob will have a full body PET scan Wednesday and he will have a bone marrow exam on Thursday. The attempt is to rule out bone marrow Amyloidosis (we were told that version of it can be cancerous). So, the challenge is clear: Don’t grieve unnecessarily by worrying needlessly! Worrying about things over which you have zero control is a waste!

Only embrace grief when such sadness is called for! We weep when we see the depth of sadness in those around us. We all need space to be in our sadness. But don’t invite it! Don’t anticipate it! Take time for “good grief” when it is right to do so, just as Jesus seeped beside us when my friend’s husband died. But know Jesus is beside you, sharing your grief, but also fueling your hope.

Believe His power to create change.

Maintain your hope, dear friends.
When disturbing news is shared with you,
don’t imagine the worst.

Instead, give it to God,
knowing He is with you,
working for your good.

Trust in His Light
which shines in the darkness.

Turn to our Savior in prayer!

Lord, grant us the courage to open ourselves fully
to your word’s power and lean on your mercy.


Lord, thank You for sharing our suffering.
Help us channel our pain toward you.
Help us embrace grief when appropriate,
but focus on HOPE and Your MERCY always.

Do you have a prayer request that you are willing to share with me?
I’d be happy to pray for you.
Please add Bob and his situation to your prayer list.
Thank you!

Have a lovely Sunday …
and a Happy Halloween


Let Your Soul Sing

If you’ve followed my blog for awhile, you know that usually I post sermon notes after church on Sunday afternoons. I failed to do so last Sunday because I left behind the bulletin with my sermon notes. Today I retrieved it. So, here, my friends are my poetic notes from Sunday, March 8th.

Photo by Oleg Magni on Pexels.com

Based on Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:1-21; Sermon by Rev. Steve Hundley; recorded through JanBeek’s filter:

Let Your Soul Sing

Moses lifted up a bronze snake.
Those bitten by a snake were saved;
Not by anything they did or said,
Not by the way they prayed or behaved.
It was by the grace of God that they
Looked up at the statue and then
The poison did not kill them.
It was not by the power of women or men.
If we are to avoid being foolish,
We need to admit our dependence
And we need to acknowledge risk
Wherever we happen to be in attendance.
We are dependent on God for life.
It is He who guides our days.
We, in our pride, think we’re in control –
And we fools trust our own ways.
We cannot do for ourselves what’s needed
To be independently self-made.
We must trust and believe it’s God
Who created us, and with His Son, our debts paid.
We must trust God to lift us up
On the top of an eagle’s wing.
His breath blows our life toward Him
If we let our souls in His glory sing.
Sing to Him today.
Praise His name always.

Photo by Frans Van Heerden on Pexels.com

You know our troubles,
our concerns,
our anguish.
Bring peace and comfort
to Your loved ones.
Give us hope and assurance.
Bring healing to the hurting,
the sick, the lonely.

Lift us on Your wing.
Remind our souls to sing
Your Praises
Trust in Your Promises.


See ya later.

Surrounded by Angels

On a cold and frosty Montana morning
I sit in my sanctuary – surrounded by angels
And the stillness within and without
Takes me to my inner sanctuary

Come and join me this morning
In the beauty of a winter day
From the warmth of my Angel Room
My place of respite, where the Holy Spirit dwells

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The sky is dark and we’re in a cloud

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The angels within sing quietly; they’re never loud

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Jesus prays with me from His place in my cloud

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And reminds me that FAITH is not for the proud

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With humble appreciation, I think of the faces

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Who surround me with love in these heavenly spaces

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I thank God for the trees all frosty with glitter

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I dream of the people gone before me – they flitter

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In and out of my prayers, like the three angels here

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They remind me of prayer partners far away, yet so near.

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I think of the gifts of poets and artists

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The angels surround me – sending thoughts that are part of us

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Some are melancholy, reminding me of my sins

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Others are joyful, and my gratitude spins

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I remember the angel who decorated this egg

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And all the other creative friends – Watch over them, I beg

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Help my friends who are ill and need special care

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Shine Your light on them… let them know You are there

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Bring them comfort and health and wisdom galore

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Hold them close to Your Heart, Lord, give them so much more…

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… than ever they dreamed of; like the birds of the air

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Let them know you are with them; show them how much You care.

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As the darkness subsides and the blue sky emerges,

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Send them all Your GREAT LOVE that in my heart surges…

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Great love for the angels that brighten my day.

And now, my dear friends, I send some your way!

heart shaped red balloonGo on your blessed, lovely, angel-filled way!And thanks for joining me in my sanctuary today.


Hugs from JanBeek


awareness cancer design pink

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on Pexels.com


Cancer is the

Answer to many

Questions about

Life and its


Cancer brings

Someday into

Today and helps us

Create priorities

To live life now.

CAnswer was

A blessing in

Our lives because

It brought us

To Montana!

Stay in

The game;

CAnswer may be

Your Best
