Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘spice’

Z = Zeal!


Zeal is the zest of life!
It’s the spice that adds joy to our days.
It’s the the ingredient that allows our passion to take the reins.

blonde hair blur daylight environment

Photo by Sebastian Voortman on Pexels.com

What are your passions?
What are you zealous about?

As we wrap up this A-Z series designed to help us
add more meaning and find more purpose in life,
what is your take-away?


I often have quoted Frederic & Mary Ann Brussat
from their book, Spiritual Literacy.
Here is what they had to say about ZEAL:

“Be passionately aroused by life.
Cherish every moment,
honor your commitments,
and treasure your kinship with all.”

Be Passionate About Life

What are you passionate about?
Make a list of those things, people, ideas, places
that arouse your passions.
Prioritize them, if you can,
and decide to
zealously do something positive
about each one of them this week.


heart shaped red neon signage

Photo by Designecologist on Pexels.com


Here are a half a dozen things I am passionate about:







To “zealously do something positive about each one” of them this week, I will:

1. Practice my faith by attending church and teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir, and leading as moderator for our Presbyterian Women. I will “walk the talk” as I strive to apply the principles Jesus is teaching me in His Word. Practice the principle this JanBeek.blog is built on: “Loving One Another.”

2. Devote time and energy to keeping in touch with family far and near. Treasure time with those who are here now… my husband, our daughter and son-in-law, grandson, granddaughter and her family. We are so blessed! Let the ones far away know they are precious to us, too. Write them, pray for them, call, text, or visit them. Never take them for granted.

3. Exercise hospitality as I invite friends to come for dinner, or treat a friend to lunch. Write cards of appreciation, those “Just Because” kinds of cards… not waiting for a birthday, anniversary, illness, or some other “expected” time to get a message. Pray daily for my friends, just as I do my family and our community and world leaders. Put their faces up to God and ask His blessings on them. He knows their needs better than I do.

4. Serve my community in the ways I am able: Food Bank, volunteer sous-chef at the Sr. Center, “man” the desk at the Medical Center as a “Purple Lady,” and visit friends at the nursing home (sometimes with my accordion in hand so we can sing “Oldies but Goodies” together). Shop locally – and express appreciation to our local merchants.

5. Appreciate and help to preserve nature. Pick up after myself. Give to the Wildlife Preserve, the Nature Conservancy., and other worthwhile organizations that work to enhance and protect our environment. Admire the mountains. Appreciate the deer and antelope who roam our grasslands here on Pintail Ridge, and admire the beauty of our birds – and even the cute little rodents (the hawks have to have something to feed on!).

6. Give Time! By now you know serving is a passion of mine – because I am retired and I am blessed with good health and TIME. In the list above I mentioned many ways I intend to serve. One I didn’t mention was my friend, Raymond, whom I visit weekly. He lives alone and his family is out of state. As long as I am able, I hope to look for those in need of what I have to give, and to serve in whatever way the Lord leads me. I am zealous about serving!

Cherish Every Moment

Honor Commitments

Be Zealous About Life (every day is a gift) – unwrap it!


birthday bow box card

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

God Bless You, dear blogging friends.

Thank you for journeying with me through this A-Z series.

See you tomorrow!

Spice Up Your Life (Haiku x4)


Add spice to your life
Salt your days with rest and praise
Take time to relax

Add pepper daily
With personal time to pray
You’ll taste the difference

person hands woman girl

Use leisure as time
To greet Jesus in your soul
He is there waiting!

God bless you this day
Health, strength, and vitality
Are His gifts to you

statue of jesus

Photo by Juhasz Imre on Pexels.com

Z = Zestiness

Day #26 of my A – Z series, “What Makes Me Happy?”


When life is full of zest,

Filled with gusto, liveliness and charm,

Your get-up-and-go keeps sprinting,

You own a zest-filled farm!

Your happiness factor explodes!

Your animated spirit dances, and DANG,

You’re contagious! Your zesty zeal

Infects all who are touched by your tang.

Do you need a new, effective zester?

Is your spice rack running low?

Start an A-Z happiness list today

And watch your zestiness grow!


What is your Z word that makes you happy?