Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘eating’

Stay Healthy!



If you are blessed with good health
You have more riches than all earth’s wealth
You have life and opportunities untold
You have a better chance of growing old

But health is more than what you eat
It is more than the quality of people you meet
It is what you think and what you say
It is what you choose to do every single day

Begin your day with prayer and gratitude
Remember health has a lot to do with attitude
Decide to be helpful; decide to walk in His will
Decide to take time occasionally to just be still

Whether you are under a cloud suffering pain
Or you are standing out in a pouring rain
You have control over your ability to smile
You can choose to exude God’s grace with style

Your mental health affects your physical being
You can choose happiness and be agreeing
Disagreeable people find their own misery
Be the kind of person who is cheerful company

To stay healthy, we must never stop looking up
We must never be stingy with our overflowing cup
Count your blessings; look at others with sympathy
Good health is contagious; Spread it gleefully!


I love you, dear blogging friend.

JanBeek sends cheers!

Have a healthy, joy-filled day!
See ya later.

red and white ribbon

Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

Family and Food


When we are with our family from Switzerland,

Food and wine are the foci of the day.

Preparing for the evening meal

Is our joy-filled version of play.


We plan and shop and try to see

If we can fix a meal so tasty and bright

That guests must take a picture of it

Before they can eat a single bite.


My son-in-law is an exquisite chef;

So, cooking a meal for him to eat

Is a summons that I rise to greet.

It’s a challenge that I love to meet.


I wait to see what André and DeDe say,

And I ask for sage and constructive advice.

Cooking is a hobby, a life-long endeavor,

And having a built-in expert is really nice!


Here you are, my blogging friends –

Enjoy a look at a few of our latest meals.

Maybe someday you can come to dine

And see how our Montana hospitality feels!

The rack of lamb with polenta and green beans I fixed last night.

André taught me how to fix it next time so all the “lollipops” are more evenly cooked.

The pork roast with mushroom cream sauce and potatoes au gratin and asparagus/sautéed almonds – – – mmmm – – – André fixed earlier this week. It was incredible!

Beef in a plum sauce with asparagus on cheesy potatoes –
garnished with parsley. Too pretty to eat!

DeDe and me happy to be in the kitchen together

Bob and André enjoying a relaxed visit between meals

A wine of choice for a meal out.

Another chef’s version of rack of lamb. Pretty, huh?

André – waiting for a meal in the beautiful area of Jackson Hole, WY

A dessert worth waiting for…

Another meal they had on their way to visit us. Mmmm… it’s called a Fire Roll. I love sushi. It’s my go-to meal when I have a chance to eat out. What is yours?

Loving One Another includes cooking and treating one another with food and hospitality, right? What’s your favorite meal to fix or eat at home?

Today is my TOPS day

(Take off pounds sensibly)

I think I’ll wait til my kids leave before I go back to weigh in.

Don’t you think that’s a good idea?



See you tomorrow

Do You Photograph Food?

food photos.jpg

Hah! I related to this comic on so many levels!

Not only do I love food – and love cooking to create beautiful, tasty dishes, but I also love to take pictures of pretty food before I taste it when dining out.

My daughter married a chef. If you’ve read very many of my posts, you have met DeAna and her husband, Andre’. Thy live in Switzerland. They love to travel and to find restaurants where tasty, beautiful food is served.

De& Andre' @50th

Here are a few dishes they photographed during a recent meal at a fine dining restaurant in Paris:

I love the presentation of the beef with string beans. I could do that!

Oh, and wouldn’t I love a plate of that fresh lobster? Hard to find here in south-western Montana … and if you do find it, it’s probably been frozen and it’s price is outrageous! But, I can dream, can’t I?

The single scallop is something I could do. The sauce looks yummy. What is that on top? Looks like a carrot top to me!

And the stacked cookies with ice cream between and a strawberry glaze base with a berry on top… oh my, to die for!

The meat blob on the lower right in this collage doesn’t appeal to me. Can’t tell if it’s chicken or pheasant or rabbit or what. The plate even looks like it’s chipped (Oh no, that’s artistic expression)! Yes, I could present a main dish with more character than that, couldn’t you?

The upper left is a cre’me brule’e (where do I find accents and other stuff like that on my WordPress app?). Anyway, I love that dessert – especially if they flame it at my table. This one deserves a bigger look:

creme brulette

No, with the strawberries, blueberries (or are they blackberries?), and tiny lemon halves on top, I don’t think they did the flaming at the table. But, doesn’t this look yummy?

Do you ever photograph your food before eating it
when you are served a pretty plate at a restaurant?
Evidently it is becoming a more and more popular practice.

My goal is to serve a plate pretty and tasty enough to entice my guests to pull out their cell phones and take a picture before their first bite at my house!

Hospitality is one of my spiritual gifts (at least that’s what many of our friends have told me). So, if you were in our area, I’d have you over for dinner… and I’d love to know what your favorite meal would be!

Sharing a meal is one of the important ways
we demonstrate our love for one another,
don’t you agree?

As Theresa Brewer once sang,
“Come on a my house, my hous-a-come-on,
I’m a gonna serve you _______…” 
Fill in the blank.

What would your favorite pretty and tasty dish be?

Fettuccine Fantasy

Do you have any food fantasies?

Is there a food group that shows up in your dreams?

Candy? That’s a food group, isn’t it?

I have a friend in my TOPS group (that’s my support group of friends who also are trying to “Take Off Pounds Sensibly”). My friend fantasizes about candy. It’s her downfall. With Halloween on its way next month, she’s already worried about how many pounds she’ll gain when those triangular yellow and orange candy corns tempt her from that bowl on her kitchen counter.

Not me! Candy – even the chocolate variety – can sit on my kitchen counter for weeks. I’d rather have fresh, green vegetables.

But don’t get me wrong. That doesn’t mean I don’t have my caloric downfalls. I’m no pure and disciplined vegetarian. Besides peanut butter filled pretzels, sesame breadsticks, and real buttered popcorn, my BIGGEST downfall is pasta!

What do you expect? My paternal grandmother came from Italy and made gnocchi from scratch.

My Aunt Genevieve made her own pesto sauce and my Aunt Angie made the most delicious pizzas you’d ever hope to savor.

Aunt Marie made homemade fettuccine. I dream of Aunt Laura’s shrimp fettuccine! Bring on the carbs!

Last night our dear neighbors treated us to dinner. He ordered a beautiful, healthy lean steak with fresh green veggies cooked just right – crisp tender.

Did I select something lean or green? By no means!

Mmm! Shrimp Fettuccine with tomato basil sauce – and of course, an extra helping of French bread smothered with real butter!

How am I going to take off pounds sensibly when I order that kind of a meal and literally lick the plate (no, I didn’t!). Really, I soaked up the last of the sauce with an extra piece of French bread. It’s okay, friends. It was a small piece!

What makes your mouth water? What’s your food fantasy? I bet it’s not candy corn!