Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘Life’s Challenges’

Welcome October!

Welcome October!

T’is a month of pumpkins and spice
A month for Halloween candy
A month to plan your costume
When sheets are mighty handy

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

T’is a month when ghosts and goblins
And weird imaginations
Concoct front porch scenes
With spiders and smoky stations

Photo by Heorhii Heorhiichuk on Pexels.com

Just as people try to create
Wonders strange and unique ,
Look at what our Creator did –
Come and take a peak!

No one should begin to suggest
These were formed accidentally.
No, it took a God with humor –
To do this so creatively!

What do you think this is?
Look at its funny beard:
Weird, huh? It’s an ant’s face magnified at least 500 times!
And while we are admiring our Creator’s sense of humor,
take a look at this split-colored lobster!!

Our Creator’s imagination is beyond imagination!
Have you ever seen a curly-haired horse?

Well, now you have!
The coat on a poodle is a lot like this, don’t you think?

When I was a kid, Halloween was one of my favorite holidays. We planned for months what our costumes would be. One year I was two things… from the front I was a princess and when I turned around, I was a cave man. How my mom created that, I have no idea. Halloween used to be safe and fun and creative. People made popcorn/caramel balls and cupcakes and candied apples – and no one was afraid to eat what you received. No one was afraid to go alone as a bunch of kids after dark!

Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.com
Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.com

Connection and Wholeness

Yes, we are necessary to one another! If we are going to return to the safety of connection and wholeness, we need to seek to return to the people God made us to be.

We are more unique than an ant, a lobster, or a transparent fish! We are more intelligent and exceptional than a curly-haired horse. Our memories are better than theirs, too.

We need to remember what it felt like before COVID-19. Remember our connectivity. Remember when the world was a safe place for kids to Trick-or-Treat alone after dark. Remember when people knew all their neighbors by name – and people relied on one another.

Remember how creative our Creator is. If He can make an ant with that kind of face, a lobster with those characteristics, and a fish that’s transparent and that exists as an individual and as part of a larger organism, He can help us to emerge a better people when this pandemic passes. Pray for that! Trust in His creative powers.

I need you!
We need one another!
Thanks for visiting JanBeek.
Have a safe and creative October.

See ya tomorrow.
Love, JanBeek

Relax and Enjoy Life

The first time I saw that meme I realized I needed to do all three things. How about you?

Photo by Riccardo Bresciani on Pexels.com

Do you need to get away to an ocean-side view to relax? Do you need to get out into the woods to truly enjoy life?

Photo by WARREN BLAKE on Pexels.com

Can you find a quiet space right where you are? Can you share it with a pet or a partner and release your shoulders and your stress and enjoy life in the moment?

Photo by La Miko on Pexels.com
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

If where you are is not conducive to relaxation, just gather your pet (or a partner) and head for a quiet spot of your choosing!

Photo by Spencer Gurley on Pexels.com
Bob & I take TazE to beautiful, relaxing spots.
There, we can more easily
release all tension and just relax!
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

So, my friends,
whatever it takes,
I invite you to
take time right now
to relax and enjoy life.

Photo by lexi lauwers on Pexels.com

Get off the merry-go-round of life.
Step down from the carousel of cares
And unclench your jaw.
Drop the tongue from the roof of your mouth
And take a few very deep breaths.

Photo by Ingrid Santana on Pexels.com

And then,
after a nice refreshing break,
get back to work!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Or not!!

Thanks for

See ya tomorrow.
Have a relaxing Friday night!
What’re you doing this weekend to
“Relax and Enjoy Life”??

Begin with some soothing music…
Close your eyes and enjoy!

Triolet Poetry

Triolet – The triolet is a very brief, tightly rhymed poem that takes part of its structure from the repetition of entire lines. The triolet is composed in eight lines. You see the pattern easily.

Darn the ole car wash

Force of water cracked windshield

Like to sue ‘em, by gosh!

Darn the ole car wash

Met with a nice guy, Josh

Said I’d lose – so better yield

Darn the ole car wash

Force of water cracked windshield

Triolets were originally written in French of the Middle Ages.