Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘God’s Word’

God’s 12 Step Program

God’s Twelve Step Program
Keeps me focused every day
As I walk downstairs


My first hour each day
Spent in my sanctu-aerie
Starts my day off right

Then as I walk down
The twelve steps to the “real world,”
This is what I pray:

  1. Thank You, God, for the LOVE
  2. JOY, and
  3. PEACE that are mine.
  4. Help me with PATIENCE,
  6. GOODNESS, and
  7. FAITHFULNESS (which brings blessings),
  8. GENTLENESS, and
  10. Help me live HUMBLY
  11. With an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE, and

In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!

When I get to the seventh step, this is what I see:
(the words above the front door spell “blessings”)

A metal sculpture gift from our friends, Terry & Jim


And as I look down, I continue with steps 8 -12

stairs down

And at the “Amen” I come face to face with this:

Elke Angel

She’s one of three angels on the wall
at the bottom of the stairs
(a gift from Norbert and Elke of Germany).

Norbert was 6 years old in 1962 when Bob & I were married.
We lived in the downstairs of the Schallers’ chalet.
Bob was in the army; his base just over the hill.
We have stayed in touch with Norbert through the years.
Such a blessing!

I’ve named this precious angel “Elke,”
in honor of Elke Schaller.
She and Norbert created the three angels.
“Angel Elke” reminds me in my coming and going
to keep that 12 step program in my heart.

I walk to the kitchen and look out.
Here is a neighborhood treasure to greet me!

Deer at Raymond's

Have a blessed day, my deer!!

Yet Another Day

This little 3″ x 5″ book titled,
Yet Another Day
was copyrighted in 1905.



My mother-in-law bought it at a flea market for $1.00
in about 1959. I inherited it from her.
This note is in the inside front cover:


The title page tells you the book, written by Rev. J.H. Jowett, M.A.,
is intended to be used as a prayer for every day of the year.


The copyright page gives valuable tips,
as valid today as they were 113 years ago!

IMG_5565 2.jpg

Today is December 22nd.
The prayer for today is one I want to share with you.
(I pray I am not breaking copyright laws by sharing this!)

Pray with me, will you?
(And enjoy the beautiful, lyrical language of 113 years ago.)

“Lord of all life, wilt Thou quicken me in the ministry of Thy life-giving Spirit? May no part of my being remain in deadly insensitivity. May I be alive unto God! May all my powers aspire after Thee, as flowers after the sun.”   AMEN!


summer garden yellow petals

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Let His Love Light Shine

Sermon notes from 6/3/18 – Rev. Jean Johnson’s message inspired by Mark: 2:23 – 3:6 – filtered through the ears & pen of Jan Beekman

Let His Love Light Shine


We are servants of God,

So, do not lose heart.

The glory of God has shined

In and through us from the start.


Jesus Christ is our Lord.

He rose victorious from the dead.

His resurrection assures us

When we die, we’ll live instead.


The Lord surely restores us.

He guards and lovingly guides us.

The Lord, our God, is here

In us; seeking, He finds us.


Through the Holy Spirit,

God communicates. Hear Him speak.

We are called to carefully listen –

To obey boldly; don’t be meek.


Christ’s Glory is the glory of

Truth and Love shining through

In the midst of death and decay.

It’s forgiveness for me and for you.


God calls us to continually be

Followers in Truth and Love.

Our job is to live the Gospel message.

Let His Light shine through you from above.




The Sounds of Silence




Silence is resounding in my ears.

Silence wipes away confusion and fears.

Silence speaks as all nature rings.

Silence breaks as songbird sings.


Silence whispers compassion’s song –

Let’s me contemplate yesterday’s wrong.

Allows God’s grace to fill this space

Instead of wallowing in my own disgrace.


Silence brings new life to God’s Word.

It lets the Holy Spirit speak and be heard.

It opens my heart to name the nameless

And enter their world blameless and shameless.


Open my heart, Lord, in silence to know

All that You’re saying, all that You show

Through challenges booming or hugs soft and sweet.

Help me to hear You in ALL that I meet.


Jan Beekman
