Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘antiques’

Embrace Your Last Best Place

Embrace your last best place
It’s where you call your “Forever Home.”
It’s the place you’re destined to stay
When you decide to land – not roam.

“Our Last Best Place” is written on
Our Montana license plates.
It’s a motto for Bozeman,
But Ennis is our place that rates.

It rates a forever stay.
It’s where we want to be
Until it’s time to eventually
Leave for Eternity.

Our neighbors have a sign –
It says home is a collection.
It says home is a story –
One with happy recollection.

I say home is a heartfelt
Place where love is true –
A place where when you have you go there,
They always have room for you.

It’s a place where happy memories
Have seeped into the wall
And everywhere you look,
Is a story to recall.

Grandpa DeAngeles’ cheese press
(or is it an apple press – I wonder)
Reminds me of my dad who had
These treasures out in rain & thunder!

We had the piece restored
And found a grape press to match.
They sit in dining room corners –
This one came without a scratch!

If rocking chairs could talk
This would have stories galore.
Bob’s great-grandma used it
And our grandkids rocked some more.

This clock has a great history –
It hung in Bob’s mother’s school.
That was back in 1908-16
His mom was certainly no fool.

When the school house caught fire
And the kids were evacuated,
A lot of stuff ended in a pile.
His mom saved this… she was elated.

The clock is not the only thing
We inherited from our folks.
Our house is full of those memories –
Full of love and life and hopes.

The horseshoe has a history –
The mortar Dad found in Merced River does, too.
The pestle that goes with it
Has seen more than a grind or two!

The books that line the living room
Have stories – some written by friends,
And the picture from Grimentz
Has Swiss memories without ends.

I love the little angels
On tables, counters and floor.
Each one has a story
And there’s always room for more.

That first one is from Terry,
A friend who has my heart.
The next one’s from our Laina –
It’s meant for garden art.

Up in my sanctuary,
There’s an angel in a dish.
She’s playing the accordion –
And she came with a great wish:

I wish you happy memories
In this “Last Best Place” of yours.
I know you’ll live here happily,
Welcoming strangers through your doors.

It’s true, we love our Last Best Place –
And we’ve welcomed many a guest.
And we’re not through inviting them –
Come – sit with us – we’re truly blessed!

Embrace Your Last Best Place

Are you in it now?
Or do you anticipate where it will be…
the one on earth, that is…

Tell me about it!

See ya tomorrow (God willing)


Roy Rogers was my favorite as a kid…
And never did I imagine I’d
find a Home on the Range
where the deer and the antelope play
as my Last Best Place
Yup, antelope…. right here in my Last Best Place

God Loves Vintage

Yes, God loves Vintage
He’s into restoration
Strips away the old

Finds the rust pockets
Things we never knew we had
Old is gone; new’s here!

Photo by Mike on Pexels.com

2Corinthians 5:17

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
the new creation has come:
The old has gone,
the new is here.”

Does that mean we need to discard the old and buy the new instead?

Not necessarily!
God is into restoration, remember?
Some old things are priceless!

Photo by Hisham Zayadnh on Pexels.com
Photo by Yaroslav Danylchenko on Pexels.com
And these priceless treasures should not be tampered with!
(Well, I guess a chuckle is needed in these trying times!)

There are some aged ones who are wise beyond imagination.
They deserve to be heard!
(Well, this grandma isn’t really aged… is she?)

Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on Pexels.com

Wizened aged ones
deserve to be preserved
and appreciated
However, I learned that my grandmother’s old Victrola
was worth much more in its original state – before I had it restored!!
Preservation and restoration are not always one in the same.

But, I believe every soul is in need of constant restoration. Just as we need to remove the rust from the old cars to restore and preserve them, we need to remove those rusty spots from our hearts. You know what they are:

  • greed
  • anxiety
  • lust
  • jealousy
  • hatred
  • grudges

God can help us replace the rusty spots with:

  • generosity
  • peace
  • Agape love
  • compassion
  • joy
  • forgiveness
Ask the Lord to help you.
Train your mind –
Restore your soul.

I’m like Vintage wine.
I think I improve with age.
God grants me wisdom.

Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com

James 1:5

“But if any of you lacketh wisdom,
let him ask God,
who giveth to all liberally
and upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him.”

Yes, the Bible is old … a Vintage Book …
and the language of the King James version
really is old.

Gratefully, the old scripture, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and ancient copies of the Torah or the Tanakh were not discarded. And as scholars are busy writing new, modern translations of the Bible, we still have the old language. It sings to me and rings true, and teaches me to study and keep learning. When I come to an archaic word that escapes me, I use http://www.dictionary.com and I increase my vocabulary. I may be vintage, but I am a life-long learner… constantly renewing my mind and seeking to learn.

root word: upbraid
to find fault with or reproach severely; censure

Photo by Jean van der Meulen on Pexels.com

Like this wise, old owl,
let’s keep our eyes open to new opportunities.
Let’s keep our minds open to new learning.
Let’s keep our spirits open to renewal.
Let’s keep our hearts open to restoration.

I may be vintage, but I’m not old in my eyes.
My mind and spirit and heart are ready for daily restoration.
How about yours?

Have a Super Sunday!

See ya later!

Touring Homes

Today was the annual parade of homes
in Ennis, Montana.
It was a fundraiser for our local Madison Valley Med Center.
As a MVMC volunteer, I was hostess
all morning at one of the homes.
I lucked out because this was a marvelous,
gorgeous place to spend the morning.
Let me share some of the views with you.
Maybe you will get some decorting ideas.


The design from the outside is quite square and modern. But once you step inside the front door, you see an early 1800s chair – inherited from the owner’s great-grandparents – and brought here in the early 1900’s from Germany.


You know you’re in for a treat when you see the art work on the walls and the other family heirlooms dotted throughout.


The owners’ almost life-sized painting in the entry gives you a clue to their vibrant personalities. And the dog by the hearth shows you their hearts of warmth and love.


Keep going, and look out. The house seems to be floating on Lake Ennis. There are no guard rails on the deck to interrupt your view of the lake.


The window to the right of this continues the spectacular view.


Step outside and dream awhile.


Sit in the hammock and read a good book.


Choose a chair and we’ll tell each other tales of the last 24″ trout we caught in that lake.


Wait for the next fisherman to drift by.


Back out the front door, join me for a swim in the exercise pool in the guest house. You can rent it for a couple of nights and really enjoy this Montana wonderland.


To your right is the bedroom with a small kitchenette and the bathroom. Do you feel like you could stay here awhile – no problem?


I hated to leave, but life must go on. Hope you enjoyed the house tour. Oh, can’t leave wihout going back into the main house to thank the owners for their hospitality. Don’t you love this kitchen?


All this – and nice people, too.
What a great way to spend a day, huh?


Thanks for visiting with me.

See ya tomorrow.