Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘experiences’

Sunrise Beginnings; Sunset Endings

Just as sun rises,
Each day is new beginnings.
Rise to occasions.


Just as the sun sets
Ends bring beginnings.


Allow the endings
In order to make room for
The new beginnings.


Our daughter’s youngest, our 23-year-old grandson, Chris, arrived from Switzerland to stay for awhile with our son in California – and to stay for a month with us here in Montana. Life here is very different for him. In the Montana month, he met our friends, went to church and shopping with us, helped us around the house a lot (like decorating for Christmas and then taking down and putting away all the decorations), received his driver’s license, toured the Job Corp campus in Anaconda, MT, filled out his application, and was accepted into the program. He has USA citizenship and is between the ages of 16 and 24; he wants to learn manual skills and may move on to find a job in a field such as carpentry, welding, or heavy equipment mechanics, and he has a “clean record”, so he qualifies for the program.

He will begin this new experience next week. Chris had to allow for a lot of endings in order to make room for these new beginnings. We are excited for him. We are impressed by his courage, spirit of adventure, and willingness to step out and learn new skills. Only the Good Lord knows what the next year will hold for him, but we know he is in God’s hands, and so we will send him off with great anticipation, faith, and confidence.

Stay tuned!!
I’m sure I will write
more about Chris
as the year progresses.
Maybe his experiences
will encourage
some 16-to-24-year-old
you know and love.



Y = Youthfulness

Day #25 in the A-Z series of “What Makes Me Happy?”


My time on earth is

Measured by experience

And development

I maintain an attitude of positivity and youthfulness.

The zeal of youth makes me happy.

My spirit is ageless.

How about you?

alley autumn autumn colours autumn leaves

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

My husband said, “Indecision.”

I said, “That’s not a Y, that’s an I.”

He said, “But it’s a Y in the road.  You have indecision.

You don’t know which way to go.

It doesn’t make me happy, but it makes me think.

Thinking/ pondering/weighing odds – those make me happy…

Because it’s nice to have choices.”


Hmmm, creative thinking, don’t you think?


What “Y” word makes you happy?

Birthdays Bubble By


     Have you read Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life? I’m reflecting on Warren’s description of our SHAPE (Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences) as I write in my journal each morning. It’s a journal designed to recount the five purposes Warren has written about – and apply them in our daily walks. When I spend quality time reflecting, words bubble out like the birthdays that zip on by – faster and faster as time goes by!

Birthdays Bubble By!

When I think of the abilities
My God has given me – 
The music, joy, enthusiasm – 
And birthdays that bubble by with glee,
I want to share them all.

When I think of the personality
My God has gifted me – 
The confidence and gregariousness
That come bubbling out so easily,
I want to care for all.

When I think of the experiences
My God has granted me – 
The love, the depth of sweet success
That radiate so freely,
I want to bare my all.

When I think of the future
My God has promised me –
The peace, the quiet wisdom
That grow so constantly,
I want to heed God’s call!

     Do birthdays bubble by for you? Does acknowledging your gifts of S.H.A.P.E. make you want to heed God’s call? What is Your God calling you to do with your Spiritual Gifts, your Heart full of love and gratitude, your Abilities and Personality, and your Experiences? Share, Care, Bare your soul to the Giver of your gifts, and Heed God’s call today! You are made wondrously unique – and what you have to give is unique. Birthdays bubble by – – – time’s awastin’ – – – Let’s blow outta here!!