Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity


Recently I posted an A-Z list of what makes me happy. One of my blogging friends responded and suggested I use those items as titles for future blogs. I like that idea, and decided I’d take her suggestion. But I had two items for each letter of the alphabet. I’ll choose just one of the two each day and see if I can keep at it for 26 consecutive days. I’ve never made it to more than 9 in a row in the past. So here we go!

Day #1 = Antelope

Meet Little Annie

She was the neighborhood pet

Fish and Wildlife killed her

Well, that little Haiku didn’t end the way you expected, did it? Why would the Fish and Wildlife authorities euthanize such a precious creature?

Annie was abandoned by her mother. Neighborhood kids found her in the bushes on their property. Not wanting her to starve, they began feeding her milk from a baby bottle. The mama antelope never returned. Eventually, Annie followed the children to their home.

As the weather turned colder, Annie began sleeping in their garage. During the day she roamed free. She made friends in the “hood.” Folks loved her. Naturally. She became bolder, and would enter people’s garages if their door was left open. One person decided she was a nuisance. She called the Fish & Wildlife (F&W) folks and told the children that she had done so.

Alarmed that they may have done something wrong, they told their folks about the disgruntled neighbor lady. Afraid of what the authorities might do, they called a friend whose house borders a nature preserve. The friends relocated Annie to their beautiful property that has a creek running through it.

Before Annie’s location was discovered by the F&W, and before she was able to be adopted by an antelope herd in the preserve, we visited her one last time.

Annie kissed us, ate out of my husband’s hand, and bid us good-bye, blinking her beautiful, long eyelashes. We all prayed that she’d link up with a herd.

No such luck! F&W found her, put her in their truck, brought her to their local headquarters and euthanized her! šŸ˜Ŗ

I know there are laws. I know people aren’t supposed to feed or tame wild animals. But, come on!! Wasn’t there a place she could have lived happily? A petting zoo somewhere or an animal preserve where she could have been placed far from people?

We live on a piece of property in Montana where the antelope come through daily. It’s the antelope freeway in our back yard. I often film them in that space between us and the neighbors. I love them! I’ve learned so much about them as I watch their migration from the mountains behind us to the Madison River east of us. But, I let them keep their distance. And I pray those Mamas keep good track of their babies!

Enjoy one of my videos! That’s Bob and me talking to them.

ā¤ļø Rest In Peace, Annie ā¤ļø

Comments on: "Antelope" (12)

  1. It played just fine for me. Nice video.

  2. What a sad story! Poor Annie! šŸ˜²

  3. Very sweet video! I love you two!!!!

    • Thank you! Iā€™m glad you were able to see it. Thanks for visiting our Antelope Paradise! Come again … soon! I love you, tooo šŸ’•

  4. I have nominated you for the blogger recognition award mamšŸ˜Š

  5. I remember Annie very well. Carle painted her. Thanks for sharing.

  6. A beautiful and sad story all rolled into one! I can believe they did her in…

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