Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Take & Spread Joy!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
so that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.”

– Romans 15:13

One of the devotionals I read every day is from “The Upper Room,” a book of daily devotionals printed every other month, and a gift many churches provide for their members and guests. In today’s message, the topic was “Words of Love.”

I can think of no better way to “Take & Spread Joy” than to speak and read and hear WORDS OF LOVE. How about you?

“Pleasant words are like honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul
and health to the body.”

Proverbs 16:24

In the Upper Room,
the thought for today is:
“With God’s help,
I will speak words
that build others up.”

The Upper Room devotional reminded me that
“Words carry weight.
How we use them
deeply impacts
the people around us.”

But, I am aware that my words
also deeply impact me!
I can speak words of love to myself…
or I can speak disparaging words
that discourage me!

The devotional ended with this prayer:
“Loving God,
we pray that You

will empower us
to speak love and life
to those around us.
Give us compassionate
and encouraging words.”

My word for 2024, some of you may recall, is the acronym SIFT.
The T stands for “Take time to think” (and pray) before I speak or act.
I carry that “T” thought with me every day.
And I hope you, too, will be inspired to
use compassionate and encouraging words
directed at yourself as well as others.

Your caring and thoughtful words
will lift your spirits
as they lift the hearts of all you meet.

Take and spread joy!

Love to you,

Comments on: "Take & Spread Joy!" (12)

  1. Thanks for a day of inspiration!

  2. We have the power of life and death in our words. Perspective is important when we speak. A wonderful post Jan.

  3. You do both take and spread joy, Jan

  4. Hi Jan,
    Always very inspiring!

  5. Another beautiful message! Thanks (((Jan))). You are so appreciated! Yes, we must watch our words. I love how you included us also. You are so kind. May the blessings of the Lord be upon you. Hugs!!!

  6. Amen. We are called to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. There is no better mission to take on than sharing joy with others. When we encourage others to see faith’s vision through God’s lens, we share so much more . . . His divine perspective.

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