Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘frustration’

Lost: Triumphant Scars

One should not lose sleep over lost blogs, right?
But here I am … sleepless in Montana … feeling very disgruntled.
I wrote this blog titled “Triumphant Scars” and posted it, but then I received a notice that the draft was not posted. I knew I had finished and posted it… and many of you dear readers left lovely comments.
So, I deleted the unfinished draft. Figured I didn’t need it.

Well, my friends, if you have both JetPack and WordPress, BEWARE!!

JetPack did not acknowledge the completed post, and when I erased the draft, I lost the post.
Does that make sense? No!!
Below is all that is left of my carefully crafted post about Eli and his “Triumphant Scars.“

…He showed them [scars on] His hands and sides.
Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.”

John 20:20




Those x’s are what I put in to save room for text when I went from my phone (where I started the post because that’s where the pictures were) to my laptop where I completed the entry. I used lovely illustrations of why Eli’s scars (and yours and mine, too) are triumphant by quoting a very thoughtful and inspiring commentary in Guideposts “Mornings With Jesus.”

The bottom line: Jesus’ scars on his hands, feet and sides are proof of healing. His death and resurrection allows us, His followers, to be healed of our sins and look forward to eternity. Our scars, both the visible and the invisible ones, are proof of our healing, too. They are Triumphant Scars. That was the message.

Alas, I discovered when I deleted the draft in JetPack, I also deleted my finished post and the only thing I could retrieve in “Trash” was what you see above, the scripture, the photos and the x’s. Do any of you dear readers have any advice for me? I am so disgruntled that I’ve taken a break from blogging since then. Did you miss me? I need to get out of this funk.

Th good news is: Eli is home and recuperating from his surgery. His mom & dad and three sisters are in my daily prayers along with his grandma, Donna (whose blog, “The Father’s Feet” is where I met Eli). I hope you are continuing to pray for Eli, too.

This has been a miserable way to learn “Do Not Delete it when JetPack says your published WordPress post is still in draft form.” I’ve gotta get outta this funk and back to my positive self spreading love, joy, peace, faith and unity on JanBeek. And I’ve gotta get some sleep. This is no way to live.


I’ll be OK.


Embrace Waiting

Pastor Nominating Committee
has been working for months –
Seems like a year already –
Trying to find the person
God has in mind for us.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

In this COVID-19 pandemic world,
It is an on-line ballgame.
Research, paperwork, phone calls,
ZOOM meetings, waiting –
It’s easy to become discouraged.

Embrace Waiting!

Isaiah 64:4

“Be encouraged,
knowing that God has planned
good things for those who wait.”

Yesterday the Lord reinforced
the idea of spontaneity
And so I wrote about it.
Today, He said, “Flip the page!”

Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com

The other side of spontaneity is patience.
The other side of the coin says, “Wait!”
The next page tells us to set aside
Frustration and replace it with trust.

Today’s message in the
Daily Readings for Devoted Living,
In Touch Magazine says,

“Sometimes… it may seem
He’s unconcerned about us,
because our prayers aren’t answered
as quickly as we expect.
When that happens,
we need to remember
it doesn’t mean God has stopped working.
He is actively involved in our lives,
but often in ways that are not visible.”

Hidden Lake, Montana

Behind the trees,
out of our sight,
there may be the answer
we are looking for.
Wait for the right answer!
Don’t settle for less.

In Touch Magazine‘s message today
went on to remind me,
“God orchestrates circumstances,
changes people’s hearts,
and protects his children
from making foolish decisions
that could have disastrous consequences.”

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

“Waiting times
are opportunities
for growth in

Today in the Word
from Moody Bible Institute
carried that same theme
in my devotional today,

“What about you?
Are you feeling stuck in God’s waiting room today?
While it is no doubt frustrating,
these times of delay
are not necessarily
a deviation from God’s plan.
Trust God’s hand
to set the next stage for your life.
Let Him work in and through you,
even during your waiting time.”

John Mayer sang a song
“Waiting on the World to Change” –
but I don’t think that’s what
God has in mind for you.
I think God is asking you
to pray about your uncertainly.
God is asking us to
study His Word and
learn from Him how to move forward.
How is this song a different message?

In our period of waiting,
God does not want us to feel powerless.
We struggle with fear, insecurity,
doubt, and a feeling of lack of power,
but Christ is working in our hearts.
As I sit in God’s waiting room,
I pray for discernment,
courage of conviction,
confidence and wisdom.

If you are also feeling like you’re in God’s waiting room,
Pray with me,
use this time
when nothing
seems to be happening.
Use it for Your purposes.
All our days are Yours.

Embrace Waiting

Thanks for visiting JanBeek today.

I’ll be waiting for your answer to my question,
“How did that song by John Mayer
send a different message about waiting?”

Are you waiting for the world to change?

See ya tomorrow.