Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Bob & Victor

Victor Salazar and Bob have stayed in touch for 50 years. How has that happened?

Victor was Bob’s wrestling student when Bob coached at Hillsdale High in San Mateo, CA. back in the 1970’s. Every year at Christmas, we exchanged Christmas cards. Victor let us know where he was each year – and his career took him to over 30 different countries! What a joy to have Vic come from Alabama to reconnect with us here in Montana! (That photo was taken last year when I first posted this blog)

I have had the fun of that kind of connection with former students, too. This is Ty Stiles and his wife with Bob & me. He was my kindergarten student in 1962! I named our first child, Ty. We never let Ty Stiles out of our sphere of contact. He was in my prayers daily. He came with his wife, Roxanne, from California to visit us a few years ago. About a year after his visit, sadly, Ty left this earth for his eternal home. My memories of him and his visit warm my heart every single day as I look at the cross he welded and sent to us shortly after his visit.

There’s no greater joy
Than to reconnect with friends
From long, long ago

Look up for your purpose!
Look up to the cross
Recall its loving meaning
Embrace those friendships

5 Ways to Keep Long-time Friends

  1. Pray lovingly for them daily.
  2. Be sure to keep them in your address book and write to them often (don’t just rely on social media)
  3. Pick up the phone and talk to them, emptying yourself into them… it’s an investment. Be loyal and be confidential.
  4. Let them know how much they mean to you, but don’t force the relationship. It has to be natural. Don’t insist that the relationship is forever reciprocal. Some friendships are meant to be seasonal… and the season may last years – but maybe not. You can’t control that.
  5. Be honest and transparent with them … let them see your warts. It shows you trust them not to hurt you… and you are trustworthy in return.

Embrace Long-time Friendships
Never let those precious folks go
Keep them forever in your heart
How long we’ll be here, we can’t know

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”

Embrace Long-time Friends
My heart’s covered with footprints.
How about your heart?

See ya tomorrow (God willing)

Comments on: "Embrace 5 Ways to Keep Long-time Friends" (25)

  1. Carole, who gave me the additional information and photos for https://derrickjknight.com/2021/07/08/my-little-snipper/ was a student of mine almost 50 years ago. Giles has been a friend since 1971. Others would still be with me in person but are now in spirit.

  2. Good vibrations, Jan!

    • Hi Ana, you wrote a response here last July. I am just seeing it now. Don’t know why the vibrations didn’t reach me last year! Thank you for your comment. <3

  3. It is so nice to stay connected with former students. I have a few on my facebook that stay in touch from the 1970s. They are now ready to retire! I must be old!!
    Great post!

    • Thanks, Dwight. Facebook is a great venue for that kind of connection. It doesn’t surprise me that you were the kind of teacher (and are that kind of person) that your students would stay in touch with!

  4. I have to admit that I haven’t really stayed in touch with too many people. There is much value in staying in touch. Jan, thanks for sharing this encouraging post.

    • Thank you for your comment. I hope you follow through by reaching out to a person in your past with whom you WISH you still had a relationship. <3

  5. This is lovely – thank you!

  6. This is precious, Jan. What a beautiful post about friendship. And such wisdom in the “how to’s”. I cherish my lifelong friends. Picking up the phone and calling them, a visit, or sending a letter, those are true and tried ways that have enriched my heart. The cross is beautiful. What a sweet gift. 💛❤️♥️🤗

  7. What a beautiful post dear Jan… Friends are so very special, and I am so pleased you reached out to me after my absence.. and didn’t let me go 😉
    You dear Jan and your hubby and family are very special people indeed…
    Sending LOVE and well wishes as Mad March closes to bring April Surprises..
    Love and Hugs <3

  8. Reading this, dear Jan, what you write about keeping in touch with old friends, I find extremely moving!

    Thank you for this post! Thank you very much!


    Aunty Uta 🙂

    • You’re welcome, Uta. I bet you have those long-time friends in your garden of blessings, too!

      • Indeed, Jan, I do or did have a few very long-time friends! 🙂 My garden of blessings? – I think you might call it this!

  9. Great looking happy faces!! What a blessing!

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