Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘sparkles’

Embrace Effervescence

Don’t you love that word?
Effervescence is bubbly;
Bubbly is delight.

So, smile, Bob!

Bubbles bring smiles –
They bring us celebrations.
We hear them giggle.

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Pexels.com

Effervescence helps
Make water taste lots better.
See our Soda Stream?

It is our new toy;
Changes our pure well water
Into bubbly treat.

Yes, I know the “J”
In Montana Majesty
Is replaced by “G”

That’s because MAGIC
Is the root word intended
Montana’s MAGIC!

And this new machine
Changes water magically
Into a great treat.

See the bubbles?

We have a dear friend
Whose special name is Sparkles;
She’s effervescent!

She lights up a room
Whenever she enters it –
Effervescent friend:

Like the fire there,
Her light is warm and friendly.
Have you such a friend?

What else in your life
Sparkles with effervescence?
Water, friends, and what?

The faith that’s in me
Sparkles with the love of Christ.
Bravely let it out!

I share the Good News
Through my blog and with my life.
It’s my Bubble Source!

Photo by Andre Furtado on Pexels.com

Son Shine bubbles up –
Creates my effervescence!
What makes YOU sparkle?

Thanks for visiting JanBeek
See ya tomorrow.

By the way, did you miss my “Embrace” message yesterday?
It was “Embrace Rest” – and so I took a break!!

I really enjoy this Don Ho song.
It takes me to Hawaii.
Brings back bubbly memories.
Do you have a favorite song
that bubbles up happy memories in you?