Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘keys’

Receptivity is Key

In my introduction to this
A-Z series,
I wrote the following:

I want a greater understanding of:

  • who I am,
  • how to decode the world around me,
  • what my purpose is here on earth,
  • and how I can live more intentionally to fulfill that purpose.

You are here because, hopefully, you have embraced the journey, the exploration of ways to add more meaning to life. Thank you for joining me!!

Today’s letter is “R”
I have chosen the word “Receptivity”

The picture below is Logan Crowley, my darling neighbor,
with me. She received a scholarship
award of $1000 to assist her venture into college at
Montana State University next school year.
EAA stands for Ennis Arts Association,
of which I am an active member.

Seeking, applying, striving for what we need,
and being receptive when gifts come our way
are important qualities for
adding more meaning
and finding greater purpose
in life.


Everyday Receptivity

It is easy to be receptive every day when someone is giving you a thousand bucks, right?

But what about other areas of everyday receptivity? How do we remain open to all that’s out there for us?

Tune in to Inspiration

Today I listened to a podcast on Bob Goff’s “Love Does” website:

Bob is a wonderful, whimsical lawyer/author/inspirational speaker who has written three best-selling books, Love Does, and Love Does For Kids, as well as Everybody Always. His Facebook website, https://www.facebook.com/bobgoffis/ , will introduce you to his “Dream Big” workshops and lead you to the podcasts that are so heart-warming.

In a recent podcast, Bob was interviewing very talented and lovely Amy Grant. Amy is a Grammy Award-winning Gospel singer who was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame and has written a book, Mosaic: Pieces of My Life So Far.


The podcast, “What If We…?” was so full of wisdom that I listened to it several times and wrote to Bob Goff asking permission to quote some of the most poignant statements. I received an affirmative response. I posted on Amy’s Facebook page telling her of this blog and hoping it’s okay with her, too, that I quote some of her delightful comments.

One of the messages that rang clear was:

Be Open to Vulnerability Every Day!


Everyday receptivity involves the concept
Bob referred to in this podcast
when he said,
“Be where your feet are!”

Bob Goff and Amy Grant were talking about the subjects of vulnerability and community.

You need to be wiling to be receptive,” Amy suggested. “It takes the hard things in life to pull you into the community that then gives you connections to pursue something beautiful.”

Bob affirmed,
“Vulnerability to say ‘I have a need’ leads you into community…
Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten has been a hug!”

Be Receptive to Dreams

backlit blur close up dawn

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

“If you have a dream or an ambition,” Bob Goff said,
“let everyone know about it …
Imagine everyone in heaven leaning over the railing,
watching and wondering what’s next!”

I love that image! I have several dreams for my future and the future of my children,  grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I want to capture them in my dream catcher, and then imagine that heaven’s angels are leaning over the railings cheering us on!

Goals/dreams are an important part of living a full and meaningful life. They provide the seeds for our journey toward meeting our life’s purpose.

Amy Grant said, “Make room for the seeds that matter most to [you] to be watered and grown.”


beautiful blur close up colors

Photo by Anthony on Pexels.com

Add Clarity to your Receptivity

“As soon as you have clarity
on why you’re doing what you’re doing,”
Bob Goff said,
“you’ll find the opportunity to actually go for it!”

Go for it! But what is IT?

“It” is the activity that gives you joy!

“It” is the thing you do that moves you in the direction of your ultimate goal.

“It” is finding out what that goal is!!

Bob suggested if we wish to find fulfillment in receptivity to opportunities, we must first:

  • Find the right kind of mischief (he’s all about having fun while we search for meaning and purpose)
  • Find what brings you joy
  • Be receptive to whimsy (Read his book, Love Does, and learn all about whimsy!)
  • Look for opportunities (You’ll find what you’re looking for)
  • Be purposeful, and
  • Celebrate!


In their conversation, Bob shared that he gave Amy a bell some time ago. She told him that she has it on a post in her back yard (at least I think that’s where she said she posted it).

Amy said, “I think of you each time I see that bell. I ring it every time I move in the direction of a goal.”

Bob asked her about her ultimate goal, and she responded, “I want to die being a fire hose of generosity.”

I love that … not just a garden hose, but a fire hose, spraying out to others the gifts we’ve been given. Celebrate your gifts by giving them generously and freely to others. Yes!

Be Receptive to God’s Guidance and the Wisdom of His Followers

Amy noted that her first mother-in-law was a woman of great wisdom who lived her faith. Once, when Amy was feeling overwhelmed with trying to balance life as a mother of young children with the life of a recording artist who was traveling the world, her mother-in-law told her, “You only need one prayer a day.”

“One prayer?” Amy asked. “What would it be?”

“God, lead me today to those I need –
and to those who need me –
and let something I do today
have eternal significance.”

Bob reacted saying,
“Yes, it’s not just ‘What do I want?’
It’s ‘Who needs something I’ve got?’ “

Ask God to guide you to those who need you.
Ask God to guide you to those you need.
And ask God to help you find meaningful tasks
that might have eternal significance.
Listen to the wisdom of others, and
Be receptive to God’s guidance!

Receptivity and Understanding are the Keys

antique crumpled crumpled paper dirty

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

Be receptive to the voice of reason within you.

“You need to understand what you want,”
Bob Goff said in this podcast,
“and not just be limited by what you want,
but look at what other people want.
Look for the opportunity to do something
about it in your life and in their lives –
in a hundred creative ways –
then stand back and let God do His thing!”

Stand back, my friends,
be receptive,
and watch God do His thing!

See you tomorrow!



Venture Out!

Doors and gates are ways

To enter and to go out –

Don’t remain inside.