Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘coffee’


Procrastination –
Is it an issue with you?
I have mastered it!

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

I’ll get to it next.
That”s just what I tell myself.
But, when does next come?

I often delay
Doing what needs to be done –
With good excuses.

Is that familiar?
And I’m not the only one.
Bob knows that routine!

“Just put a towel out –
It will soak up the water.
I am going skiing.”

That’s two years ago.
A sump pump is what’s needed.
Will a snow fence work?

This is it last week –
After putting up snow fence –
Before last snow fall.

Please get me a towel
To soak up the melting snow
Before it warms up!

Lives in my part of the world
Inside – not just out!

No, not my office –
But it certainly could be.
Mine’s almost as bad!

Do you have places
That you are sure to avoid?
Rather do your blog?

You are not alone.
It’s an immortal problem.

The Bible addressed the issue:

“Be strong and courageous,
and do the work.
Do not be afraid
or discouraged,
for the Lord God…
is with you.”

1 Chronicles 28:20

Pray for God to help
You and me do what we must
That we’re avoiding.

Get it off your chest.
Step up – Act wholeheartedly –
Just tackle the mess!

I promise I will –
After finishing coffee.
Hah! Ignore the mess…

Thanks for visiting JanBeek today.
Now, go get busy!!
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

P.S. By the way, did you realize as you were reading this that every three line stanza is a kind of Haiku with a syllabic pattern of 5-7-5? If you didn’t that’s OK. It means I didn’t force it. That was fun!

Tuesday’s Bee Poetry

It’s Tuesday Haiku:
Tuesday’s Bee accompanies
My Morning Coffee

And here is Tuesday’s Acrostic:

And I love you, too!

Join me this morning
For an autumn cup of love
From me just for you

Photo by Valeriia Miller on Pexels.com

Have a Terrific Tuesday.

See ya tomorrow.

Keep Your Promises

This morning was almost a disaster. My husband was going on our ATV with a friend and two float tubes to do some fishing on No Name Lake. I forgot that I told him I’d make a sandwich for his lunch. It was time for me to go to my TOPS meeting. (For those of you unfamiliar with the acronym, it stands for “Take Off Weight Sensibly.”) Anyway, a promise is a promise. I carved out the time to make him an egg salad sandwich. Bless his heart, he’d already boiled the eggs for it.

Now it’s past time for TOPS and I suddenly remembered this is the day of our Installation of Officers meeting. We’re having breakfast in the Park. It’s a once a year extravaganza. I had promised to bring the coffee. Oh no! Guess what, there wasn’t a coffee bean or can of ground coffee to be found anywhere in the house. What to do? A promise is a promise!

The grocery store is 5 to 10 minutes away. By the time I’d go there and back with a can of Folgers, and brew it, the breakfast in the Park would be nearly over. Think creatively!!

Yes, we have a Keurig coffee maker. One cup at a time. Six pods of Vanilla Biscotti by Green Mountain and six pods of Paul Newman’s French Roast. Ah yes, put it in the coffee pot and away to the Park with cups, creamer, and Sweet n Low. Just in time for the breakfast set up!

A promise is a promise. Whatever it takes, even if you’re as screwy and forgetful as I am, keep your promises!

Oh, and you might check your calendar occasionally, too. That might help!