Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Embrace Proximity

Is nearness
Space that’s measured
Feeling a treasured presence

Tomorrow may be in heaven…
But there is a tomorrow for all Children of God

Closing in
Walking toward you
Feeling your loving care

Bonnie & Stan
60 years of standing together,
Leaning on one another
Treasuring proximity

Closing in
Walking toward you
Feeling your loving care

Embrace Proximity
We never know
How long we’ll have

Bob & Jan
59 years and treasuring our proximity

Are important
Dreams stay big
My wish for you:

My sister-in-law, Bonnie, had the gift of her children and grandchildren’s close proximity yesterday as she dealt with the grief of separation. Hopefully they will ease the pain with beautiful shared memories. One of my other sisters-in-law sent me these pictures of Stan today. (If you follow my post, you know Bonnie’s husband died yesterday). I will post a few of Ann Beekman’s photos here so you can feel the proximity of this crazy family – full of joy and love for one another.

The Beekman/Hunt/Payne family guys
Stan clowning behind Bob & Bruce
Bonnie & Stan at a family dinner
Bonnie & Stan at our granddaughter, Faith’s wedding
Stan & Bonnie after an Hawaiian trip
A souvenir hat from Hawaii
Stan loved hats –
Guess where this one came from!

May the memories of my dear brother-in-law remain alive in our hearts
And the proximity of his character comfort and sustain all his loved ones.

What’s a favorite memory you pray
your family and friends will use
to help them remember you
when you are gone?

What photo will keep you in close proximity to them?

Here’s mine!

Stand by me
Lean on me
Embrace Proximity

See ya tomorrow

Comments on: "Embrace Proximity" (5)

  1. Lovely photos of Stan and Bonnie, Jan. I especially liked the one of Stan, Bob and Bruce. It made me smile. This post is full of love and friendship, and I loved the song by Rascal Flatts. I’ve never heard that song before. The band is new to me.
    Lots of love, Jan! xx

    • Thanks, {{{Lesley}}}, for reading and listening and taking time to comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the Rascal Flatts. Their music is inspiring to me. <3 Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. <3 Beeee well!! <3

  2. Sunny De said:

    I love all the photos. Monika was very kind to share them with us. And I LOVE that the photo you chose at the end was one I took of you two in Muraz at CriCri’s place! I sooooooo wish I was more in proximity to you and dad!!!!

    • Thanks, De, I love that photo the most of all our Bob/Jan pictures. It brings me back to Switzerland – and it sends a message of mutual love that is so precious! Gets more precious with each day that passes! Hugs to you. Love ya bunches, {{{Sweetheart!}}} <3 <3

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