Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

She’s Here!

Yes, my new little great-granddaughter is here!
Faith & Kyle named her Mable Iris.
Don’t you love old-fashioned names?

I tried to get them to name her Janet
(that’s JanBeek’s God-given name),
but I lost out to one they chose
simply because they both “like it.”

Oh well, I tried!

Choosing names for our children
is such an important part of parenting.

The last “child” I named is this little moose who sits on my bed every day. He is named “Faithful” because he was a gift to me about 15 years ago from my granddaughter, Faith. She bought it at the Yellowstone National Park gift shop. We had just seen the geyser “Old Faithful” erupt. Then we went into the gift shop and gave her and her three siblings each some money to buy a souvenir for their visit. She bought this moose and then gave it to me as a “Thank you for taking us to Yellowstone” gift.

What a thoughtful little pre-teen she was! Each day when I make my bed, I put “Faithful the Yellowstone Moose” back on my bed with a prayer. I say:

“Dear God,
Please tuck them together in love
and watch over Faith & Kyle today.

When we named our son Ty (I have told you this story before), it was because I had a student named Ty in my kindergarten class in 1963. He was such an adorable little boy – and I loved him as well as his name. In 1965 when our son was born, Bob agreed to use Ty’s name for our little baby.

Today when Kyle let us know that he & Faith had named their little girl Mable, I asked, “Is there a history of that name in your family? Or is it just a name you both liked?”

Kyle texted back and said they just liked the name – no family history for it.

So, I told Kyle that I have a history with that name. The only other Mable Bob & I have know is Mable Cronan. She was the dear, sweet, compassionate, loving grandmother of Ty Stiles (that kindergarten student of mine). Mable attended our church in California with Ty’s aunt, Marilyn Sena. So now – come full circle: our Ty has a granddaughter named Mable – just like Ty Stiles had a grandmother Mable. I love it when things seem to be so synchronistic, don’t you?

Ty & Roxanne Stiles
with me & Bob

When I looked up the meaning of the name Mable,
Wikipedia said,

“Lovable, dear:
Mabel is an English female given name
derived from the Latin amabilis, “lovable, dear“.

I told Faith and Kyle that Mable Cronan (Ty Stiles’ grandma) was definitely lovable and dear. I am so glad they chose that name. It will be fun to live long enough to see this great-granddaughter’s personality and values develop, and to watch God bring out the “lovable and dear” qualities that were born in her.

I saw a picture of my new great-granddaughter, Mable, today. I won’t post it here – out of respect for the privacy of her and her parents – but here is her mom, Faith, when she was a baby:

Mable has a cute little pug nose like Faith’s
( I lay claim to that feature – and told them so).

Mable has parents who love her –
and an extended family who can hardly wait
to meet her in person
and give her and her parents great big hugs!

Yes, my friends, she’s here!
It’s been a beautiful April 1st.
I pray yours was a memorable day, too.
Thank you for your prayers and positive thoughts
as we waited for this baby to arrive.

Here’s Mable’s mom & dad,
Faith & Kyle.
Aren’t they adorable?

For some reason, I am hoping this lovable new baby, Mable, will learn to play a musical instrument someday – maybe the soprano sax like Kenny G. I dedicate this album to her and hope she grows up to enjoy music someday as much as her Great-Grama (GG) Jan does!

This baby was the highlight of my day, obviously!
Tell me about a highlight of your April 1st.

Thanks for visiting JanBeek tonight.
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

Comments on: "She’s Here!" (24)

  1. Congratulations. 🎊 I am also a Kenny G fan. Have a blessed day/night and remain safe.

  2. Dana Pulliam said:

    I spent a fabulous day getting to know better my nephew Kevin as we had lunch and did some antiqueing. He shared a couple of his current favorite songs with me! We’ll do more such shopping in the future, and I am sure we’ll share more music. It was a fabulous day!

    Congratulations on that great grand #4!

  3. What a wonderful gift, Jan. Great grands are so very precious, and I enjoyed your discussion of names. I had a lovely day, too, spent with my son, daughter-in-law and youngest granddaughter Cassy, as we watched a couple episodes on Netflix of Anne with an E. I love how it follows the book quite well, and where it doesn’t it’s still very good. Anne of Green Gables is at the top of my list for all-time favorite books. Now a bit about Cassy’s name. Her full name is Cassandra Joye. When she was born her sister, age two, going on three, argued with us, that her name is not Cassandra Joye. It’s Cassy Joye Bassandra. It was adorable. Oh, and speaking of where we get our names, my middle name, Ellen, comes from my great grandmother, Martha Ellen. Thanks for arousing these memories with your lovely blog post.

  4. Sunny De said:

    How exciting! Mable Iris is quite an original name for this day and age. I’m sure she’ll grow into her original and lovable name. Blessings to the whole Kyle and Faith family! ❤️🥰❤️🥰

  5. Anonymous said:

    Congratulations to all concerned

  6. Congratulations, Jan! Mable…aww, how precious! And what a wonderful connection with your friend Ty’s Grandma! What a great April 1st~no fooling around there! Prayers and hugs for the precious angel and hee family! ❤️💕♥️

    • Thank you, Karla. I agree… ’tis an adorable name! I can hardly wait to see her in that cute wicker bassinet we gave as a shower gift. Old fashioned just like her name!!

      • You’re welcome ☺️ yes, I love old fashioned names! I met a young girl named Ava and of course, I had to hug her! My Grandma Wilson, who led me to the Lord, was named Ava Millie.

  7. Fran McNeill said:

    So happy for you and all your family! What a precious gift 👩🏻‍🍼🧑🏻‍🍼

    • Indeed! God is sooo good! <3 Have a happy Saturday, Fran <3 I think the family gets to go home today <3

  8. Anonymous said:

    Congrats!!!! Cool name

  9. What a wonderful story! So glad all went well with the delivery! Your story about the name Mable is so interesting! Thank you for sharing this with us!

  10. Congratulations on your great grand daughter’s arrival.
    My ninety four year old mother-in-law is called Mabel.
    Seems the old fashioned names are coming around again.
    A most precious gift.

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