Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘revelation’


Have you pondered the meaning of life?
Have you spent time wondering,
“Why am I here?”
Who am I?

Do you wonder about your purpose?

I do!


My more mundane answer is:
I am a Child of God,
a retired educator,
a wife, sister, aunt, friend,
a mom of 2, Grammy to 7, and
great-grandmother (GG) to one with 2 on the way.

But I am much more than that!

Today I am a volunteer, working at the reception desk
at the Madison Valley Medical Center.
It’s a quiet Wednesday afternoon.
Not much activity for this “Purple Lady” to record.

Hopefully the absence of “customers”
means people are relatively healthy.
No need for a doctor or lab test right now.
So, what are YOU doing today?

I am pondering life’s meaning
and my place in this spot in the world.
I want to get beyond the mundane.

If you were to write a poem or essay
answering the questions,
“Who Am I? Why am I here?
What is my Purpose?
What would you say?

Here is mine for today
(tomorrow it may change…
I am a work in progress):


I am a woman who is continually growing, stretching, discovering.

I am living a contemplative life defined by the
expansion of my heart.   heart shaped red balloon

My way of acting is different from the world’s way. I am different.

black and green desk globe

I am witnessing to a different way of BEING in the world.

I strive to live in ways that demonstrate the:

  • potential for compassion
  • grace of presence
  • revelation in each moment
  • unconditional love described as Agape in His Word

My life is lived on the edges of the world’s fluctuating values.

It’s a challenging place to be.

I am open and transparent, tuned in daily to God’s newness –
– to God’s Love growing in me,
– to the Peace and Joy the Lord offers so freely.

heart shaped red balloon

I AM Jan Beekman.
aka  JanBeek

(“I am a stew – a mixture of many parts,” Thanks, CD!)


And who are YOU?