Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

One Kind Word

Kind words are easy
Spoken from a sincere heart
They can change a life

Think of all the words
You might speak to folks today
Do they pass the test?

Photo by Warren Bradley on Pexels.com

Are they lily pure?
Is every word uplifting?
You can’t take them back!

Words spoken with love
Can be the perfume of life
Hurtful words just stink!

Ever smelled a “Stink bug”?

We have declared November to be the month of kindness and gratitude. Not just kindness to those who are kind to us, but kindness to to everyone and everything. Kindness to ourselves, our neighbors, our pets, the neighbor’s pets, our plants and trees… even kindness to those who hurt us!

Let our words be like the fertilizer that helps others to change and grow.

One kind word can change someone’s entire day.
One kind word might even change a life.

What’s a word you might say today from your sincere heart that will brighten someone’s day? It doesn’t have to be eloquent. It isn’t flattery. It’s just simple and honest.

I love that you are here on JanBeek today. You make my day brighter with your “like” and your comment.

But, you really lift my spirit when you are inspired to take the message to heart – and go out and LIVE a LIFE of LOVE.

Sing along with this beautiful song that reminds us to speak and sing and think and live in the perfume of “Wonderful Words of Life.”

Feed your mind loving words…
“Wonderful words, beautiful words, wonderful words of life”
and then go out and feed others!

See ya later.

Comments on: "One Kind Word" (8)

  1. Try to not only say the words, but FEEL them too! Kind words work both ways.

  2. Oh My God this beautiful words

  3. I like this

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