Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Embrace Reassurance

Bee ye reassured
God’s surely with you today
He won’t desert you

And you have a host
Of others who are with you
On each of life’s steps

So, be reassured
By the love of all your friends
Who are there for you

Thank your friends for their
Calls and their conversations
About their blessings

It reassures you
To know you are not alone
In your solitude

Capitalize it!
Make that you into a “You.”
Trust in our Savior

You are not alone
Be reassured that your prayers
Are heard and answered

Yes, be reassured
That God hears your heart’s yearnings.
You’re heard; God responds.

God hears you in prayer
So, embrace reassurance
Know that God is there

Thank for visiting JanBeek

Tell me what reassures you when you need it.
See ya tomorrow.

Comments on: "Embrace Reassurance" (10)

  1. God bless you…

  2. Something we all need

  3. Lesley (the English one) πŸ˜‰ said:

    Hi Jan. When I feel discouraged by the condition and events of our world, I go to Revelation 21:1-4 for my reassurance. God has promised that He will renew the earth and that ‘the old order of things’ will pass away. There will be no more sin and love will abound, which will encompass all of creation – even animals, yay! And best of all, God will come to dwell among us like He did in the garden of Eden. God always keeps His promises, so that is my reassurance. πŸ˜€

  4. Lesley (the English one) πŸ˜‰ said:

    Thank you so much, Jan, for those loving words! I love you too. xx

  5. Jan, thanks for sharing the prayer from St. Francis. I am writing it down.

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