Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Lay Me Bare

I want to lay bare.
Unwrap all my coverings;
Lay bare my soul, Lord.

Photo by Nikolay Bondarev on Pexels.com

It is a process –
Unwrapping our gifts –
Being all we are.

Photo by Henley Design Studio on Pexels.com

I want to be clean,
Free of all the barriers
that keep me from God.

Photo by ALLAN FRANCA CARMO on Pexels.com

Life can be twisted,
Locking out our special gifts.
Unlock barriers.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Rid yourself of them –
The chains of security.
Be vulnerable!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Only when your shell
Is cracked open and you flow
Can your gifts be used.

Lord, lay bare my soul.
Unwrap my coverings, Lord.
Reveal my gifts.

Let them be useful
As I reach out in kindness
And share all my gifts.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Blog title and ideas inspired during my devotional time this morning with Strength & Grace, Daily Devotions from Guideposts

James 1:17

“Every good thing given
and every perfect gift
is from above,
coming down from
the Father of Lights,
with whom there is no variation
or shifting shadow.”

Photo by Luis Dalvan on Pexels.com

I pray for Your grace and strength
as You unwrap the layers of these gifts.
May we be blessed to become
all that You would have us to be.”


(Prayer for today from
Strength & Grace)

Lay me bare!
See ya later.

Comments on: "Lay Me Bare" (9)

  1. A beautiful prayer, Lady Jan. I hope all’s well your end of the world during these times?

    • Thank you, Kanika. Yes, all is well here. I can hear the doves cooing and the robin singing from her nest outside my window, and I can literally watch the daffodil buds open as spring is announcing its arrival FINALLY on a partly cloudy day in western Montana. <3

  2. Amen!!!

  3. Beautiful šŸ’š

  4. A fine message

  5. Thanks Derrick. Have a Terrific Thursday. ā¤ļø Weā€™re enjoying a day in Bozeman – haircuts, nails, groceries … all those essentials šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘šŸ½

  6. Jan, your poetry spoken through each Haiku shows us the path God has for each of us as He peels away our sinful nature, layer by layer. Thanks for sharing your creative voice as a way to witness to our Lord.

    • Thank you for your kind words, Richard. I enjoy Haiku. I’m happy to see that the message came through in this poetic format. God bless you! <3

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