Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Come to Us

I have a dear friend in California who is sending inspirational scripture with music and devotionals each day during this season of Advent. Today she sent a link to a song that started my day with a smile.

I hope it makes you smile, too.

The song, composed in the minor key, is perfect for this season.
Do you know it? The choir and soloists are superb:

“Come to set us free, come to make us your own.
Come to show the way to your people, your chosen.
Open our lives to the light of your promise.
Come to our hearts with healing, come to our minds with power,
come to us and bring us your life.”

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Pexels.com

You can click on this link and hear it if you like:

For me, Advent is the season of Adventure – a season of reaching out to others in love while we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ child each Christmas.

I know many of my readers are people of other faiths, and I respect your right to worship the One God in your chosen way. But, I hope you feel a sense of greater love, more generous giving, and the promised peace during this holiday time of the year. I hope the drama, the stress, and the conflict are minimized in your life… and you can find JOY in the hustle and bustle of the season.

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

Gracious God,
Be with my Word Press friends this season.
Bring them JOY and PEACE.
Help them live with compassion
and reach out in love.
In His name I pray,

See ya later!

Comments on: "Come to Us" (2)

  1. Jan, you are a very giving person. I appreciate the joy and peace of the Advent season. My prayer is for joy and peace to fill our hearts in the coming New Year. The hymn is beautiful, just pulled it to listen to. May we all prepare the way for Jesus coming to us.

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