Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Happy 7th Anniversary

I received this notice today:



Seven is my magic number!

It’s God’s number for “completeness.” On the 7th day he rested.

Seven is our house number.

Seven is the number of grandchildren I have.

Seven is my birthday month.

Our phone number ends in a 77.

So does our PO Box number.

Our current house is the 7th dwelling
my husband and I have shared in our 57 years of marriage!


But, my friends, 7 is not my number for completeness. It’s the number that causes me to look  in amazement  at all this synchronicity – and realize, “This is good!”

But, I am nowhere near complete – and neither is this JanBeek blog!  This is good – and it’s fun, but it’s not great yet!

I’m a work in progress, ending my 7th decade on earth … and ready to enter new challenges, new learning, new sharing. Growing in knowledge and grace. Striving to blog with intention and purpose – to make a positive difference for my faithfilled blogging friends.

I look forward to making new friends and keeping in touch with those who’ve hung in there with me. Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. Please try to check in with me daily and see what’s new – and leave me some encouragement, too!

I will continue to share what I am passionate about as I enter this 8th year of blogging.

As I approach my 8th decade on this earth, I share the love, joy and peace that are mine through faith. I express my gratitude. I seek help with expressions of patience, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I share ways life is a blessing and ways I have learned to manage the challenges life tosses at us. I write about things I care about (like today’s fire at Notre Dame). Sometimes I write just to entertain. Every now and then I just wanna make you laugh (like Jesus is Walkin’ on Water Again).

I hope my sharing helps and inspires and encourages my followers.

I’m hangin’ in there, and I hope you do, too!

Send seven of your friends this way., will you?
Let’s grow together!


Comments on: "Happy 7th Anniversary" (17)

  1. Congratulations!! This is awesome!!

  2. Yeah! Congratulations, Jan and have fabulous 8th year of blogging! 😀🌻

  3. Wow! Happy 7th anniversary to you Jan! 🎉

  4. Happy 7 Years! Here’s to 7 more and 7 more after that!

    • Thank you, Claudia. I appreciate your good wishes – and most of all your visits and thoughtful comments. They fuel my blogging energy! <3

  5. I look forward to being part of your readership.

    Congratulations on seven years of blogging. BTW, that “seven” thing seems to me a God thing.

  6. congratulations..

  7. Congratulations on your sevens! I’m looking forward to reading your next blogs.

    • Thank you for visiting! I appreciate your comment – and look forward to further conversations with you. <3

  8. Happy to have found you in your 8th decade! Eight is the number of New Beginnings in the Bible. I can tell you are a blessing for all of your followers and I am pleased to stand in line with them.

    • Thank you! How kind of you! Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

    • Did I mention that each day is a “new beginning”? But, yes, if 7 is a day for completeness, it makes sense that 8 is a number for new beginnings. Thanks for pointing that out! <3

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