Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

One Word

Daily writing prompt
What is one word that describes you?

No way!
No way can
One word describe
or You!

We are waaay more complex than that.
Don’t you agree?

Take a look…
Can you come up with one word?

How about YOU?
A single word?
I doubt it!

Love ya,

Comments on: "One Word" (18)

  1. Anonymous said:


  2. There’s a SMILE on every face.

  3. These prompts are daft

  4. Elaina Colby said:

    You’re right! How can I pick only one word to describe you? Too hard! Let’s start with “caring”. There are so many more good options!
    This is a good prompt for me because it made me reflect on how I might be perceived by others. I NEED to work on that and be better! I see “stressed” and “uptight” and I don’t want to be like that. How about something better like “happy” or “fun” or “loving”. Yes! Much better! I will focus on those and bee positive (effective immediately)! 😘

  5. 2 words to describe, and I guess me too: Happy and grateful!!

  6. For you Unique! For me diversified!

  7. Amazing! 😍

  8. Being a part-time writer, I’m not sure if one word would suffice. But here’s one shot . . . steady.

    • I like your choice! Yes, Richard, I can imagine that you are a very steady and stable man , someone who can be trusted and counted on!

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