Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘smell’

Do You Reek?

I don’t control

Others’ noses.

Some say I reek!

Others say

It’s a Holy Fragrance.


Because I know Him,

Because I praise Him daily,

I adopt the joy of His Presence,

And come out smelling

Like a rose.


Because I love Him,

Because I immerse myself

In His Scripture daily,

I come out smelling

Like a rose.


Because I worship Him,

Because I hang out with Him,

I absorb His fragrance

And come out smelling

Like the aroma of Christ.


You are His fragrance

In a world of smells.

You gather His aroma

As you know, praise, worship,

Love, and hang out with Him.


God Bless You,

My special Blogging Friends.

Immerse yourself in Him,

And you’ll come out

Smelling like a rose, too!