Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘discovery’

Learners All

We are learners all
Living in Discovery
New every morning

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Sunday Sermon Notes
– based on John 14:23-29
– preached by Rev. Jean Johnson
– poetic notes by JanBeek

We cannot hold on to life.
It is not ours to control.
The winds of time blow over us,
And our life continues to roll.
Jesus gives us a precious gift,
The one we can count on today
And always: PEACE! He gives it
To us… speaks it as He is going away.
He leaves us with a peace that
Passes all earthly understanding.
He promises, “I will be with you…
Love Me – Obey Me,” He’s commanding.
Reading scripture daily is a way
To know the Word and live it.
Praying daily is a way to receive
His love, so we can give it.
Love, Life, Word and Spirit are
The way His peace we receive.
The reality of these gifts are ours
When we learn His Word and Believe.
Let not your heart be troubled.
Let go your grasp for life’s control.
Give it to God, your Anchor;
Let His peace permeate your soul.

lest we forget cross

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Happy Memorial Day in the USA
(A day to remember those who
have fought and died for our freedom)
See you tomorrow