Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Look Beyond!

Look Beyond!


Here are my sermon notes from the message
delivered by Pastor Steve Hundley
today at our Madison Valley Presbyterian Church

He titled it “The Bible Says”
and he had lots of stories about
how people use Bible verses
to prove their varying/opposing opinions


Sometimes people of God
Seem bent to disagree;
They argue and they point fingers.
Seems rather strange to me.


Infighting creates doubts.
Why does it have to be?
Why do we let issues divide us?
Why can’t love define you and me?

Why is there dissension
Among the people of Christ
Why can’t we pray and obey
And treat each other nice?

There always has been fighting
Because issues raise their head
And divisions seems to reign.
Why can’t we just love instead?

We often disagree with others
Because we’re really at odd (that’s poetic license)
With ourselves – our own beliefs.
Why can’t we focus on our constant God?

God’s spirit is poured out
On the hearts of ALL folks.
Why do we create divisions
And make fun of others with jokes?

Why refuse to make the round trip
From our mind to our heart?
Our heart knows the love of God.
When will our minds know? Let’s start!

Let’s celebrate diversity –
And stop trying to point blame.
Let’s look beyond our differences;
Let’s praise and worship in God’s name.



Just Love One Another
See ya tomorrow

Comments on: "Look Beyond!" (2)

  1. Thank you Jan. I enjoyed reading the key points from your pastor’s message.

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