Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘spouse’

Are You Blessed with Long-time Friends?

Do you have long-time friends for whom you are eternally grateful?


These are our friends, Cecilia and Tom. We are visiting them in Camarillo, CA. What a grand way to begin the new year … with long-time friends, touring the gorgeous Camarillo area and visiting their fantastic Camarillo Library! Cecilia and I worked together in Ceres, CA in the 80’s and 90’s. I love and respect her – and treasure the opportunity I had to work professionally with her. She is a long-time friend with whom I have stayed in connection through FaceBook.

How do you stay in touch with long-time friends?


This is my long-time friend, MaryFran. She was my neighbor in the 50’s. We were the very best of friends… maid-of-honor in each other’s weddings. Then we lost touch with one another. Sometimes that happens. For no particular reason. Friends can be for a reason or a season or a life-time. And when you are true friends, time just slips away and dissolves when you get back together again after years of separation. I called her when we were in CA within an hour of her home. At her gracious invitation, we just dropped by. What a gift to catch up with one another again! Long-time friends are forever friends.

How do you reconnect with friends from whom you have been separated?


This is my long-time friend, Rosalie, with our daughter, DeDe. Our daughter lives in Switzerland. She flew to California to surprise us for her daddy’s 80th birthday Dec. 29th. Rosalie in like family. She and her husband, Mike, drove hundreds of miles to surprise Bob for his birthday. Forever in my heart… no matter how far apart! We met Rosalie and Mike in 1963 when Bob & I were moving our meager belongings into an apartment in the San Francisco area. We were instant friends.

Do you have those kinds of soul sisters and brothers who just seem to have been destined to be in your life? If so, count your blessings. Know that whenever you can be together, your ties will tighten – and your blessings will increase. These are the kinds of friends you’d want at your bedside when you breathe your last breath. They are the ones who would fly across the continent to be with you in a heart beat if you needed them. And we feel the same way about them! What treasures!!

Do you have new friends who are long-time friends?


When I first met Terry, I knew she was my soul sister! Like my meeing with Rosalie more than 50 years ago, Terry was one of those people I felt I must have known in a prior life! We met in Ennis, Montana about a decade ago. She comes every summer, but lives in California during the rest of the year. When Terry is in Montana, we get together with her and her husband, Jim, as often as we possibly can. When we visit California, we are sure to drop by their place and spend precious time together. Our hearts connect.

Whether they are long-time friends, or new friends who feel long-time,
our lives are greatly enriched by friendships.
I would not be complete without them.

I am sometimes asked, how do you make so many friends?
The answer is a simple cliche’:


To have a friend, you must be a friend.

Through thick and thin… be there for one another!

I am grateful for my bestest buddy, Marcie!
Always there for me… always supportive.


I’m so grateful to be married to MY BEST FRIEND!!


Tell me about a friendship you treasure.