Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘pollination’

Bees and Honey

Bees and Honey

You all know I love honey,
And bees are dear to my heart.
How can we protect these pollinators?
Where do we even start?

Honey Jars - Michelle.jpg


Bee Thanks.jpg

We begin with our children
As we teach them the value of bees.
We show them how to protect
The insects around us – such as these.

We show them up close pictures
And let our fascination spread
To the next generation
As we substitute awe for dread.

Bee - carrying pollen.jpg

There’s so much we can learn from these
Social insects who do so much good.
Let’s open our minds and our wonder
To help others do what they should.
Enjoy God’s nectar, the honey,
And thank the producers, the bees.
Let’s do all we can to protect them…
There are no more important life form than these!


It’s a message worth teaching
It’s a message worth preaching.
Do your part!

Thanks for visiting…
Have a great first week of Autumn.


Love, JanBeek

See ya tomorrow.