Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘Michael J’

It’ll Be Greater Later

I just heard Comedian Michael J say,

“It’ll be greater later,”

And I thought, “Wow!

What a great way to approach difficulties.”

Are you going through a trial period?

Michael J. suggests that we

Fast forward to the end of the story.

Imagine a positive outcome.

Find the good that can come of this.

Tell yourself, “It’ll be greater later.”

When I was in enormous pain

Following knee replacement surgery,

That mental attitude would have helped me.

The message was delivered to Pastor Ray

On his Facetime with Michael J

And it was broadcast via YouTube

On the daily Bayside Church devo called ReFuel.

Check it out!

Every day this week Pastor Ray,

Who just had knee replacement surgery,

Has interviewed a different joy-filled guy.

Inspirational ideas for how to find

Joy in the midst of pain

Have been shared by great guys like

My favorite joy-filled person:

Bob Goff (of “Love Does” fame).

“It’ll be greater later!”

Believe it. Hang in there!