Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Posts tagged ‘inclusiveness’

The World of Self-Absorption

Happy Sunday, my friends! It was another beautiful day in Montana’s Madison Valley. I went to church this morning and played golf this afternoon. It’s easy in this life of leisurely retirement to wallow in my own good fortune, become self-absorbed, and just be content to do all I love without being too concerned about folks out there who are not as fortunate. But, when I attend church and pay close attention to the message of the day, it’s impossible to crawl inside my cozy chrysalis and become too self-absorbed. Listen to what I heard our pastor say today:

The world of self-absorption
Is a narrow one at best.
Its walls curve in and
We see others less and less.

The heart whose walls curve in
Will collapse upon itself.
There is no room for others.
It misses others’ wealth.

The world of self-absorption
Doesn’t see another’s pain.
It only looks for what will give
Itself the greatest gain.

Self-forgetfulness is a gift
That comes as we learn and grow.
Our own needs grow smaller daily
As we care enough to others know.

When we reach out to others,
Our hearts’ walls expand to bring
The world of friendship in.
We learn to love and sing.

The world that God created
Is a wide, inclusive place.
It’s a world of love and fellowship –
Expanding our self-absorbed space.

What a gift self-forgetfulness is!
The ability to love another – 
The miracle of reaching out –
Is a gift beyond all measure.

Amen?  Amen!


I asked myself, “Have you reached out today? Beyond yourself?”

If I can’t think of a positive thing I’ve done for someone else, then I ask myself,
“Why not? What’s stopping you? Are you self-absorbed? Accept the gift of self-forgetfulness!
Be part of the miraculous Circle of Reachers!”

God Bless You, dear friends.  How will you expand your hearts’ walls this week?
